Saturday, July 11, 2015

Who are you?

Who are you? In one sentence, describe yourself. What is your distinguishing characteristic? If I were to read about you, what would draw me too you? What defines you? Prevalent thoughts, when tracked to their roots, their genesis can help in the discerning of who you are, who I am. I sit, I wait and I hope that in an unaffected manner, I can get clear on the answers to these self evaluatory queries. The answer that is closest to my heart is that I am a child of God, a truth seeker and truth teller. Stopping there would suffice for me except that this is not a worldly answer, it does not satisfy the criteria in a societal, career oriented environment that wants to know "of what USE are you?". I laugh at the simplicity of knowing who I am, the gratitude it affords me to be so clear. I have nothing to prove, no fights to win, my soul soars to great heights and I am free. Few can claim the joy I experience and express. My longing is no longer for self, it is for other. So, I am a child of God, a truth seeker and teller, who longs for others to know Him too...your turn, who are you?

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