Thursday, August 6, 2015

Indignation & Divine Love

I have a real knack for knowing when to be indignant I mean really, I can spot injustice and unfairness miles away, sniff it out and point my finger and say "there it is, a wrong doing". In my younger years, I had a yen for the work of advocate, defence lawyer for the yet to be spoken for, the previously unprotected. My strong freedom fighters voice is loud for the underdog and just the other day I enjoyed a close friend's anger and told her it saved me from being indignant for her. Indignant is defined as: feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment. My friend is a giver, she bleeds compassion, mercy and understanding and is self sacrificing in her generosity. If this sounds exhausting, you can bet your bathing suit it is, for her~the people who take advantage of her kind nature have a much easier way, taking what they can and coming back for seconds and thirds, an endless buffet of self service at someone else expense coming right up! Who is at fault, you ask? Where do we place the blame you ponder? Lets say we point at THEIR PARENTS, or perhaps whomever it was that modelled these behaviours. The giver learned to give to the point of bleeding and the taker learned to take to the point of indulgent self satisfaction. Yucky, all of it~it is the stinking fish of manipulation and sick dysfunctional interaction. Now let's bring in some healthy indignation (yes, I am grinning as I say this). Indignation can lead to righteous anger and from there, we can see that boundaries have been crossed, that discord exists and that healthy relationship fences need to be erected. Harmony can only begin when autonomy without fear of being cast aside is secured, in other words, is it safe to say no to you or will you make me pay somehow if I don't do as you wish, ask, DEMAND? I am thinking of many of us, those who grew up with the message that parents know best and who were given little if any wiggle room for personal choice. I am confident that the risk of not pleasing said parent/guardian felt life threatening for some, with disapproval and rejection too hefty a price to pay for rebellion against imposition. The fighter in me stands up for the children in the adults I meet, the ones that need the modelling of healthy limits, limits they get to choose when relating to the people in their lives. So sometimes, I display indignation as though I am the one offended, just for as long as it takes for the ones I love to feel it and express it for themselves. Healthy love needs not be contained, restrained, questioned, it is Pure by its very Love nature and has living and breathing within it the Golden Rule of "so in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you." Yes, The Bible is quoted here and why not, Divine Love is the best teacher of them all. 

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