Thursday, April 18, 2024

The Enemy

The enemy is a mortal man, an unequal match for an immortal God

Reading a mind expanding concept like this, matches my understanding of God as Almighty, and men being mousy by comparison. This morning I delighted in understanding that God frowns on us when we go awry, AND smiles on us when we go aright. Calling on him, trusting in him, believing he is in charge not only ultimately, but continually, aging backward and beyond the dawn of man, is what he relishes most. 

  • Do you cry out to the Lord in times of trouble and tribulation?
  • Do you praise him in times of peace and prosperity?
  • Do you give credit where credit is due and accept consequences too, when they belong to you? 
We have been sucker punched, gaslighted, aerosol-ed, shot poisoned (all injections from the "medical" community are now held suspect), chemtrailed, corralled,  curtailed, corrupted, coerced, condemned... all by mortal men that willingly manifest demonic entities. The veil is thinning between the realms, and demons are foaming and frothing at the mouth, having taken over human hosts to do their damnedest destruction. 

DEMONS are running, driving, working, walking, shopping, eating, along side you and me. Perhaps me writing this - and you agreeing to what I am pointing out - five plus years ago, would seem insane, but I suspect that you know better at this point in time, because you have relatives, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances, that are acting fiendishly, aren't they?

Listen, you don't have to fear men, or the demons they have invited in and housed. This is ancient history! Angels turned bad and devilish were around long before you and I took our first baby breath. The demons have infiltrated willing human lives since the garden of Eden. YOU, dear reader, ought to KNOW about this, at this point in time. Ignorance is surely NOT bliss, and so, you must educate yourself so that fear of the unknown does not wrongly steer you toward the abyss. 

The Bible, God's Word, must be your first resource. Buy it, download it, read it, listen to it, watch commentaries... do what you must to learn how to live according to God's will. If you have done nothing thus far to purify, sanctify, and dedicate your life to God's will for you through Jesus Christ our Lord and King, then you are behind the eight ball, and need to catch up, FAST. 

The very good thing about being alive at this junction, is witnessing God in his might, work and weave in wondrous ways. I am eagerly anticipating what he is doing, will do, and looking back into our mutual history, admiring what he has done already. Don't you see, dear reader, it truly is darkest before the dawn. You and I have lived frivolously in the past but now we must get serious about what we believe and more importantly, Who we believe. 

Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. 

This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare; holding faith, and good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck: of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme (1 Timothy 1:17-20)

The ancient Israelites knew Who God is and who Satan is too. They didn't pretend either of them were make believe or pretend. Paul acknowledges a good warfare, holding faith and a good conscience as weapons wielded against being led astray and shipwrecked.

What could I possibly write to convince you, if you have not yet been convinced thus far, that we are in a life and death battle, of the spiritual variety, that is now manifesting in the physical realm, in every direction we look? When Christ walked in human flesh on earth, he rebuked the devil at every turn, with eye witnesses. Now it is our turn to rebuke devils and demons, in Jesus name, when we encounter them, so as not to collide or collude with their wicked intentions. If now is not the time, then when, dear one?

I always tell people I love that they must clean up their own heads and hearts so that they are in good working order, enabling them to serve others so that souls are saved by sharing the gospel. We are living stones, walking talking temples of the living God, and Jesus is the cornerstone... how will anyone know to whom you belong, if you haven't figured this out yet yourself?

There are two keepers, two masters, and you belong to one or the other. If you do not profess Christ, then his Father in heaven will not claim you as his son or daughter, keeping you from depravity, despair and ultimate destruction. If you do not profess the Saviour as your Saviour and live for him, then you belong to the other master, that wants to keep you in chains until you arrive at your final eternal destination, known as hell. 

Heaven or hell, dear one... two options, one you. Which will it be? 

Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels (Matthew 25:41) 

Hell was prepared for the devil and his angels... and those that reject God, will be ordered to Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire.

While the devil kills with cold blooded calculations, he knows what awaits him because he knows God means what he says and says what he means. Do you, dear read, have the same comprehension?

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