Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Too many words

Proverbs 10:19 When there are many words transgression is unavoidable but he who restrains his lips is wise. I don't know about you but for me, lots of words without action are a vexation to my spirit. More than this, endless listening to blathering irritates the heck out of me and makes me look for the closest lit up exit sign. I will tell on my bad self here, I have been known to extenda talk and I laugh as I hear my husbands voice in my head say "you still talking?". Details, the devil is in the details and when people have run away mouth syndrome I gotta wonder if they ever bore themselves? Harsh? Yes I guess I'm being a little harsh and yet, I'm ok with the clarity around my learning the value of quiet, stillness, of serenity in silence. Years ago, I decided to be silent and my mother spoke for me, saying "she wants to be quiet". Years before that, following a car accident I was mute for a short lived moment in was days before I spoke while the profoundness of life preserved settled in, despite the crumpled metal evidence of a car that had gone over a ledge nose down with five people within it. My sister and first cousin landed on the hood of the car and just beyond the car respectively, both unscathed, while the eerie glow of headlights alerted drivers not far behind us that something was down there, that people needed help. I relish the none speaking, the being present without verbalizing because in silence, hearing improves and with this, listening and understanding what is happening and what is really being said, if anything at all. Have I ever gone on a tangent, a rant, a word rave? You can be sure I have, and it always feels like I have had an out of body experience at the time, especially when I have no recall of what I have said which begs the question, have I offended, hurt, wounded another unwittingly in my tirad?  For the longest time I used to pray that my thoughts would proceed my words and I have come to realize that it is awareness I crave, not a slowing of natural sometimes rapid flow verbalization (tempo is invaluable and range is a human wonder and gift). Say what you mean, mean what you say, let your yes be a yes and no be a no...there are few words necessary when clarity leads the way. All was and is created with Words, I want mine to count as value added: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. Do your words edify, injure, bore, inspire, activate? Do you speak love, hate, anger joy...see what I mean, I could go on and on and...

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