Monday, July 6, 2015

Sin & Choosing

I'm a black white, good vs evil, right and wrong kinda gal. I know there are two sides to every story and multiple perspectives and yet, I like the solid feeling that goes with some plain old fashioned type rules and regulations, the ones where safety first is the guiding principle. I'm thinking of human nature here, the draw we each feel to self satisfy and the dueling oppositional inclination to share with another. The extremes are narcissism and a form of people pleasing that results in martyr like self sacrifice. Put the extremes in the same room and I think I would sneak sideways baby step my way toward the people pleasers side of the first. The right the wrong, the good the bad, we know them when we feel them, do them, see them and this is the direction I am pointing at, that we KNOW. My knowingly choosing makes me accountable for what I think, say and then do. Sin is a word that people don't use, nor do they like to hear because it rips to shreds the notion that my actions are mine alone and only hurt me, and it introduces good and evil, right and wrong. "My truth" or my version of it, doesn't exist in a world that is full of action and reaction. Truth is not convertible and malleable, it is immutable. The truth is, when I choose evil over good, my safety is in jeopardy and for those watching, the ones that may be impacted by my choosing, they too, are in jeopardy. Truth and trust are kindred, how can you trust me when you see me choose evil over good, wrong over right, lying over truth telling? Forgive me for not being specific here and do I really need to be? Do you, reader, need an example or can you come up with your own? Search your heart, your soul, there is the undeniable knowing, living there, waiting for you to acknowledge its existence. Conscience is a precious commodity in life, let yours lead you regardless of how others live and sin will not have a say in your choosing. 

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