Monday, January 4, 2016

Die for You

I have the lyrics from a Prince song in my head, "I, I would die for you, babe, darling if you want me to you, I would die for you..."  So from the lyrics we can deduce that Prince would die for this babe, this darling. It is romantic and heart stirring, carnal and more than this, it leaves the listener wondering what power this woman has over Prince? What or more precisely, who would you die for? Man is hard wired to die for his woman and under threat, man will fight to the end to protect, save, rescue. We see small snippets of this, forms of aggression or subtle "markings" of territory when one male believes his wife, girlfriend or fiancé is being approached by another male, or potential suitor. Then there is the age old boat sinking scenario, where men in the emergency pronounce that the women and children must be saved first. Willing to die to save another. It is not a uniquely male inclination of heroic measure and yet, there are differences between the sexes. In fact, I know beyond a shadow of doubt that I would die for my son and I knew this while he was a babe in the womb. I would not only die for him, I would kill to protect him if threatened. My husband, he would die for me and our is encoded in his DNA. I have confidence in what I am writing, about men and women and what comes naturally. It is not a matter of bravery although that comes into play when cowards run from a threat or think only of themselves, it is a matter of love and pure instinct. My appreciation for my husband and his manly ways are through the roof because I know what he is capable of and what he is willing to do to protect me, save me, without hesitation or for thought. Who would YOU die for, I ask you this again? A family member? A friend? Your pet? A stranger...? John 3:16, one of the most widely quoted verses in the Bible "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Then there is this in John 15:13 "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." Now I ask, who would die for you? Lastly this, He already has, rose from the dead and lives, waiting for you to meet Him and thank Him for taking your place, for dying for you. Would you return the gift in faithfulness? One love, One life, always yours to choose. 

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