Saturday, June 29, 2024

Didn't Cha Know?

This week I spoke to a woman whose house I pass on my usual in the neighbourhood walk. We have said hello before, but this time, I went close, for a little more sharing. 

I mentioned God several times, which I am apt to do, and when I did, I saw what can be described as a shutter, a momentary throwing up, of an invisible shield, between the woman and I. During the course of our brief chat, we exchanged names. When she heard my name, she said she had a friend named Linda, who was married to a lawyer, but that she hadn't seen her since covid. Deena then shared that covid was a deadly disease, to which I replied, I don't believe in covid, we got sick too, but never got the shots. She told me she had been so sick, she was near to death, and that the injections saved her life. I suggested that the injections caused her illness... We did not see eye to eye. She does not believe in God, and how, dear reader, could I tell her, that the anti God injections she had willingly subjected herself to, were deadly, and that God is the one that saved her, for the sake of her soul?

My exit line was, Well I am glad you are here to talk with me now. She is a sharp lady, and saw that I was saying my goodbyes, and that the conversation was coming to an end. I left her, and as I stepped onto the sidewalk that leads me home, I could barely put one foot in front of the other. My mind didn't seem to want to work, and I had the strange feeling of not feeling by body. I started fervently praying, God, please help me walk, please help me move forward. The muddled feeling started to lift and it was God's strength that propelled me in the direction I desired to go. I left Deena, and dare I say, the dark cloud that swirled around her, behind. 

She was under a spell, dear reader, and I got caught up in her confusion via exposure. If you know anything about heart math, you know that we impact one another when we are in close proximity. When I think of Deena, I see her in black and white. It is the strangest thing, but all colour seems to have been drained from her, and what I think I saw was soul sickness. She believes manmade poison cured her from manmade poison, and I simply could not convince her, I could not tell her, Didn't cha know Deena, it was a hoax?

I know a number of people that plead and pray to God for forgiveness for being disobedient. I spent a portion of my morning yesterday recognizing that the consequences of my years of sin had knocked me down finally and totally, seven years ago. My sins had brought me low, and God, merciful and forever kind and loving, brought me near to Him. He saved me, saves me still, and the sins that appealed so long ago, seem foreign and impossible to me now. My repentance led to my longing, for heavenly things, stuff and such: that is my ineloquent way of saying, If only I could grasp majesty, I would be able to describe it too, but it is butterfly beautiful and ever so evasive, isn't it dear reader?

I mentioned I know a number of people that plead and pray to God for forgiveness. Are you someone like that, dear one? Do you acknowledge your sins and out of sorrowful suffering, ask God to make you pure of heart, pure of mind, pure of soul, to please His Fatherly Spirit? Do you want to make Him proud of you?

If you have based your life on lies, you can become honest, telling the truth to yourself. It is a marvellous self recovery plan, and nothing would please God more, then for you to be set free from personal, and other, deception. I could not save Deena from herself, but I sure can pray for her to hear God's corrective voice! We can calibrate to Christ, and that is why we are here, you and me, him, her and those people over there too. We are here to glorify God, and the only way to Him is through His perfect Son. 

Compassion is the elemental key, and when we give our legless-ness, our muddled minds, our convoluted hearts, our soiled souls over to the King to clean up, He can give us a living water rinse, and scrumb us in ways that make us shiny shiny, catching the light and reflecting His majesty. 

I want this for Deena, and for you, and for all the people we set our eyes on. Let your guilty conscience drop you full body face down before God confessing your sins, and then wait ... He will tell you when to get up, He will brush you off, and give you strength to return to the path that leads you home. 

For we are the workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them (Ephesians 2:10)

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Longing For Heaven

I have done a whole lot of thinking about making amends with those I have injured. Recently, a childhood friend reentered my life. It chokes me up a little as I ponder our rekindled relationship, making my eyes well with tears: I love her, and I'm so glad to be given a second chance at our friendship. There are things I wanted to say sorry for, and ask for forgiveness for too. When I spoke to her about the memories that had plagued me, she looked at me with curiosity, and said, I don't even remember that. Oh! she didn't even remember what I had said, what I had done, but my conscience had held me accountable, all these years. I replied, Well you don't hold a grudge. 

Imagine that, no grudges, no harsh feelings of resentment, no longing for revenge or making someone pay for hurting you. Imagine. While I write, I work out my own feelings, dear reader. I pray you do the same. 

When the planned event that took place in 2020 started, and carried on for years, to the point of painting the world puke green, I tried to stay connected, keep my people close, let them know that I loved them, I longed for them, and wanted them in my life, without fear. In fact, I said to one of my very best friends, If it isn't fear, what is it then? What reason could she give for the extreme measures she was taking to stay "safe", that she persistently insisted others take on too? She did not have a reply for this query, and it saddens me greatly in this moment to recall how much we had shared, how much I loved her, and how willing she was to keep me at bay, as a possible plague and death threat. You see dear reader, how a perceived leper is a terror to others that cling to what they know, cling to this life, and what it has to offer? 

A friend asked me recently if there was a possibility of reconciling with people that walked away from relationship with me during the mock-deadly-outbreak. I said, There would have to be a lot of apologies. What I didn't tell her, because our time together had run out, was that if they could keep me out of their homes to save themselves just a few years ago, when I was perfectly healthy and no where near a threat to them - except for of course, challenging their world view - than I am confident that if the same circumstances oddly arose, and if I needed them for any serious reasons, they would bar their doors to me and yell, LEPER, LEPER, stay AWAY. If they aren't sorry, then they haven't reconciled with the truth, and I would not be welcome under any/all, circumstances. Why, oh why, would I want unreliable yellow bellied self-absorbed, self-serving unrepentant people in my life? How in the name of heaven and what is holy on earth, would that serve me? 

If I sound resentful, you will forgive me, dear reader. I have lost a lot over the years, in the way of people I loved. Resentment is a thin cover for sadness, at least it is for me. I resent having been stolen from. I resent people being duped and not coming to terms with the impact of their choices, and it having ruined what was sweet, and pure, and lovely beyond words. I miss what was, and must accept what is ... and sometimes it makes me a little ... crusty!

Let us move on from here, to what I wanted to share when this blog began formulating in my mind this morning. I will quote below (with some additions) from Matthew Henry's Commentary On The Whole Bible, page 532. In the following paragraphs, there is natural sentiment for heavenly promises to be fulfilled after a life of delight mingled with sorrow, followed by a formula of compassion. If only we would love one another to the point of feeling their pain, dear one, then we would love our neighbour as ourselves, and by doing so, show ourselves to be loving toward the God that created all. Here we go, into the thoughts of a brilliant man of God. 

The longer life is the more grievous will its burdens be Ecclesiastics 12:1 Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them, and the longer life is the less pleasant will be its delights 2 Sa 19; 34; 35 And Barzillai said unto the king, How long have I to live, that I should go up with the king into Jerusalem? I am this day fourscore years old: and can I discern between good and evil? can thy servant taste what I eat or what I drink? can I hear any more the voice of singing men and singing women? wherefore then should thy servant be yet a burden unto my lord the king? We have already seen the best of this world, but we are not sure that we have seen the worst of it. 

We have already seen the best of this world, but we are not sure that we have seen the worst of it. Dear reader, this is what every discerning human that sees into the spiritual realm senses. We know what we have lost, and we anticipate the effects of evil coming from all directions in our near future. The devil ain't done, is what we know to be true. The threat is imminent, significant, and real. 

What are we to do, for those that do not see what we see, know what we know: the ones that reject truth wholesale, and reject relationship with honesty, that do not see the plight they are in? I have compassion for the lost, I sympathize with those that are in pain. What the masses did, when they turned away from those that made up their own minds, at the expense of being part of the "in" crowd, was the opposite of what I am going to share, taken from Matthew Henry's Commentary on the book of Job. While I want none to suffer the consequences that currently are befalling those that went along with a wicked plan, I also want them to come to terms with what they have done, the impact they had, on the people that confidently warned that autonomy was being tampered with, and that freedom was being infringed upon, to the detriment of humanity en masse. In other words, I would like consciences pricked to the point of minds and hearts being harassed until they wish for a way to reconcile with others ... peace be with us is the hope. 

Here is a formula I hope is helpful and instructive moving forward, again, lifted from the pages of Matthew Henry's Commentary On The Whole Bible, with slight liberties taken on my part in the presentation: 

Compassion is a debt owing to those that are in affliction. Those that are at ease can see pain and anguish and can pity them and:

1. manifest sincerity of a tender concern for them
2. sympathize with them
3. take cognizance of their case
4. enquire unto their grievances
5. hear their complaints
6. mingle their tears with theirs
7. to comfort them, and to do all they can to help relieve them

After all, one never knows when the same calamity might befall us personally. 

He that withholds compassion from his friends forsakes the fear of the Almighty. How dwells the love of God in that man? 1 John 31:17 But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?

Dear reader, as Matthew Henry points out, Troubles are the trials of friendship. When a man is afflicted he will see who are his friends indeed and who are but pretenders, for a brother is born for adversity:

Proverbs 17:17 A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity; AND

Proverbs 18:24 A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

Lastly, a note to the steadfast, those that did not fold, and remained committed to truth, no matter the opposition or the cost. Bravo good and faithful servant. You trusted God and considered it no loss to put your life in the hands that move the waters. Almighty God parted the Red Sea for people like you and me, and crossing over will be our pleasure, when we are called to the New Canaan. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Logical Explanation?

I turned my pool pump off to clean out the filter basket that catches leaves and creeping, crawling, slimy critters that end up lifeless at the bottom of my pool: the vacuum works well when nothing blocks suction and water flow, and alternatively, slows to a stuck stop when there is debris that needs to be cleaned out of the way. Believe me when I tell you that when I finally comprehended the mechanics of running a pool worthy of swimming, I was greatly relieved. 

I resisted the learning initially, resenting the fact that the functioning of a pool relied on someone investing in the know how, and this task fell on me, much to my dismay and chagrin, seven years ago. I have cried many a tear out of sheer frustration over the sometimes pond green collection of water in my backyard, thinking I was too stupid to figure things out. I wasn't, after all is said and done, too stupid that is ... I just needed some kind men to explain things to me, more than once or from a new angle, before the gleaning of understanding took place, and I could say, Ahhh, I get it, Eureka! 

Back to the top.

I turned my pool pump off, cleaned out the filter basket and dropped it back in place. I lowered the lid to the filter and tightened the handle that has a screw attached, on the right hand side, and next, flicked on the power switch to bring the pump back to life. After this, I looked at the black handle on the left, ready to tighten it too: to my amazement, it was winding itself clock wise, solo. I marvelled at this, thinking that the power of the water filling the filter must have some kind of winding influence on the handle and screw but alas, it takes a bit of time for the water to full force refill the filter/basket area, so ... I need a couple of kind men to explain this one to me, or not. Suffice it to say, I was mesmerized, delighted, and loved to think that the little handle knew its job, and didn't need to be invited to turn itself until a snug air tight fit had been accomplished. Come to think of it, perhaps the rumble of the machine shook the contraption into action, and commanded the knob to turn, turn, in every season, turn turn turn... Could it, would it, do the job to completion, or did it need a little help from me? 

Today has been a little windy, and I have three colourful fish that appear to be floating midair on my wooden fence. They hang on golden hooks, and one of them took to flight, having been pulled from its hanging position with a blustery gust, and tossed onto the decorative rocks below. I must tighten the hooks?, I thought, to keep those fake fish in place. Imagine my surprise when I saw that all three hooks had somehow been untwisting themselves? 

When I originally wound them into the wooden planks, I made sure they were in as far as they could go. How then, were they in need of a good couple clock wise turns, to secure them, and ensure the fish remained attached to the fence? Again, my imagination has me considering that the hooks felt sorry for the out of water fish, in turn, the wood began spitting the hooks out from sheer sympathy, and perhaps irritation at having been mistreated by the interloping hooks, and the wood and hooks, in cahoots with the wind, decided to help shake the floundering fish from their post. Perhaps the triune team thought it advantageous to loose the fish, one at a time, so that maybe, just maybe, they could make their way to the waters of life, to the pool where they could swim freely for a refreshing dip. Did the three, wind, wood, and hooks, form a confederation for the good of the fish, to set them free?

Explain it to me, if you can dear reader, the winding and unwinding? Explain to me God's ways, his design, his wisdom in doing what is perfect, and undoing for us what we have done badly, wrongly, impetuously, cruelly. Explain how he makes all things new when we give our hearts and minds, body and soul, to him for refreshing and direction change.

💓 The handle with the screw attached turned itself to the right, on its own, and at a decent enough pace to make me wonder, What the heck is happening?

💓 The hooks that have corkscrew bottoms, turned themselves counter clock wise, not within my sight, but far enough to make it clear when I eyeballed them, that they had been up to their own undoing! 

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28)

You may be able to explain what I saw as mystical phenomena, dear reader, but I know you will not be able to explain the uniqueness of every flower, tree, bird, creepy crawler; running, flying, diving creature ... and most certainly, you will never be able to explain to me the extraordinariness of you, and every other human being I see walking and talking, running, flying, swimming, gliding ... never. 

How marvellous is the mystery of faith? Too marvellous for words really. Go look around you, and be prepared to be awe struck. God is in the details.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Guilt & Shame Cause Craziness

Imagine being one of many that planted explosives in twin towers, causing them to crumble and drop, the lifeless concrete legs beneath them splintering and shattering, once denotation occurred.

Imagine piloting a plane destined to destroy rather than deliver passengers and hapless citizens in one, no two, no more, fell swoops. 

Image with me being a man or woman with a syringe in hand, injecting animals, and humans, with toxins and poisons to see what would happen, just for the experimental fun of "it". Imagine grinning almost secretly, then broadly, while watching the suffering, savouring the ill effects, the wincing and whingeing, of the injured.

Now, go with me to crazy town, where the wicked are driven due to the unremitting guilt and shame of their soiled souls. Have you, dear reader, ever experienced guilt that would not leave you alone, guilt you could not get peace from, that haunted and troubled you during your waking hours and followed you into your disturbed dreams? What about shame: do you blush when you recall your secretive activities, those sins that had you looking over your shoulder wondering if anyone was watching, and witnessing your wicked clandestine busyness?

Imagine stopping in your tracks, allowing your conscience to have its way with you. What do you suppose you would experience, if you had tell-all-moments that exposed what you have said and done, revealing who you have been and most likely, will continue to be? 

If you were one of the explosives experts that planted bombs in twin-towers, then that would make you a murderer in the eyes of those that discovered your mission.

If you were a pilot that plotted and planed (no misspelling here), flying through buildings with the intention of killing others, then you are a self and other murderer.

If you were a man or woman with syringe in hand, experimenting on living creatures for the sake of satisfying your own sick curiosity, then you are a sadistic murderer. 

Now, the final frontier, known as crazy town in this piece of writing, for those that malign, misuse, abuse, mistreat, manipulate, manhandle, murder: in crazy town all the nut jobs have done to others, is done unto them. Demons froth and foam over the children of disobedience. Those that kill will be killed, and the horrors of hell will be theirs with fire licking at their feet, long before they meet eternity: it will be in this lifetime that they suffer, wish for a place to hide, long for anonymity, and privacy. The nails that scratch and claw, the sharpened teeth that sink and tear, will rip them to shreds when they are alone. They will hear voices, they will shake and quiver, and staying in their own skin will be most uncomfortable. No rest, no rest for the wicked ... only day and night terrors, with accusations and finger pointing, met by their own nervous laughter and weak attempts to garner favour and compassion while excuses pour forth coated and covered in lies.

They will see, hear and taste and feel what is ugly, repulsive and soul sickening. They will not be able to get images out of their heads, and what they have said and done will play on repeat, over and over again until their minds fracture into a thousand bits and pieces, never to be reassembled, never again to be used reasonably, soundly, effectually. 

Fredrick Nietzsche died a mentally broken poor man. He hated God and as a nihilist, hated mankind to the point of insisting on our purposelessly. Look now, to the self-imposing globalists and the crazy making, the insanity, the dodging and weaving, and how the whole world looks at them as though they were, because they truly are, lunatics. 

Jesus turned over tables, and now we see tables turning ... and rightly so. God does not suffer fools, and his children are not inclined to do so either. If I am to be subjected often to videos and voices of horrendous occurrences, to the point of feeling despair over the demise of the human race, then I am entitled to suggest that those that have caused untold suffering - if they do not repent and plead their case to God, and beg forgiveness from Christ who died for all - will experience the tortures awaiting them by the devil and his demons, if they are not already suffering thusly.  

Satan does not play favourites, he is an equal opportunity killer. You cannot out give him in wickedness, just like we cannot out give God in mercies. The devil is not loyal, compassionate, understanding. He doesn't hand out passes and permissions, he hates to the point of death, and all that disobey God, give themselves over to Lucifer, and he will have his way with them, unless of course, Providence says otherwise.

Time is a construct, but one that we experience daily, with the sun's rising and setting, and new crinkles and wrinkles showing up as days pass and mature into weeks and years. Time stops for no one, and while we walk the earth, we shall see many of the wicked meet their demise, and whether rightly or wrongly, it may be a source of encouragement, to know that what they have done, has not gone unpunished. God hates sin, and so, dear reader, must we. Cautionary note: Christians must pray for the saving of souls, and vengeance is the Lord's. I am reminded often by my godly son, not to pray precatory prayers: the Lord will make all things right, and we must not wish ill on anyone. This said...

In the Old Testament, blood relatives would attempt to resolve the loss of a loved one by seeking the life of the culprit. In modern times, humanity has taken to self-indulgence and softness, to the point of allowing any and all type of criminal, to roam freely, and continue on their killing and maiming sprees. The guilty change the laws to accommodate their malicious intentions to do harm, and those that ought to reign them in, do not, because they too, are morally reprobate. And so here we are, dear one, here we are. 

If you want to understand what is happening, read the Bible from front cover to last page, from Genesis to Revelation, and everything in-between. Before you do, ask God to open your mind, your ears, your eyes, your heart, your soul, to the wisdom that abounds there. When you pray for this gift of understanding and discernment, he will grant your request, and then you shall see, perhaps for the very first time, the battle lines that have been invisibly etched since before the dawn of humankind. 

If once you were blind, I pray that you now see. If once you slept deeply, I pray you are now fully awake and cognizant. If once you were a guilty and shame filled sinner, I pray now you are saved by grace, and washed clean by the blood of the Lamb, that died for the sins of the world. 

God speaks the future to Lucifer in Genesis 3:15:

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

God speaks the future of the saints through Christ our Lord, in Revelation 7:14:

And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

END OF STORY, GOD has eternity and lives in his Almighty hands, no matter what the wicked plot and plan. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Projectile Word Vomit

I saw a clip this morning of Canada's Prime Minister. He had a microphone in hand, and sat comfortably slouched in a chair that wanted to swallow him whole. The PM then became animated, sitting up, while from his mouth ushered the most peculiar socialistic nonsense, a veritable salad of projectile word vomit, that he hoped would be gobbled up by his listening audience. What they heard made them snicker and jeer, and while he seemed gleefully pleased with himself, stating, a jolly HaHa, they booed. 

This is the fate of a liar. The liar often has the floor, because as far as human communications go, most certainly, everyone has their time at the microphone, with a trapped audience. Word vomit, when spewed liberally, coats listeners with sick, and what the speaker does not comprehend, is how vile they become in the eyes, and ears, of those that no longer want to listen, or even feign interest in listening to their sputum like uttering  Who, pray tell, wants to catch the grotesque soul infection that the vexatious threaten us with, when they open their mouths and chunks of nastiness flies out in all directions? 

I paint a disgusting lip curling, stomach curdling picture but alas, I have had my fill of rhetoric from liars that ought never to have the chance of influencing or impacting others with their vicious intentions. Once a person is caught in a lie, do know, that that lie, was not their first attempt at deceiving you, or other people they are in contact with. Liars like to mislead, they get a little thrill from trickery, and if you are naive enough to think they will change their tune or ways for you, then you too are a liar, to self. 

It pains me greatly to exclude people from my life that I have invested in and loved. It hurts my heart to distance from those that I would prefer to pull close and continue to be in relationship with, but dear reader, how can I, how can you, be in intimate relationship with anyone that deems it necessary to cleverly trick others for a little boost to, and in, their own darkened soul? Look at the company liars keep, while all are compared to being like dogs that will not enter the Kingdom of heaven: 

Revelation 22:15
For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

God does not take kindly to witchy people, otherwise known as sorcerers
God does not look away from whoremongers
God does not accept those that murder
God does not condone the worship of false deities commited by idolaters
God does not approve of lovers of lies that make up falsehoods to deceive others

Think with me, what the intentions are when a person lies:

1 To look good
2 To get away with something they have said or done
3 To mislead for gain
4 To hurt someone they are jealous of
5 To hurt someone out of revenge
6 To get their own way
7 To get promoted
8 To get someone demoted, fired, removed
9 To entice someone to do something against their will
10 To pervert and prevent justice

Dear one, list your own noticed intentions. If you are a liar, think hard for a great pregnant moment, about your justifications for lying to the people you are in contact with. What do you get out of the deception, and more importantly, what does it do to your relationships? You cannot be trusted so long as you have lying lips. You are people repellant, and intimacy with you is a hazardous endeavour. 

If only liars knew the impact of their silver tongued fabrications. If only they would concede that they love to spin yarns out of a sick sense of satisfaction. If only they would recognize how very repugnant they are, while believing they somehow are perfectly right in their wrongness. If, only...

Many a non-believer hasn't a clue what being transformed or born again really means. I will simplify, and shorten this message up: You and I are full of yuck, and we need a good washing up, a cleansing of what coats us in our own sickness. We want our own way at the expense of truth, at the expense of relationship, at the expense of the holiness we are called to. I know this, I have lied, I have other and self-deceived: but I don't like it, feel great shame, and have the attitude of sinning no more as I strive to eat, sleep, breathe truth, with the help of my perfect sinless Saviour, Jesus Christ. 

Jesus was while he walked the earth, God incarnate, and is called the Truth. Incapable of lying, he made it clear that we can aspire to such noble heights, and I intend to dear one, how about you?

NOTE #1: all the liars that have had their proverbial fifteen minutes of fame, will dearly pay for all their public pronouncements. Lies have short legs, as the saying goes, and do not take deceivers far. One day, there will be no where to hide, and they will wish and beg for their own demise. In the mean time, fools they are, digging their own graves with their own shovel like tongues.
Proverbs 18:7
A fool's mouth [is] his destruction, and his lips [are] the snare of his soul. 

NOTE #2: The Prime Minister of Canada plain old loves thumbing his nose at God Almighty. Hmmm, what do you suppose will eventually happen to all the children of disobedience? I will leave the Biblical research up to you at this point, AND, all we can do, is pray for the lost. While there is breath, there too, is hope. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

It's Your Fault

It's your fault... these are the words my most excellent friend heard spoken to her by her doctor regarding the respiratory sickness she had been suffering from for over six weeks; and been treated for via multiple rounds of various antibiotics, both in pill and intravenous format. The spoken remedy for "It's your fault" that follows, is just as startling as the accusation: Close your eyes and tell yourself, I made myself sick, I made myself sick. I will make myself better, I will make myself better. 

Hmmm, interesting magical-non-practical-esoteric-new-age-non-scientific suggestion doc. I wonder if she learned this type of prognosticating and advising in med school, or just recently, when she began to realize that all the drugs she has prescribed over the years, have caused many an illness, and to restate for clarities sake, that it was her hand that wrote and signed the scripts to be filled. NOTE: with her recommendations, many an injection was taken. She is one of hundreds of thousands of doctors that have injured patients, rather than doing them no harm. 

It's my fault, it's my fault, her soul is yelling loudly to her and through her, but refusing to verbalize from behind the mask that mutes her mouth. Many a doctor continue to wear those things on strings, and many a doctor are now seeing the fruits of their embittered labour. Telling people to take poison that harms has now caught up with them, and I do believe my friend's doctor is projecting her guilt, and her magical thinking is a substitute for confessing her multitudinous sins, only forgivable when she repents, holding herself accountable for harming patients that trust her, and coming completely clean before Christ as a sinner. She must turn away from pharmacopoeia - an official publication containing a list of medical drugs with their effects and directions for their use. 

NOTE: When effective benefits are listed for drugs, the nasty side effects often outweigh the good. Ultimately, anything manmade that attempts to merely mimic nature, effectively bastardizes purity and therein the devil enters into the mix. 

My friends doctor is guilty, and she projected onto her patient her own malpractice shame. She has harmed many, and now she must blame those that have been in her trusted care, in order to save her suffering psyche. What a pity, what a shame, for her. She hides behind a mask as an accuser of those that go to her for help and relief. She must make them accomplices, make them into colluders, because to acknowledge that she was part of the biggest hoax of our lifetime, and that she still participates by masking her guilt, would be to acknowledge her role in debauching and destroying humanity. She now comfortably, casually, caustically, victimizes the victimized. 

And that, dear reader, is what the children of disobedience are apt to do. They model themselves after their father the Devil, by casting their own shadow onto the innocent. Yes, we are accountable for the choices we make and the unfortunate consequences that sometimes follow closely thereafter, but when a person is in a position of authority, is highly regarded, and has influence over others that causes them to heed the advisement given, there must be evident piety and prudence exhibited by the advisor to prevent infringement of autonomy AND, there must be inquiry of God's will and ways when considering solutions. Taking God out of the equation is a madman error, and dare I say, the medical industry is very good at acting cray cray crazy. 

Pride really does come before the fall. Doctors have been accused of having a God complex, and when we compare them to the Great Physician, we do so in the hope that they emulate him. Let us all pray that sickness departs as more sinners fall on their knees and plead for their lives with the only One that can save them, mind, body, and soul. 

Saying, If you will diligently listen to the voice of the LORD your God, and do that which is right in his eyes, and give ear to his commandments and keep all his statues, I will put none of the diseases on you that I put on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, your healer (Exodus 15:26)

Sunday, June 2, 2024

God's Big Skimmer

This week I saw a centipede casually sitting on the bottom step in the shallow end of my pool. I thought to myself, I'll get the critter tomorrow, as I walked on by. Just thinking about him makes my lip curl in disgust, and wouldn't you know it, when I skimmed him out of what has been a watery grave for many adorable furries, this multi-legged-mini-monster starter twisting and turning his ugly head, perhaps to get the water out of his ears - do centipedes have ears?

Only two weeks ago I cried after seeing a baby bunny float lifelessly, stretched out as though he had taken a great leap. This morning I watched a baby bunny nibble one of my plants, hop through the gardens that line my fences, and I prayed and prayed that God preserve him so that he grows into a big rabbit, big enough to annoy me for eating things I am trying to nurture and grow. 

The centipede deserved to die in my eyes, compared to what I consider timid and gentle animals, like bunnies. Think me sentimental, accuse me of being silly, but I really like furries, and consider them a blessing from God. Anyone that has had a pet live in their home, knows how sweet they can be, how loyal, loving, and comforting too... try to snuggle up close with a centipede: they are venomous, and their sting can numb the bite site for up to an hour, from what I read. What did I do with the soaked centipede, you ask? I dumped him in my garden, alive. I have killed those many-legged creepers in my home before, because the thought of letting one get away - they are fast - and showing up close to where I sleep, is repugnant. But could I in good conscience kill something that was nearly drowned, after an extended amount of time submerged in pool water? 

I have what is called, sympathy, for the living, and for those that are suffering too. Imagine being one of those people that are lost at sea, clinging to something to keep them afloat, going through the stages of fear, desperation, helplessness, followed closely by hopelessness, in ever being rescued. I do not suppose the centipede had any of these sentiments, but when he could breath air again, he sucked it back with a mighty thirst.

I see the sick, those that many suspect are dying, and alas, God has a massive skimmer, and he regularly scoops souls from watery depths, from fiery furnaces, from fraudulent-fabricated-foibles, meant to manipulate and mutilate humans that are gullible enough to be prey. The centipede stings, the bunny nibbles, both have to eat. There are some humans that are not satisfied with the food God provides, rather, they prefer feasting on death; on souls: their food is hatred and they cannot get enough, forever hungry for more victims. 

The bunny just hopped near my window, looking in as I spoke, Hi bunny... a part of me wants to keep perpetual watch so that his hopping nibbling days are long, and I will enjoy his cuteness, and not have to grieve another death. That is my hopping hope, to not grieve the deaths of sweet humans that somehow, someway, went where they ought not to have; floundered in their faith; and struggle with ingesting what does not belong in the body. Please Lord, please, I beg, preserve them.

God loves his creation, his creatures. He chooses the when of life, death, and everything in-between. I know I cannot save the bunny if he happens to try to tread water when I cannot protect him from himself. I know that I cannot stop anyone from doing as they please, even if I warn them of danger. I know ...

I know that God's mercies are new everyday, and whether humans act like stinging predatory centipedes, or sweet little cuddly bunnies, I know he holds all life tenderly in his loving hands, and I can only count on him to do justly for one and all. 

It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness (Lamentations 3:22-23)