Thursday, June 13, 2024

Guilt & Shame Cause Craziness

Imagine being one of many that planted explosives in twin towers, causing them to crumble and drop, the lifeless concrete legs beneath them splintering and shattering, once denotation occurred.

Imagine piloting a plane destined to destroy rather than deliver passengers and hapless citizens in one, no two, no more, fell swoops. 

Image with me being a man or woman with a syringe in hand, injecting animals, and humans, with toxins and poisons to see what would happen, just for the experimental fun of "it". Imagine grinning almost secretly, then broadly, while watching the suffering, savouring the ill effects, the wincing and whingeing, of the injured.

Now, go with me to crazy town, where the wicked are driven due to the unremitting guilt and shame of their soiled souls. Have you, dear reader, ever experienced guilt that would not leave you alone, guilt you could not get peace from, that haunted and troubled you during your waking hours and followed you into your disturbed dreams? What about shame: do you blush when you recall your secretive activities, those sins that had you looking over your shoulder wondering if anyone was watching, and witnessing your wicked clandestine busyness?

Imagine stopping in your tracks, allowing your conscience to have its way with you. What do you suppose you would experience, if you had tell-all-moments that exposed what you have said and done, revealing who you have been and most likely, will continue to be? 

If you were one of the explosives experts that planted bombs in twin-towers, then that would make you a murderer in the eyes of those that discovered your mission.

If you were a pilot that plotted and planed (no misspelling here), flying through buildings with the intention of killing others, then you are a self and other murderer.

If you were a man or woman with syringe in hand, experimenting on living creatures for the sake of satisfying your own sick curiosity, then you are a sadistic murderer. 

Now, the final frontier, known as crazy town in this piece of writing, for those that malign, misuse, abuse, mistreat, manipulate, manhandle, murder: in crazy town all the nut jobs have done to others, is done unto them. Demons froth and foam over the children of disobedience. Those that kill will be killed, and the horrors of hell will be theirs with fire licking at their feet, long before they meet eternity: it will be in this lifetime that they suffer, wish for a place to hide, long for anonymity, and privacy. The nails that scratch and claw, the sharpened teeth that sink and tear, will rip them to shreds when they are alone. They will hear voices, they will shake and quiver, and staying in their own skin will be most uncomfortable. No rest, no rest for the wicked ... only day and night terrors, with accusations and finger pointing, met by their own nervous laughter and weak attempts to garner favour and compassion while excuses pour forth coated and covered in lies.

They will see, hear and taste and feel what is ugly, repulsive and soul sickening. They will not be able to get images out of their heads, and what they have said and done will play on repeat, over and over again until their minds fracture into a thousand bits and pieces, never to be reassembled, never again to be used reasonably, soundly, effectually. 

Fredrick Nietzsche died a mentally broken poor man. He hated God and as a nihilist, hated mankind to the point of insisting on our purposelessly. Look now, to the self-imposing globalists and the crazy making, the insanity, the dodging and weaving, and how the whole world looks at them as though they were, because they truly are, lunatics. 

Jesus turned over tables, and now we see tables turning ... and rightly so. God does not suffer fools, and his children are not inclined to do so either. If I am to be subjected often to videos and voices of horrendous occurrences, to the point of feeling despair over the demise of the human race, then I am entitled to suggest that those that have caused untold suffering - if they do not repent and plead their case to God, and beg forgiveness from Christ who died for all - will experience the tortures awaiting them by the devil and his demons, if they are not already suffering thusly.  

Satan does not play favourites, he is an equal opportunity killer. You cannot out give him in wickedness, just like we cannot out give God in mercies. The devil is not loyal, compassionate, understanding. He doesn't hand out passes and permissions, he hates to the point of death, and all that disobey God, give themselves over to Lucifer, and he will have his way with them, unless of course, Providence says otherwise.

Time is a construct, but one that we experience daily, with the sun's rising and setting, and new crinkles and wrinkles showing up as days pass and mature into weeks and years. Time stops for no one, and while we walk the earth, we shall see many of the wicked meet their demise, and whether rightly or wrongly, it may be a source of encouragement, to know that what they have done, has not gone unpunished. God hates sin, and so, dear reader, must we. Cautionary note: Christians must pray for the saving of souls, and vengeance is the Lord's. I am reminded often by my godly son, not to pray precatory prayers: the Lord will make all things right, and we must not wish ill on anyone. This said...

In the Old Testament, blood relatives would attempt to resolve the loss of a loved one by seeking the life of the culprit. In modern times, humanity has taken to self-indulgence and softness, to the point of allowing any and all type of criminal, to roam freely, and continue on their killing and maiming sprees. The guilty change the laws to accommodate their malicious intentions to do harm, and those that ought to reign them in, do not, because they too, are morally reprobate. And so here we are, dear one, here we are. 

If you want to understand what is happening, read the Bible from front cover to last page, from Genesis to Revelation, and everything in-between. Before you do, ask God to open your mind, your ears, your eyes, your heart, your soul, to the wisdom that abounds there. When you pray for this gift of understanding and discernment, he will grant your request, and then you shall see, perhaps for the very first time, the battle lines that have been invisibly etched since before the dawn of humankind. 

If once you were blind, I pray that you now see. If once you slept deeply, I pray you are now fully awake and cognizant. If once you were a guilty and shame filled sinner, I pray now you are saved by grace, and washed clean by the blood of the Lamb, that died for the sins of the world. 

God speaks the future to Lucifer in Genesis 3:15:

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

God speaks the future of the saints through Christ our Lord, in Revelation 7:14:

And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

END OF STORY, GOD has eternity and lives in his Almighty hands, no matter what the wicked plot and plan. 


  1. AMEN and AMEN Linda. Too bad Fauci is too old to enjoy the prison time he deserves here on earth. Although he will "enjoy" what is waiting for him in eternity where there will be gnashing of teeth and from there is no escape. I hope we will get to enjoy watching him and his kind in the WHO, WEF, and the rest of the globalist elites. That will make for some great entertainment. How's that for speaking my mind and being totally honest?

    Sad that so many minions caved in to their evil plans including so called Christians. I believe they will still end up in heaven but will I'm sure also have to give an account of their evil deeds of trusting governments and the "medical experts" instead of God.

    1. I don't believe God can tolerate outright evil because he is holy ... unless people repent, there is no way into heaven, including for those like Rick Warren, who profess Christ but act like the devil... but you and I know we disagree on this point Bob!

      Ouchie is being threatened apparently. He has concern for his daughters and wife, but didn't have any for the parents and children that have suffered immensely from the shots... his lying tongue flaps senselessly, and he has put marks on himself and family... cursing himself and generations to come. Yikes

      Always good to meet you here Bob!
