Saturday, April 20, 2024

Lacuna, It's An Epidemic

An unfilled space, a gap

Ever experience a memory gap, or lose a word or thought? Where O where did they go? 

Did you forgot, misplace, or purposefully dispose of the memory, word, or thought?

What about feelings... ever decide, I just don't want to suffer the anguish, the hurt, the despair, the lost aloneness, the grief, sorrow, unwieldy sentiments?

Is yours an ostrich policy, you know, bury your head in the sand long enough and the thing that bothers you will eventually go away?

I came across the word lacuna while reading a book entitled Vital Lies, Simple Truths, used in reference to a blind spot. A person may sense that what they are about to encounter will be uncomfortable for them and perhaps cause mild to severe stress or anxiety, and they manage to look away, or cover their eyes to prevent the unpleasant feelings just in time... kind of like covering your eyes while watching a movie when there is the promise of violence or sex scenes. NOTE: sex scenes on a screen is pornography, and a truly ugly form of voyeurism. If you are guilty of watching porn, you are guilty of watching fornication because the characters in the scene are not only not married, but are actors being paid for performing sex acts. That is not hot, it is whoredom publicized. I am hoping I just filled in one of your blind spots. 

I think lacuna has reached epidemic proportions... hey, if random pretend scientists, doctors, news men and women, presidents, prime sinister's, former friends, my next door neighbours, perfect strangers in the grocery stores, and all the crazy with fear social media maniacs can declare epidemics, I am going to have a go at it too! 

🔥 Fear gave many blind spot lovers the cover they needed to pretend that it was okay for them to give up responsibility for their own well-being, to ostrich killers.

🔥 Fear gave many a pretend Christian the cover they needed to heed wolves in shepherd's clothing when they said keeping your distance was a godly thing to choose. 

🔥 Fear of being accountable gives many an immoral lie lover the right to collude with the character flawed: immorality is currently the coolest trend. 

Fear... what would the droves and droves of humans be without it? Or perhaps, if we turn the tables, what would they be with it, as in fear of the Lord, fear of reprisal, fear of ultimate and permanent damnation for choosing wrongly?

The ostrich policy is for the weak willed and rubbery of spine. Lacuna is a threat to self-awareness, and man alive, when I have come out of deception, self-permitted, instigated or indulged, or other imposed, I have felt red face embarrassed, vulnerable, naive, childish... While the truth makes us free, the process of accepting it can be stingy. Lies are killers in disguise.

So, dear reader: when we believe a lie and absolutely refuse to let it die, or put it out of our misery purposefully (yes, I realize my writing today has lots of twists and turns, but isn't that the point? We convolute and confuse ourselves and others when we hide from truth), then we must accept the ruinous rewards that tag along with the tall tales. Wanting to believe what we are told is part of the big charade problem. Wanting something to be true, treating something as though it is true, does not equate necessarily, with truth. 

Lacuna is now an epidemic. Guys pretending they are gals and visa versa. Straight people pretending they are perfectly okay with fags and hags, even though it is a grotesque misrepresentation of masculinity and femininity. Satan worshippers flaunting their demonic inner workings while pretend Christ followers mix and match religions from animalistic poses on yoga mats, pretending they simply do not know there is only one way to God, through Christ our Lord... Lacuna is everywhere we look, and do not see. 

The law of God is broken and the people of God broke it. I cannot point fingers at the secular since they do not and have never, pledged eternal allegiance to the King of kings, Lord of lords. Just like the ancient Israelites, who honoured the God of their fathers when it struck their fancy, but became disobedient reprobates whoring themselves with their neighbours "gods" as soon as it looked like more fun, supposed Christians have blended in with the crowds as indistinguishable and rather wicked.

Is it more fun to be Christ less, rule ness, without responsibility to the God that made you? without reasonable responsibility to other humans that may depend upon you? Maybe... but the emptiness of belonging to no one means no one belongs to you either. What a sad existence. 

The unraveling of humanity always begins with childish selfishness. A child wants their own way, no matter the cost to others. If this condition persists, they turn into self-indulgent adults that haven't a clue what their impact is... my, my, my way, me me, me first, mine mine. 

Lacuna is denial, a blind spot, a lack of seeing and therefore a lack of knowing. I guess I am acting as observer in this piece of writing, saying what I see, the flaws in you and me when we just don't want to know. Is Lacuna a fatal flaw? Yes, it is, when what we are hiding from is what we need to take a close look at in order to transform, be made new, have our minds conform to Christ. 

I listened to the story of a man, Howard Pittman, that died and went before God, and saw the second heaven and all the forms of unspeakable demons there. He watched just outside the gates of the third heaven, as only fifty saints of two thousand souls entered in. This means lots were turned away that perhaps thought their entrance was guaranteed. Imagine that, thinking yourself good enough but finding that you tricked yourself, you suffered a severe bout of earthly Lacuna, and having God deny your entrance to eternity with him. 

Huh... what do you think about that, dear reader?   

Perhaps Lacuna runs in your family. Perhaps it is a learned character trait that must be unlearned before you become completely undone. Take a close look at you now, and figure out what or perhaps Who, you think you are hiding from. God sees everything, including that stuck in the sand head of yours. Pull it out, shake the grit off, wipe your eyes clean, and SEE.  

God stands waiting to receive and revive you because after all, his one and only Son, died for sinners just like you. All you have to do is speak and live the Truth. 


  1. The ostrich syndrome is so prevalent in today's church. Absolutely disgusting to me.

    There's a good quote I've heard attributed to Mark Twain and paraphrased over the years describes our church today: It is immensely easier to fool someone than to convince them that they've been fooled.

    We even have some of those in our family.

    1. Stubborn people really don't like to admit when they are wrong, dead wrong... hugs BG
