Monday, June 29, 2015


What kind of cheater are you? I watched the movie Wolf on Wall Street, twice recently, and the cheating in every sense of the word was extreme throughout the film. In the morning Light, I found myself wondering if I'm a cheater and the answer with not so dramatic drum roll is yes, of course I am a cheater. I cheat myself out of health when I over eat, under exercise, consume enough alcohol to get a buzz. I cheat others and myself when I spend my time playing a cell phone game, texting or checking email repeatedly. I cheat the world when I hide, pretend that my life is my own and I allow myself segues into nothing and nowhere land, typical time wasting and procrastion techniques. Maybe you were hoping I would say I cheat on my husband? Perhaps you would like some company there, if that is your brand of cheating? I can't accommodate you on that one, I have my own cheating to deal with here. All cheating is a form of lying, a form of rationalizing and justifying. When I cheat, I harm me, others (by not doing what would serve far better than what I do when I waste precious irreplaceable time) and more importantly than this, I cheat God. He has a plan and His diversions include spending time in nature, being grateful, and asking Him, what would you like me to do today God? The answers, that is what keeps us otherwise occupied, we don't want to hear His answers. So...What kind of cheater are you? Today I'm an honest woman, free, clear and available to the Master Map Maker. What about you?

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