Monday, June 24, 2024

Logical Explanation?

I turned my pool pump off to clean out the filter basket that catches leaves and creeping, crawling, slimy critters that end up lifeless at the bottom of my pool: the vacuum works well when nothing blocks suction and water flow, and alternatively, slows to a stuck stop when there is debris that needs to be cleaned out of the way. Believe me when I tell you that when I finally comprehended the mechanics of running a pool worthy of swimming, I was greatly relieved. 

I resisted the learning initially, resenting the fact that the functioning of a pool relied on someone investing in the know how, and this task fell on me, much to my dismay and chagrin, seven years ago. I have cried many a tear out of sheer frustration over the sometimes pond green collection of water in my backyard, thinking I was too stupid to figure things out. I wasn't, after all is said and done, too stupid that is ... I just needed some kind men to explain things to me, more than once or from a new angle, before the gleaning of understanding took place, and I could say, Ahhh, I get it, Eureka! 

Back to the top.

I turned my pool pump off, cleaned out the filter basket and dropped it back in place. I lowered the lid to the filter and tightened the handle that has a screw attached, on the right hand side, and next, flicked on the power switch to bring the pump back to life. After this, I looked at the black handle on the left, ready to tighten it too: to my amazement, it was winding itself clock wise, solo. I marvelled at this, thinking that the power of the water filling the filter must have some kind of winding influence on the handle and screw but alas, it takes a bit of time for the water to full force refill the filter/basket area, so ... I need a couple of kind men to explain this one to me, or not. Suffice it to say, I was mesmerized, delighted, and loved to think that the little handle knew its job, and didn't need to be invited to turn itself until a snug air tight fit had been accomplished. Come to think of it, perhaps the rumble of the machine shook the contraption into action, and commanded the knob to turn, turn, in every season, turn turn turn... Could it, would it, do the job to completion, or did it need a little help from me? 

Today has been a little windy, and I have three colourful fish that appear to be floating midair on my wooden fence. They hang on golden hooks, and one of them took to flight, having been pulled from its hanging position with a blustery gust, and tossed onto the decorative rocks below. I must tighten the hooks?, I thought, to keep those fake fish in place. Imagine my surprise when I saw that all three hooks had somehow been untwisting themselves? 

When I originally wound them into the wooden planks, I made sure they were in as far as they could go. How then, were they in need of a good couple clock wise turns, to secure them, and ensure the fish remained attached to the fence? Again, my imagination has me considering that the hooks felt sorry for the out of water fish, in turn, the wood began spitting the hooks out from sheer sympathy, and perhaps irritation at having been mistreated by the interloping hooks, and the wood and hooks, in cahoots with the wind, decided to help shake the floundering fish from their post. Perhaps the triune team thought it advantageous to loose the fish, one at a time, so that maybe, just maybe, they could make their way to the waters of life, to the pool where they could swim freely for a refreshing dip. Did the three, wind, wood, and hooks, form a confederation for the good of the fish, to set them free?

Explain it to me, if you can dear reader, the winding and unwinding? Explain to me God's ways, his design, his wisdom in doing what is perfect, and undoing for us what we have done badly, wrongly, impetuously, cruelly. Explain how he makes all things new when we give our hearts and minds, body and soul, to him for refreshing and direction change.

💓 The handle with the screw attached turned itself to the right, on its own, and at a decent enough pace to make me wonder, What the heck is happening?

💓 The hooks that have corkscrew bottoms, turned themselves counter clock wise, not within my sight, but far enough to make it clear when I eyeballed them, that they had been up to their own undoing! 

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28)

You may be able to explain what I saw as mystical phenomena, dear reader, but I know you will not be able to explain the uniqueness of every flower, tree, bird, creepy crawler; running, flying, diving creature ... and most certainly, you will never be able to explain to me the extraordinariness of you, and every other human being I see walking and talking, running, flying, swimming, gliding ... never. 

How marvellous is the mystery of faith? Too marvellous for words really. Go look around you, and be prepared to be awe struck. God is in the details.

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