Saturday, June 6, 2015

All Inclusive

All inclusive
I just returned from the land of indulgence: the gorge yourself, drink yourself silly, land of the all inclusive, you've paid for this stuff, now your gonna eat and drink it, until you are thanksgiving turkey stuffed, and bursting at the seams with too muchness. That was a mouthful!

Strange bit of hell
All inclusive resorts are a strange bit of hell~they are where I get to see the very worst, and the very best attitudes and behaviours of other human beings, and more poignantly, of the human being writing this mini essay. I get to reflect on me, and discover anew how I honour or conversely, dishonour my own values. 

I love the idea of temperance, and have written about it before. The word can be defined as moderation, or restraint, and I have to say, I am one pendulum swing away from the top of either side on the continuum of this notion of temperance, in some areas of my life. 

Lead character role
Self awareness is a wonderful gift, and when I am willing to give this part of me the lead character role in my decisions, I invariably honour myself, others and with gratitude, give thanks for the abundance before me. It is when the other side is given permission to slink in, and whisper let loose, stop being a control freak, have fun right now, that I mud pit slip and slide, to the other side, the one where consciousness, self awareness, restraint, and moderation are non existent.

Block out
I saw statues on vacation, the see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil ones. I got the message loud and clear: look away, block out what you hear and shut up. In other words, each of us can say and do whatever our wicked hearts desire, and we are not to have an opinion about what the other person is up to, no matter what: no judgement permitted, it is a live and let live world. It goes something like this:

You look away now, pretend you didn't see that and I'll do the same. We can all sleep walk through life, and wake up the next day in our self induced coma, to do it all again and perhaps this time, conscience will be so muted, so blocked from seeing, hearing, speaking, that today I can go hog hedonistic wild, and not even I will care. Ha, now THATS LIVIN'

All inclusive's feed the very worst parts, of already naturally indulgent, human inclinations. Forgive me Lord, I swore I wouldn't go to hell willingly again (all inclusive resort), and I did!

What I recognize 
Yikes, thank you Lord, for a new day, every day. I mentioned above, that I observed the very best attitudes and behaviours of other human beings, and that of yours truly. What I recognized, and remembered, is that we are all longing for something, and sometimes we look in the wrong places to satisfy our cravings.

The soul wants so much, and love is at the heart of all the cravings, the longings. Sometimes longing is disguised as hunger, for all things carnal. 

Yes yes, see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil: rather, look for, listen for, and speak Truth, first to yourself, then to other

Honour The One
Awake from your slumber and honour The One that made you, and in so doing, you will honour yourself. 

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