Sunday, August 2, 2015

Devils Work

The devils work is abundant and employment is widely offered and available. To sign up for diabolical occupation, you need look no further than opening your mouth and allowing some of those nasty thoughts to flow out in the form of words. I am fluent in crisitism and chasing this down to its root cause, I see judgment lurking in the shadows. This is my battle, the concurring of this taught way of seeing others and the world. I'm not naturally inclined to this disposition and so, my inclination toward joy, affirmation, edifying of others is beginning to reign supreme as each day begins anew and I remember from whenst I came~I am Gods child and my mission is to glorify Him. The devil as enemy whispers wickedness and would have me serve his purposes by repeating his planted hissing, that's part one. Part two is hearing others criticize and joining in, colluding, linking arms in unity against another or others. Jesus' words came to me in a flood to "pray for my enemies". I take this to mean those who unwittlngly mean to drag me into their foray of denigration, the ones who are an enemy to my soul health and might I say, I too have played this role. This is a battle, fought and won with intention and the strength of God, with Jesus as perfect model. He spoke truth with love, I am a work in progress and thankfully, my Abba Father corrects His children. You too, are His~doing His work delivers far more joy than is imaginable. 

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