Thursday, July 30, 2015

Radiant Joy

Little older Oriental gentlemen riding his bike on a gloriously bright sun drenched day. Driving near, my friend Phil sees the man's beeming face, radiant with joy. My friend was describing what irritates him and what brought him out of himself and back to appreciating the life he lives~the man on the bike was a gift for remembering. I get teary every time I picture the joy that is irresistible that man expressed, an outpouring of what he felt in his heart. I have had an expression stuck glue like in my pysche: don't look where you don't want to go. If my friend Phil was drawn to joy, it is because he was looking for it. The same can be said for misery, look for it and you can be sure, misery will make itself abundantly available. The keepers of joy, they are like hidden treasure. The deep well from which they draw satisfies the soul, sates their thirst and any encounter with the joy keepers causes craving, longing in the observer. Rain falls on the good and the wicked, sun shines on all, regardless of disposition. Immunity from hurt does not exist. The presence and expressions of pure joy and delight supersede misery when all is taken into account, when one counts blessings rather than enumerating injury. Are you a keeper of joy? How would you be described by passers by, strangers that know not your name? How about your co-workers, family, friends, spouse~how would we know WHO YOU ARE if someone told us about you? Thanks Phil Johnson, for sharing and spreading the love that joy brings to the world. To the sweet smiling man, thanks for shining brightly in the darkness, you are seen. 

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