Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Dinner & Dessert Forks

Which fork do I use? Table manners and dining etiquette require knowledge and prior to this knowledge, training on the how to's of eating utensils and their usage. While reading this, you may be amongst the dining savvy who knows what to use when and how and so you do, without much thought or effort. Now if you haven't been trained in this way and you find yourself faced with many a fork to choose from at a dinner party or restaurant, you may whisper the question to the person sitting next to you "which fork do I use?". Formal dining. Before the fork dilemma, before sitting down to dinner, before entering the home or restaurant, before leaving the house, there was the getting ready for going out. What do I wear? Here again, training or shall I say, parental influence may have equipped you for what is appropriate for the occasion and you dress accordingly, without much fuss or wondering. Not knowing what is appropriate, what the standards are and what etiquette dictates can be a painful experience and for the ultra self aware, this can potentially give rise to feelings of inadequacy. But what if the rule is come as you are? What if the Host simply wants you and does not care if you eat with your hands while wearing your comfy jeans? What if He knows that your heart is all about honouring Him and that means more to Him than anything else? What if He tells you worry not, I will purify you, I will wash you clean, come to me in your filthy rags and I will make them white as snow. Come as you are...this is our invitation. Before Him, the God of wonders beyond our galaxy, He is Holy. We are not worthy and cannot be humanly trained to be perfect before Him. He wants us to come as we are, be in His presence and He will take care of the rest. If your heart longs for Him, He bids you "Come, I have a place set for you, eat at My table". He pardons much when hearts turn to Him. One Love, One Life, always yours to choose. 

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