Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Projectile Word Vomit

I saw a clip this morning of Canada's Prime Minister. He had a microphone in hand, and sat comfortably slouched in a chair that wanted to swallow him whole. The PM then became animated, sitting up, while from his mouth ushered the most peculiar socialistic nonsense, a veritable salad of projectile word vomit, that he hoped would be gobbled up by his listening audience. What they heard made them snicker and jeer, and while he seemed gleefully pleased with himself, stating, a jolly HaHa, they booed. 

This is the fate of a liar. The liar often has the floor, because as far as human communications go, most certainly, everyone has their time at the microphone, with a trapped audience. Word vomit, when spewed liberally, coats listeners with sick, and what the speaker does not comprehend, is how vile they become in the eyes, and ears, of those that no longer want to listen, or even feign interest in listening to their sputum like uttering  Who, pray tell, wants to catch the grotesque soul infection that the vexatious threaten us with, when they open their mouths and chunks of nastiness flies out in all directions? 

I paint a disgusting lip curling, stomach curdling picture but alas, I have had my fill of rhetoric from liars that ought never to have the chance of influencing or impacting others with their vicious intentions. Once a person is caught in a lie, do know, that that lie, was not their first attempt at deceiving you, or other people they are in contact with. Liars like to mislead, they get a little thrill from trickery, and if you are naive enough to think they will change their tune or ways for you, then you too are a liar, to self. 

It pains me greatly to exclude people from my life that I have invested in and loved. It hurts my heart to distance from those that I would prefer to pull close and continue to be in relationship with, but dear reader, how can I, how can you, be in intimate relationship with anyone that deems it necessary to cleverly trick others for a little boost to, and in, their own darkened soul? Look at the company liars keep, while all are compared to being like dogs that will not enter the Kingdom of heaven: 

Revelation 22:15
For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

God does not take kindly to witchy people, otherwise known as sorcerers
God does not look away from whoremongers
God does not accept those that murder
God does not condone the worship of false deities commited by idolaters
God does not approve of lovers of lies that make up falsehoods to deceive others

Think with me, what the intentions are when a person lies:

1 To look good
2 To get away with something they have said or done
3 To mislead for gain
4 To hurt someone they are jealous of
5 To hurt someone out of revenge
6 To get their own way
7 To get promoted
8 To get someone demoted, fired, removed
9 To entice someone to do something against their will
10 To pervert and prevent justice

Dear one, list your own noticed intentions. If you are a liar, think hard for a great pregnant moment, about your justifications for lying to the people you are in contact with. What do you get out of the deception, and more importantly, what does it do to your relationships? You cannot be trusted so long as you have lying lips. You are people repellant, and intimacy with you is a hazardous endeavour. 

If only liars knew the impact of their silver tongued fabrications. If only they would concede that they love to spin yarns out of a sick sense of satisfaction. If only they would recognize how very repugnant they are, while believing they somehow are perfectly right in their wrongness. If, only...

Many a non-believer hasn't a clue what being transformed or born again really means. I will simplify, and shorten this message up: You and I are full of yuck, and we need a good washing up, a cleansing of what coats us in our own sickness. We want our own way at the expense of truth, at the expense of relationship, at the expense of the holiness we are called to. I know this, I have lied, I have other and self-deceived: but I don't like it, feel great shame, and have the attitude of sinning no more as I strive to eat, sleep, breathe truth, with the help of my perfect sinless Saviour, Jesus Christ. 

Jesus was while he walked the earth, God incarnate, and is called the Truth. Incapable of lying, he made it clear that we can aspire to such noble heights, and I intend to dear one, how about you?

NOTE #1: all the liars that have had their proverbial fifteen minutes of fame, will dearly pay for all their public pronouncements. Lies have short legs, as the saying goes, and do not take deceivers far. One day, there will be no where to hide, and they will wish and beg for their own demise. In the mean time, fools they are, digging their own graves with their own shovel like tongues.
Proverbs 18:7
A fool's mouth [is] his destruction, and his lips [are] the snare of his soul. 

NOTE #2: The Prime Minister of Canada plain old loves thumbing his nose at God Almighty. Hmmm, what do you suppose will eventually happen to all the children of disobedience? I will leave the Biblical research up to you at this point, AND, all we can do, is pray for the lost. While there is breath, there too, is hope. 


  1. We all know that Justine Castro is a devout member of the WEF. Not sure why they would want someone as stupid as him involved since his elevator obviously doesn't go to the top floor. He will have to give account for his evil deeds one day to the ultimate judge, our GOD. That does give me some comfort. I know that is not necessarily the Christ like thing to say but I am a justice person.

  2. Ha, your honesty is good for my soul Bob!
