Friday, January 1, 2016

New You

New Year, New You? Forgive me for sounding sceptical but really, are you sure? I mean didn't you say that last year and the year before that? What is different this year? What has changed to ensure that this first day of this new year is the beginning of a new you? You haven't got a chance at this new life of yours without some pre-established internal mechanisms well placed and ready for activation. I am sounding cryptic and clever, I will stop this nonsense and get down to brass tacks, as the saying goes. You can't have a new you if the old you gets dragged kicking and screaming into your now and into your future. I mean think about it this way, its like a 12 year old returning to school in January and being forced to hang out with the kindergartner's, "been here", the 12 year old will say, "already done  that", he or she will add. What strange seed has been planted in the minds of humans that somehow, the new year is some magical mystery tour entrance point to a different experience for the next countdown year? Ha ha ha, I laugh my cynicism. Let me get all rough and tumble with you now. What can't you stand about yourself? What habit is just about killing you? What is the most annoying part of your day? What would you change in the world if you could? Blah blah blah, haven't you complained about those things FOREVER...what if on Jan 1, 2018 you are saying the exact same things, how are you gonna live with yourself for one more boring repeated year? New Year, bright and shiny, peace and good will toward all men...wouldn't that be dreamy wonderful if it were only TRUE? The only way this will ever be a possibility, a reality amongst us, is if we start with some good old fashioned self love. How can you possibly love me, your neighbour, if you don't love yourself? How can I love you as myself if I am so occupied with my own repeated mediocrity that I am self absorbed, turning myself into a daily occupation, a project of not good enough and doomed to more of the same? You may relate to what you are reading or not in fact, I hope not. I hope you are filled with the joy of actualized potential, a life well loved and lived. I hope that your new year doesn't require the resolutions of a completely new you because the old you is pretty satisfied with your own awesomeness. If this is about you, what could possibly move you to a different point of view, new actions and the spectacular life you crave? Might I make a suggestion Dear Reader? Love God, Love Others, Change the World. Its a simple formula, hard to live, worth the invested effort. Why not try it this year so that next year, you can be proud of your accomplishments? 

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