Sunday, January 31, 2016


I heard a great line in church today, a rule to live by, amongst others. The message was on one of the commandments, Thou shalt not commit adultery. One of the suggestions made was to never fight when you can run. In other words, why put yourself in a position where you may have to struggle and fight to defend what you value, why put important integrity issues such as fidelity in jeopardy? This brings me to my topic, the one that started in my head when I heard the line never fight when you can run, and is now translating into written word. I had a fight with someone I considered to be a close friend. She invited me into disagreement and I could see that the exchange was not going to be pleasant. I stated "do we have to fight?" to which she responded, "yes, but we will stay to clean up the mess". We heatedly stated our points of view, saw our way to the end and remained friends...until our second fight. She initiated this one too and as I look back, I can see how my first instincts would have served me well had I heeded them, had I listened to my own question of "do we have to fight?". The answer, it was and is a resounding no. I know myself very well. I have a temper and my tongue is sharp and cutting. I don't like fighting and would rather not because from what I have experienced and witnessed thus far in life, fighting hasn't solved a thing. A friend of mine described my experience, these two fights that I unintentionally found myself in, as a trap that had been set for me. At this point, it doesn't matter what, how, who or why the fights occurred, all that matters to me is that it doesn't happen again. I violated my own code of ethics, my own standards of conduct by engaging with another as though that person were my enemy, someone I had to fight to the proverbial death with in order to survive. Lies, all of it. Ephesians 6:12 "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." The Bible speaks about guarding the heart. I don't think we can do this without being really clear about what this means and being fortified in Truth when called into the various life arenas that can have us tempted to violate what is sacred. Proverbs 4:23 "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." I am gonna call myself a runner from evil from now on. The fighting I do, it will be on my knees, hands raised to the Father in worship and prayer for all earthly battles to be fought and won on His terms, not mine. The casualties of war, of fighting, are relationships, friendships battered and bruised and lost. The cost is extreme, unnecessary. Remember, never fight when you can run. Grin, I like this, a lot. 

Psalm 46:10 Be Still

Be still, and know that I am God! Psalm 46:10
Sometimes, when we least expect it, life comes grinding to a halt. Our options to chose seem to disappear, evaporating like an invisible vapor, giving us the impression that choices were a delusion in the first place. We could go over all of the possibilities, the reasons or happenings in life that make us suddenly hit a wall of full stop, but we all know from personal experience that the list would be endless. We suffer from mini deaths, and grieving throughout our lives, when we change jobs, become ill, retire, move, divorce, you get the point. We tell ourselves shake it off, toughen up, back in the saddle, anything we need to say to brush off that desperate feeling of despair that comes when we are forced to adapt to a new way of life. Mostly, we are successful, we carry on and try to never look back but sometimes, the full stop gets us and that's when we are forced to look within, and investigate the true meaning of our lives. The restless feeling cannot be abated through action-you cannot run from it, drown it, smother it-it surfaces again and again demanding your full attention, like a petulant child, it does not let up until you scream "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME". With this acknowledgement, the persistent voice now has an audience, and conversation can begin. The first question the voice might ask is "what are you afraid of?". The voice might then ask "what are you running from, or running to?". Lastly, "what's the big hurry, and what about me?". Maybe the grinding to a halt, the circumstances that slow us down to a snails pace, the full stop experiences, are there because without them, we can ignore the "what about me" whisper, the "I have something to share with you" voice in our heads that we can temporarily still us with our busy as-a-bee lives. Here is what I have learned, Dear Reader. Sometimes, we are so busy, we lose ourselves in the fray. Sometimes we are so preoccupied that we forget who and what is important. Sometimes, the people we say are the most important to us are the farthest might be too busy for conflict resolution or for problem solving or for that much needed heart to heart conversation that could heal an old wound. Life has a way of winning every single time, whether we agree to its rules or not, we are forced to play the game. When you are stopped in your tracks, and your attention is drawn inward, you have a choice-back to busy bee with the associated background hum and noise, or you can be still, listen, learn, grown, become free of the push and pull of a demanding and sometimes thoughtless world. Wholeness starts from within. Your body is more then a vehicle, more then a toy or tool at your disposal-it houses your soul. Sometimes being still is more valuable then any amount of work or exercise you can perform. Everything in its place and time, work and rest can coexist. Work and play can be playful twins. The outside and inside of who I am, who you are, can live in harmony, if we listen to the small still voice before it becomes a thunderous roar. Today I have been still, and it was good.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Movin On Up

I have the theme song from The Jeffersons playing in my head and I found myself singing "Well we're movin on up, to the Eastside, to a deluxe apartment in the sky...we finally got a piece of the sky..." This song sounds like gospel music, full of celebration and joy. Do your remember this song and are you singing it with me here? The petite and yet larger than life show character, George Jefferson, was the star of this situation comedy. His version of movin on up was materialistic and he earned his piece of sky high pie heaven as a self employed entrepreneur, owning and running a successful dry cleaning business. The Jeffersons, All in the Family and shows of this elk busted doors wide open, giving the television audience glimpses into the ignorance that can live and be breathed out verbally by the main characters and softened by their loving peaceful wife's or character counter parts. Spewing hate and separatist mocking of people that are different from them was their modus operandi, with George evening the score between blacks and whites and Archie Bunker persisting in prejudice despite the objections his family made to his racist remarks. I loved these shows, because these actors dared to mock publicly in comedic and yet quite the political fashion, how ridiculous a person sounds when they make fun of people who aren't like them; make overarching stereotypical statements or speak fear from feeling threatened by "those people." I feel worn down, I really do, because nothing has changed. 
From The Merchant of Venice, by William Shakespeare "If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?" The beseeching of the Shylock character is worthy of attention and great care and it speaks to cruelty of spirit, the cruelty that is rationalized and excused away when you, human over there, the one that doesn't look or act like you are supposed to, is different from me. The soliloquy is a must read and was shortened here but please note, the last word, revenge. Revenge is a force, a powerful feeling of being impelled to justice, even a score, make you feel as badly as you have made me feel. Do you understand, please please tell me you get this? It is reciprocal, what you do and say can be done and said to you or worse yet, to your innocent and unprotected children. This is about justice or more specifically, injustice. I remember reading a challenge, to say this when affronted with a prejudiced joke "I don't listen to/laugh at prejudice jokes." I will tell you what I don't do, I don't tolerate hearing other humans being called those people, I won't listen to the maligning of whole nations, people from other countries outside of my pristine and lily white Canada (I say this tongue in cheek because Canada is a true melting pot made up of immigrants). I will tell you what I am doing, I am writing this, the piece before you and I am asking you to take a stand of INTOLERANCE for the hate mongering that can come sometimes and unfortunately, directly from the mouths of family and close friends. Remind them that we are beggars in this world, owning nothing, having created not one piece of land, nor one drop of water, sniff of air. None of it is ours to claim, all of it is ours to share. Say something, do SOMETHING, be brave and stop the bullying and fear mongering. Hate is ancient, revenge is animalistic and beneath an expanded spirit, an elevated soul. God is the Great Leveler. One Life, One Love, always ours to choose. 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Cross

"At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split. The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs, and after Jesus' resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many people." This reads like a novel, doesn't it? This scenario is a description, an eye witness accounting for what happened the moment Jesus gave up His spirit while hanging on the cross. I say the cross, but there were many of them, including the ones on either side of  him, as He hung, crucified, nailed there like a common criminal. Crucifixion was a common practice when the Romans ruled the world and many died in a similar fashion. What is my point, you ask? How come, why, I ask you, do we know One man, associate this One historical figure from 2000 years ago with this form of cruel death sentence? "When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, "Surely he was the Son of God." Note the word guarding...Guarding Jesus, that guy, up there, the one brutally beaten and nailed through the hands and feet to a wooden cross? What was a Roman centurion doing guarding a dying man? There was a three hour eclipse as Jesus hung, mid day. The criminals to the right, to the left of Him, they died that day too. So what, I mean so what? Am I irritating you, does this story agitate your sensibilities, does it just not measure up? Good, I hope it doesn't make logical sense to you because you are a mere human being and cannot comprehend the all powerfulness of God Almighty. Jesus is the only one we EVER think of when we see a cross. His name is the one used in reverence and as a curse. Jesus' life and death stopped and started time and our calendar reflects this demarcation in the forms of A.D and B.C. Don't believe in Him as God, The Son of God? Even this, your freedom of will is a gift from Him because despite His power, He never forced anyone to love Him, to follow Him in fact He asked this while hanging on the cross and looking down on the soldiers that put Him there "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." The Centurion, the one that proclaimed Jesus the Son of God, after His death, that guy saw something and was astounded by it. Jesus, the Lamb of God, slain for the sins (and sinners of this world), these are the mysteries that become beautiful gifts when faith in Him, His life, ministry, miracles, death and resurrection become life's foundation and reason for being. Stir it up, Little Darling, Stir it up...Bob Marley and I, we like to stir it up...One Life, One Life, Your God to choose.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Snow Angels

There, to the left, an imprint embedded in the white snow, an angel left an impression, a hint that he had been there. Grin, thanks small child sized angel, for the reminder. There, not ten feet from the first snow angel impression, there is another, on the walkway...sideways glance, two of them, two reminders that I am not alone? Now you have my attention Snow Angel...look for me you whisper, believe I am. There, another, perfect wings and body, identical to the first two and I am stunned into weeping appreciation as I recall the sweetness of the messenger. Here is what the Bible says about angels (there is much more written about them, I am giving you a glimpse) Revelation 19:10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, "See that you do not do that! I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren who have the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." Not alone, God is always with me, always with you, and He doesn't mind playfully using a childs snow angel impressions to remind me, you, to turn our gaze to the Heavenlies. Biblically, angels are Gods messengers and it is at His command that they go forth and do His bidding. Aligning with them, His messengers, means that it is my job, your job too, if you accept that God is Soverign and that Jesus is King. This is where we may depart from one another Dear Reader, the part where you say that you submit to no one, including this God I speak of, and I sadly say I wish you would join us and you will be missed. I look for Him everywhere and He leaves me sweet love notes, snow imprints from a child innocently learning how to make an angelic impression. Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, " Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Touched by an angel, why yes, I was. I want this for you too, because if an angel visits, it means God has taken the time to try to get your attention, let you know you are never alone. What kind of angelic impression are you willing to leave? One Life, One Love, forever is yours to choose.

The Front Room

We all have our habits, our ways. When changing into my pajamas, I have the habit of putting my day clothes on my dresser...sometimes the dresser has a couple of days worth of clothing there, before I put them away. I can see the heap and when in a hurry, I can walk fast like right on by. It's not like I like the clothes there and clearly, they don't bother me enough to do something about it immediately. Take a look at your work space. Mine is neat and tiny, ready for use, except for two pieces of written on paper, sitting on the desk. Like my dresser, there are items on my desk that innocently take up space and as I write, I am wondering why this peculiarity? In my room, there is a couch, one that I often share with my dog. It is a white couch and he is not, white I mean. Over the years, it has become worn and is no longer the original white, more like a hairy dirty dog coat grey, despite the towel I have put on top of the couch for him to lie on (sometimes he pushes that towel away, as if to say "I'm good enough for this couch, why the towel?") It is washable and will be cleaned soon enough and yet, I like it just the way it is because I have spent countless hours on that couch, praying, reading, writing, always with my dog by my dirty loveable kissable reliable loyal and faithful dog. And now I see, as I write, I know why the peculiarity. I grew up with The Front Room, the one that was only good enough for guests and properly respectful adults. In fact, as I write, I can look from the room in which I am sitting into the front room and see the furniture that came with my mom when we decided to live together, after my father died. The furniture is pristine and without a mark, well taken care of and...never used, never enjoyed, despite its cozy appeal, the room with its contents is a remnant, a reminder of my childhood...the don't touch that with your dirty hands because you will ruin it child upbringing I lived. My dog knows that room is off limits and yet, he has dared to enter and lie innocently on the rug. He has gone in with dirty paws and jumped on top of the couches. He has stolen pillows and shaken them in his teeth. Doggie paw marks were washed clean off these couches and pillows, restoring them to almost factory setting perfect. I like the front room, it's pretty, and as an adult, I appreciate nice things and would chose that room to sit in to pray, read and write but for my dog, and out of respect for my mom. Having my dog as companion and snoring supporter of my work is more important to me than the perfect couch to sit or lie on. The front room is the only room in my house where I can see in my mind memory, my heart longing, my father sitting, reading his paper, smoking a cigarette and throwing his head back in laughter. Dad was the King of our castle. I am grateful for my mothers good care of this room and the couches it holds with memories embedded there, and I am also grateful for a slightly off white grey couch that is lovingly shared with my dog (his name is Caesar and my mom calls him the Emperor of our home and she is the one that named him). Dirty clean, messy tidy, none of that is the point. It is loving essence that matters, all the rest is the inbetween. One Life, One Love, all yours to choose. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Dinner & Dessert Forks

Which fork do I use? Table manners and dining etiquette require knowledge and prior to this knowledge, training on the how to's of eating utensils and their usage. While reading this, you may be amongst the dining savvy who knows what to use when and how and so you do, without much thought or effort. Now if you haven't been trained in this way and you find yourself faced with many a fork to choose from at a dinner party or restaurant, you may whisper the question to the person sitting next to you "which fork do I use?". Formal dining. Before the fork dilemma, before sitting down to dinner, before entering the home or restaurant, before leaving the house, there was the getting ready for going out. What do I wear? Here again, training or shall I say, parental influence may have equipped you for what is appropriate for the occasion and you dress accordingly, without much fuss or wondering. Not knowing what is appropriate, what the standards are and what etiquette dictates can be a painful experience and for the ultra self aware, this can potentially give rise to feelings of inadequacy. But what if the rule is come as you are? What if the Host simply wants you and does not care if you eat with your hands while wearing your comfy jeans? What if He knows that your heart is all about honouring Him and that means more to Him than anything else? What if He tells you worry not, I will purify you, I will wash you clean, come to me in your filthy rags and I will make them white as snow. Come as you are...this is our invitation. Before Him, the God of wonders beyond our galaxy, He is Holy. We are not worthy and cannot be humanly trained to be perfect before Him. He wants us to come as we are, be in His presence and He will take care of the rest. If your heart longs for Him, He bids you "Come, I have a place set for you, eat at My table". He pardons much when hearts turn to Him. One Love, One Life, always yours to choose. 

Sunday, January 10, 2016


Temptation won't go away while being toyed with, while being given in to. Each time I, you, give in to temptation, we reinforce its influence in our lives. Sneaky how that works, isn't it? I am going to use an innocuous example: you have decided to make excellent use of your gym membership and Tuesday at 9 a.m, you are dressed and ready to go. The phone rings, and you say to yourself, "don't look, ignore, I will call back later" and off to the gym you go, temptation averted, goal attainment is now in sight. You park the car, enter the gym and your eyes fall quickly on an obstacle in clear view, alarms going off in your head, there he is, chatty Chester. The temptation is to give in to chatting, politely indulging Chester and wasting valuable work out time. You speak quickly to yourself, quietly whispering "I will say hello as I pass Chester on my way to the weight room", and you do! Second temptation averted. You have made it to the big leagues, the weight room and dang it, you are tempted again, and here it is, glaring at you, screaming at are tempted to compare yourself to that person over there with the stellar quads, that girl/guys shirt is nicer and more athletic than yours and so and so's abs, you could never have THOSE! Here, you are here and you have been here before. What did you choose in the past? How come? What are you tempted to choose right now? What are you toying with exactly? Getting fit or becoming accountable for your own quads, shirt and abs? If you chose to stay, to work out, what exactly have you decided? If you choose to do the bare minimum, leave quickly, what exactly have you decided? It's January 10th people, and temptation is NOT going to go away. It is as ancient as sun rises and sun sets and while temptation can be considered singular, giving in to temptation repeatedly is called habit. Now we get to the nitty gritty and I will come clean as I am apt to do in this whole soul searching and accountability process. I like chocolate. I like it a whole lot. I have given in to the delights of chocolate, this sweet delicious temptation happily for years. Apparently, it isn't going anywhere or at least, that is what my writing is pointing to. Here's the truth, my ears itch when I eat chocolate, it is a reaction I have to the sugar and I am often saying "pardon" because my sinuses and ears get plugged up. I get sleepy and have cloudy thinking and very little energy or interest in the world when I eat chocolate. Now this may sound extreme but so is my chocolate consumption once I start. Hey, before you judge me, wag a finger and say tisk tisk, take a look at you over there with your third glass of wine/sixth beer; or you, in the corner, hugging your half finished huge bag of potatoe chips with dip at the corner of your salty mouth. I have to laugh at the imagery because temptation when it becomes habit turns us into caricatures of ourselves. What's my point, you ask? I don't know, what's YOUR point? What does giving into temptation do for you that saying no doesn't? Double negative permitted here because this IS the point. Temptation has that sneaky feeling because after given in to, it leaves wanting, and usually for more of the same. Let's stop toying with temptation and give in to the Life Abudant. One Love, One Life, all yours to Live. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Whisper to a Scream

Wooing and finessing. What works for you? Does the silky smooth sweetness of wooing win you over? How about the subtly of finesse? Think of a knowing grin, a second or two of intense eye gazing, a bashful look away with a return glance and a lowering of long eyelashes into a slow blink. No words spoken, much said. Exactly what did you hear in your head, imagine as you read? Whisper to a scream...these are the words I hear. The message is subtle and yet screams notice, take notice. Pay attention because more goes on behind the eyes you gaze into than simple superficiality. I am speaking of the study of nuance, the language of subtext. Reading between the lines is a lost art form and belongs somewhere in the movies of all places. Hit or miss is a game I would like to invent that we can all play and get really great at. Here is how you get to play. During the day, you have multiple chances, opportunities to interact with people, we all do. Whether in person, on the phone or via Internet, interactions happen, so you can play this game too, even if you are house bound, so long as you connect with someone, anyone will do. Now, your goal is to decide, without judging yourself, whether or not your interaction(s) are a hit or a miss. Here is a scenario: you are promised a great plan for your new phone, reassured that the plan will work the way the sales person has suggested, only to discover the next day that you were misinformed. The hit or miss game started the moment you entered into conversation with the sales person and it is a hit if and when, both parties leave feeling heard, understood and satisfied with the exchange, perhaps you tell jokes and smile when saying goodbye and thank you. That's a hit, target was kept in sight and dart landed dead centre. The next day, when you discover that the arrangement was a miss, you change your focus on correction of the miss in the agreement and the target is now two fold, change agreement and attack the sales rep! Miss and No, no, no, let's refocus here, correct agreement if possible and understand misunderstanding while engaging, playing, laughing with sales rep or in this case, available sales manager. Where is the target, what am I speaking about, where are we going with this scenario? What is the end goal? I sure hope we are together here, what is our end goal, what is YOUR end goal? I pause, wait, anticipate and hope...wooing you, finessing the answer from your deepest desires. The game of hit and miss, it's about you, me, in relationship with each other, ourselves, the world at large. No one wins this game unless the target is clear, that we see, hear, notice the whispers and the screams and care enough to acknowledge one another. Don't wait, go tell someone now that you see them, that they are visible and valuable. That's a HIT! One Love, One Life, all yours to choose. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Lost Treasure

Have you ever lost something without realizing it, until you need that item? How about a favourite piece of jewelry? I misplaced a white jacket last year and oddly, I grieved the loss of that jacket. I am jealous of the person who is enjoying that jacket and I want them to spill something on it, perhaps grape fruit juice, staining it so that it is unwearable, because it didn't feel lost to me, it felt stolen. An item that belongs to another always has some kind of strange energetic feeling to it-it can't quite make itself at home in the persons closet or dresser drawer. In fact, now that I think about this, I had a gorgeous jacket that belonged to someone else that I kept wanting to return and it remained in my closet, forgotten and than remembered, never worn by me or assumed that it was now mine to enjoy because it had been forgotten here, in my house. I managed to get a hold of the owner and she picked it up, grateful to be reunited with her gorgeous white jacket (yes, it was white too), just in time for a holiday she was taking. What got me started in this direction of lost items, you ask? It was my friend Meghan Greer...she tidied her house and rediscovered her phone headset, a lost treasure. Meghan and I have an understanding, that no matter how much time passes, when we are in contact with one another, it is like going home with the ease and comfort of understanding that our bond is permanent and the love we share for our memories, our time together and each other is joyous and kinda kooky fun. I don't always talk to Meghan, we live far apart and yet, when we get in touch, it has the feeling of discovering a lost and longed for treasure, a misplaced gorgeous white jacket, a shiny favourite piece of jewelry-a friendship that is resurfaced, dusted off and polished up with a quick hello, how are you? History happens in relationship as time is spent in the sharing, living and loving. Intimacy built on trust has fortified my connection with Meghan and she has today, in one quick text exchange, inspired me to acknowledge treasures found. Now, has anyone seen my white jacket? Its gorgeous and a size medium, it might have some grape juice spilled on the front...

Romans 8:31

What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Its like this...the world is an interestingly strange place, and we are continually sorting, aren't we? Making sense of what is going on all around us, in us, in others~this makes for much work and confusion. I am about to clarify what the stand is for those who believe in God, the One and Only God. This is what we are NOT: wishful thinkers; hopefully naive; deceived with misplaced trust. We know we are mortal, human and live in a world that can be vicious and cruel AND, we are fearless in Christ. Christians are willing to give their lives for Christ on the mission fields; as priests and pastors; as servants of justice missions; as food providers to the hungry homeless and poor and lastly; with a gun to the head and the question "are you a Christian?". We are not subject to the same fear or attachment or human clinging to a life and world that will one day pass away, just as we do, since we all die. The disciples lived in close communion with Jesus for the three years of His ministry. They scattered when His time of crucifixion drew near. One of Jesus' favourites, Simon Peter, denied knowing Christ when asked if he knew Him, three times before the rooster crowed the day that marked the end of what was and the beginning of what is, the day Jesus was nailed to a cross. Shame, remorse, stricken with his cowardess and the fear that had him deny his friend, Simon Peter was broken hearted. His own safety had taken precedence over his loyalty and love for his friend. Alas, second, third and sometimes hundreds of chances are given to us to choose or choose differently. Simon Peter got his when Christ was crucified and rose again and appeared to his disciples John 21:17 He said to him the third time, "Simon, son of John, do you love Me?" Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, " Do you love me?" And he said to Him, " Lord, You know all things; You know I love You." Jesus said to him, "Tend my sheep." Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to MANY. We believe in the crucified Christ, that He died and rose again, that He is the living God, everywhere all the time. The disciples learned this and and bore witness to what I am reiterating and they willingly died for Him, knowing the undeniable Truth. When I have Him, when you have Him, all else pales in comparison, all else falls away and is foolishness and chasing after the wind. The mark of a Christian is joy, unspeakable, incomparable, abundant overflowing joy. Jesus is the bread of life and our Manna from Heaven. Life is our greatest God given gift, mine is devoted to His glory. What have you dedicated your life to?

Monday, January 4, 2016

Die for You

I have the lyrics from a Prince song in my head, "I, I would die for you, babe, darling if you want me to you, I would die for you..."  So from the lyrics we can deduce that Prince would die for this babe, this darling. It is romantic and heart stirring, carnal and more than this, it leaves the listener wondering what power this woman has over Prince? What or more precisely, who would you die for? Man is hard wired to die for his woman and under threat, man will fight to the end to protect, save, rescue. We see small snippets of this, forms of aggression or subtle "markings" of territory when one male believes his wife, girlfriend or fiancé is being approached by another male, or potential suitor. Then there is the age old boat sinking scenario, where men in the emergency pronounce that the women and children must be saved first. Willing to die to save another. It is not a uniquely male inclination of heroic measure and yet, there are differences between the sexes. In fact, I know beyond a shadow of doubt that I would die for my son and I knew this while he was a babe in the womb. I would not only die for him, I would kill to protect him if threatened. My husband, he would die for me and our is encoded in his DNA. I have confidence in what I am writing, about men and women and what comes naturally. It is not a matter of bravery although that comes into play when cowards run from a threat or think only of themselves, it is a matter of love and pure instinct. My appreciation for my husband and his manly ways are through the roof because I know what he is capable of and what he is willing to do to protect me, save me, without hesitation or for thought. Who would YOU die for, I ask you this again? A family member? A friend? Your pet? A stranger...? John 3:16, one of the most widely quoted verses in the Bible "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Then there is this in John 15:13 "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." Now I ask, who would die for you? Lastly this, He already has, rose from the dead and lives, waiting for you to meet Him and thank Him for taking your place, for dying for you. Would you return the gift in faithfulness? One love, One life, always yours to choose. 

Friday, January 1, 2016

Californian Hippie

Have you been to California? If you haven't, than you just won't understand the magical powers of this golden land and the people who brilliantly create and live there. It has to be all that fabulous Vitamin D, seeping into psyches, soaked up by minds and hearts and turned into some kind of crazy genius thinking and being. I have some friends that live in San Fransisco and the song, about leaving my heart there, its true. I left a piece of me there each time I jet planed out to return home, where the rest of my heart lives and loves. San Diego, oh man alive, even better. Joy overload is my emotional memory with heart busting open from playing in wave after crashing wave of the Pacific Ocean: incomparable to any other physical experience thus far. My son and I bought matching t-shirts years ago of Jesus, riding a huge wave on a surf board, with an equally huge grin on his face. I'm pretty sure this picture was taken on the Pacific, in San Diego. Peace and Love dude, peace and love. Its funny and charming and only half the story. Jesus is known as the Prince of Peace and of course, this is true and on the heels of Christmas and New Year, the well wishes on cards and in messages are repeated, with Peace being the hopeful refrain. So we have the birth of baby Jesus, the Messiah, the Saviour of the world, proclaimed King, heralded by angels and witnessed by shepherds, visiting magi and animals in a stable. More than TWO THOUSAND YEARS LATER, the believing and secular worlds buy and sell lights, trees and presents to honour this one dude, you know, this Jesus guy? The cool peace and love guy. I'm gonna rain on the peace parade here and now and tell you exactly what Jesus said about peace John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. Jesus was speaking to "anyone who has ears to hear should listen and understand" Mark 4:23. He was speaking to those who believe in Him, for them to trust in Him and to be not afraid, despite the horrors and heart break that is witnessed daily by those who are meek and sensitive to the suffering they see all around them. He calls us to " your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." Matthew 5:44. So here we have Jesus as the peace and love guy...and now for the second half of this vignette. Here is what Jesus says about peace to believers Luke 12:51 Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I have come to divide people against each other. Look around you, the great divide is as real as the air you breath in and exhale. Jesus isn't some Californian hippie dude, He is God and He welcomes all. I am not a spiritual snob in a private and secret club, everyone is welcome and He wants none to be lost. Wondering about who Jesus really is? Good, He wants you to know Him too-He is far more than just far out, find out for yourself. One love, one Life, all yours to choose. 

New You

New Year, New You? Forgive me for sounding sceptical but really, are you sure? I mean didn't you say that last year and the year before that? What is different this year? What has changed to ensure that this first day of this new year is the beginning of a new you? You haven't got a chance at this new life of yours without some pre-established internal mechanisms well placed and ready for activation. I am sounding cryptic and clever, I will stop this nonsense and get down to brass tacks, as the saying goes. You can't have a new you if the old you gets dragged kicking and screaming into your now and into your future. I mean think about it this way, its like a 12 year old returning to school in January and being forced to hang out with the kindergartner's, "been here", the 12 year old will say, "already done  that", he or she will add. What strange seed has been planted in the minds of humans that somehow, the new year is some magical mystery tour entrance point to a different experience for the next countdown year? Ha ha ha, I laugh my cynicism. Let me get all rough and tumble with you now. What can't you stand about yourself? What habit is just about killing you? What is the most annoying part of your day? What would you change in the world if you could? Blah blah blah, haven't you complained about those things FOREVER...what if on Jan 1, 2018 you are saying the exact same things, how are you gonna live with yourself for one more boring repeated year? New Year, bright and shiny, peace and good will toward all men...wouldn't that be dreamy wonderful if it were only TRUE? The only way this will ever be a possibility, a reality amongst us, is if we start with some good old fashioned self love. How can you possibly love me, your neighbour, if you don't love yourself? How can I love you as myself if I am so occupied with my own repeated mediocrity that I am self absorbed, turning myself into a daily occupation, a project of not good enough and doomed to more of the same? You may relate to what you are reading or not in fact, I hope not. I hope you are filled with the joy of actualized potential, a life well loved and lived. I hope that your new year doesn't require the resolutions of a completely new you because the old you is pretty satisfied with your own awesomeness. If this is about you, what could possibly move you to a different point of view, new actions and the spectacular life you crave? Might I make a suggestion Dear Reader? Love God, Love Others, Change the World. Its a simple formula, hard to live, worth the invested effort. Why not try it this year so that next year, you can be proud of your accomplishments?