Friday, January 1, 2016

Californian Hippie

Have you been to California? If you haven't, than you just won't understand the magical powers of this golden land and the people who brilliantly create and live there. It has to be all that fabulous Vitamin D, seeping into psyches, soaked up by minds and hearts and turned into some kind of crazy genius thinking and being. I have some friends that live in San Fransisco and the song, about leaving my heart there, its true. I left a piece of me there each time I jet planed out to return home, where the rest of my heart lives and loves. San Diego, oh man alive, even better. Joy overload is my emotional memory with heart busting open from playing in wave after crashing wave of the Pacific Ocean: incomparable to any other physical experience thus far. My son and I bought matching t-shirts years ago of Jesus, riding a huge wave on a surf board, with an equally huge grin on his face. I'm pretty sure this picture was taken on the Pacific, in San Diego. Peace and Love dude, peace and love. Its funny and charming and only half the story. Jesus is known as the Prince of Peace and of course, this is true and on the heels of Christmas and New Year, the well wishes on cards and in messages are repeated, with Peace being the hopeful refrain. So we have the birth of baby Jesus, the Messiah, the Saviour of the world, proclaimed King, heralded by angels and witnessed by shepherds, visiting magi and animals in a stable. More than TWO THOUSAND YEARS LATER, the believing and secular worlds buy and sell lights, trees and presents to honour this one dude, you know, this Jesus guy? The cool peace and love guy. I'm gonna rain on the peace parade here and now and tell you exactly what Jesus said about peace John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. Jesus was speaking to "anyone who has ears to hear should listen and understand" Mark 4:23. He was speaking to those who believe in Him, for them to trust in Him and to be not afraid, despite the horrors and heart break that is witnessed daily by those who are meek and sensitive to the suffering they see all around them. He calls us to " your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." Matthew 5:44. So here we have Jesus as the peace and love guy...and now for the second half of this vignette. Here is what Jesus says about peace to believers Luke 12:51 Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I have come to divide people against each other. Look around you, the great divide is as real as the air you breath in and exhale. Jesus isn't some Californian hippie dude, He is God and He welcomes all. I am not a spiritual snob in a private and secret club, everyone is welcome and He wants none to be lost. Wondering about who Jesus really is? Good, He wants you to know Him too-He is far more than just far out, find out for yourself. One love, one Life, all yours to choose. 

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