Tuesday, July 7, 2015


The narrator states "and Cinderella lived her life seeing the world as it could be, not as it is"...these were some of the closing lines for a movie I watched and it got me thinking, is this just a romantic view of the world and is it the way I want to see my surroundings and the humans that live and breathe all around me? A wise friend sent me an article about visionaries, missionaries and values. A visionary sees what could be, a missionary does the work and the values, they are the way, the how to delivery part of the vision. Cinderella is a visionary and her mission is to have others see the world with the bright eyes of hope and possibility and her way is to value kindness, forgiveness and ultimately, love. Sigh, it sounds so fairy tell and yet, she is an archetype, she is a model of what has been modelled before, many thousands of years ago by a man who claimed to be God incarnate. Jesus as visionary, taught missionaries and His message is that He is the way, the Truth the Light and Life and by following Him, my eyes, your eyes can see people and life as it could be, not as it is. God has surrounded me with people who see like Jesus does and it teaches me every day to be faithful, never give up, believe that anything is possible and that Gods Sovereign Hand is on His beloved. Too the many that feed my very soul, thank you for sharing your visionary view of the world with me, I am grateful. 

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