Wednesday, June 5, 2024

It's Your Fault

It's your fault... these are the words my most excellent friend heard spoken to her by her doctor regarding the respiratory sickness she had been suffering from for over six weeks; and been treated for via multiple rounds of various antibiotics, both in pill and intravenous format. The spoken remedy for "It's your fault" that follows, is just as startling as the accusation: Close your eyes and tell yourself, I made myself sick, I made myself sick. I will make myself better, I will make myself better. 

Hmmm, interesting magical-non-practical-esoteric-new-age-non-scientific suggestion doc. I wonder if she learned this type of prognosticating and advising in med school, or just recently, when she began to realize that all the drugs she has prescribed over the years, have caused many an illness, and to restate for clarities sake, that it was her hand that wrote and signed the scripts to be filled. NOTE: with her recommendations, many an injection was taken. She is one of hundreds of thousands of doctors that have injured patients, rather than doing them no harm. 

It's my fault, it's my fault, her soul is yelling loudly to her and through her, but refusing to verbalize from behind the mask that mutes her mouth. Many a doctor continue to wear those things on strings, and many a doctor are now seeing the fruits of their embittered labour. Telling people to take poison that harms has now caught up with them, and I do believe my friend's doctor is projecting her guilt, and her magical thinking is a substitute for confessing her multitudinous sins, only forgivable when she repents, holding herself accountable for harming patients that trust her, and coming completely clean before Christ as a sinner. She must turn away from pharmacopoeia - an official publication containing a list of medical drugs with their effects and directions for their use. 

NOTE: When effective benefits are listed for drugs, the nasty side effects often outweigh the good. Ultimately, anything manmade that attempts to merely mimic nature, effectively bastardizes purity and therein the devil enters into the mix. 

My friends doctor is guilty, and she projected onto her patient her own malpractice shame. She has harmed many, and now she must blame those that have been in her trusted care, in order to save her suffering psyche. What a pity, what a shame, for her. She hides behind a mask as an accuser of those that go to her for help and relief. She must make them accomplices, make them into colluders, because to acknowledge that she was part of the biggest hoax of our lifetime, and that she still participates by masking her guilt, would be to acknowledge her role in debauching and destroying humanity. She now comfortably, casually, caustically, victimizes the victimized. 

And that, dear reader, is what the children of disobedience are apt to do. They model themselves after their father the Devil, by casting their own shadow onto the innocent. Yes, we are accountable for the choices we make and the unfortunate consequences that sometimes follow closely thereafter, but when a person is in a position of authority, is highly regarded, and has influence over others that causes them to heed the advisement given, there must be evident piety and prudence exhibited by the advisor to prevent infringement of autonomy AND, there must be inquiry of God's will and ways when considering solutions. Taking God out of the equation is a madman error, and dare I say, the medical industry is very good at acting cray cray crazy. 

Pride really does come before the fall. Doctors have been accused of having a God complex, and when we compare them to the Great Physician, we do so in the hope that they emulate him. Let us all pray that sickness departs as more sinners fall on their knees and plead for their lives with the only One that can save them, mind, body, and soul. 

Saying, If you will diligently listen to the voice of the LORD your God, and do that which is right in his eyes, and give ear to his commandments and keep all his statues, I will put none of the diseases on you that I put on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, your healer (Exodus 15:26)


  1. Well said again Linda. In many of my recent hospital stays (NOT caused by the gene altering bio injection I must add) I've had multiple opportunities to share my thoughts on this subject and made sure to let them know that the integrity of the medical system suffered immense damage with what they tried to do to us all and it will take years, decades, and maybe will never recover any sense of trust in the system that we may have had. I personally have never really trusted the medical system. I've maybe trusted certain doctors and nurses but the system is completely demonic.

    On another note, you should have mentioned pastors in this narrative since from what I've heard many of them did the same thing by encouraging their flock to take "the mark" i mean get rhe dhot

    1. We know that deviation from God's plan inevitably results in human suffering, to the point of death and eternity outside of his presence, for the majority of sinners that do not repent... that is sadly what we have witnessed and historically, is clearly not a new phenomena.

      This blog was written after a very intimate conversation with a friend that was subjected to many a medical opinion, and the docs consulted often disagreed with one another regarding treatment... hmmm, like Christians that interpret scripture differently, and then form factions.

      If there is One Spirit of Truth, we ought to have the same opinion on many a subject, but alas, we see dimly through our own smudged glasses.

      I did not include pastors, Bob, in this blog, because as you know, I have gone after them many a time... they deserve their own special kind of attention when it comes to the deception they indulge. Two teams, working for one employer, the Devil has managed to get his medical and religious staff working on the same deadly project.

      Praise God for the Saviour, he is our continued hope 💖

      Always good to connect with you Bob!

  2. Not sure what happened there. Satan doesn't like the truth to be shared I guess.

    To continue "take the shot and also to have their sheeple wear the stupid masks. Completely deceived or in some cases even evil.

    1. AGREED... I was once alarmed by it all. God helps us acclimate to the climate we are exposed to, so that we can familiarize ourselves with the stance he wants us to take.

      The challenge, the temptations, are great, and those that belong to the King cannot help but cling to him more and more as we witness the great divide, the chasm, opening between the two sides, the good vs evil theme playing out in each life and en masse.

      God forgive us, for we know not what we do? The Lord's prayer says it all! LGB
