Tuesday, April 16, 2024

What Now

What now? What was that you said? How now brown cow?

Things have changed drastically and permanently. I see the world rushing all around me and I have this disconcerting still in my life that does not match my energy. I am starting to seriously wonder about Ecclesiastes, and the truism, that all pursuits are but chasing after the wind: 

I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit (Ecclesiastes 1:14)

I have noticed that when I am sick, I must wait, be still, cope with discomfort, but it is impossible to enjoy the incapacitation. What if I am well, and I am waiting, and must be still and it too, feels like incapacitation? 

I hear a pigeon cooing just outside my window. I used to think that sound came from an owl... the who who, being confused with a coo coo. Haha, maybe I am asking God, who, who, am I to be be, for this up and coming phase of life? I feel a little nuts in the wondering, dear reader. I don't want to be coo coo, I want to be sound and useful, and again, I wonder in type, what now?

I have all I need, and if I so choose, I can stop striving. I have been taught that striving is thriving, but I am beginning to seriously question this unchallenged philosophy. Vanity and vexation, they are miserable cousins... contentment and calm appeal far more to me, and learning to absorb the still is my current challenge. 

God has a plan, and I do believe that being alone with him is part of it... 

Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth (Psalm 46:10)

Oh my gosh, this is one of those revelation moments for me, dear reader...

Be still, and
Know that I am God
I will be exalted among the heathen
I will be exalted in the earth

In all my years of proving my worth, or trying to, I forgot over and over again, that I just need to know him, that he is God, that he is to be exalted. In my most humble moments, I realize that I am to watch and wait, be still, as his will is done on earth as it is in heaven. 

I am watching and I am waiting... it is a strange, very strange existence for me. I don't know what to do with my energy, while God is teaching me how to be, as he is exalted among the godless, and godly alike. 

Maybe I will make a big bowl of popcorn, after taking a long bike ride on pathways that weave in and out of beautiful parks made just for me (and hundreds of others of course!), have a cooler in my sunny backyard, and watch the show. 

God be glorified... this is happening, is inevitable, and delights my restless spirit. May it give you joy too, this very day. 

Here is a thought to savour and bring a soothing grin to your face:

Problems to God are like a monsoon to a mosquito... Matchless

Take all your cares to him, enjoy the still, and savour the flavour of salvation today, in Christ our Lord, Amen. 

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