Tuesday, April 2, 2024

That's Hot

That's hot, and it's three connotations: 

Smokin' hot, as in guy or gal is sexy
Stolen hot, as in the item for purchase is being sold illegally
Oven hot, as in don't touch, will burn

What is hot and what is not, dear reader?

I am thinking about all the stealing, all the misrepresenting, all the pretending that we see and don't see. Bait and switch is a way of life for fraudsters, and common people, the wannabes and has beens, try to make their way to the top by cheating, colluding, and yuck, buying unearned reputation. 

In the past couple of years I have had some strange offers and requests made of me that I turned down without batting an eye:

1. To work as a coach with the morally injured. The morally injured were staff that worked in high end retirement residences. During their employment, they went against their integrity, had gotten injected to save their jobs, and regretted the choice, thus, they were the "morally injured". The person interviewing me was telling me what my pay would be, what hours I would be working... until of course, I asked her if we could cover the covid topic. She said sure: I told her I hadn't been injected, would not be injected, socially distance, use hand sanitizer, or wear a mask. That is when our interaction ended, with her telling me, It was nice meeting you. Hmmm, this is the height of hypocrisy, is it not? Apparently morally injuring employees is part of the job description. REQUIREMENT: only apply if you are willing to comprise your integrity, we like your spirit broken before we sign that pay day cheque. 

2. A pastor had been struggling during covid and requested - through a benefits provider - to work with a Christian coach rather than a councillor. She and other colleagues apparently needed to navigate through some issues that arose during the faked out plandemic. Well, you know, I am a Bible reading and believing Christian, so I had to decline this offer, and stated, I cannot coach a female pastor, since it goes against what is taught in the word of God. There is no such thing as female pastors: the Church of the Nazarene clearly is apostate, as are other churches that gender blend and bend to accommodate their own twisted belief system. NOTE: a person must work really hard to lie in such grand ways. It would have been a travesty for me to coach as a professing Christian, with someone that does not live the truth, does not honour God, but boldly proclaims a calling that does not belong to them. 

3. Just today, I got a request to connect with a fellow coach. Not minutes after I sent a hello message, this coach asked me if I would write a review for her and give her a five star rating; she and some other coaches were doing this for one another, and she would be happy to reciprocate if I agreed: she even provided me with a link, making the lying that much more convenient. Oh no, no no no. YUCK: this little misadventure will dog the coach in question. She will always have a sense that she is a failure, if she manages to trick people into trusting her. Honesty truly is the best policy, and working with a liar is hazardous for the health of the soul.  

How, dear reader, could I possibly, ethically, morally, do such a thing? AS A CHRISTIAN?!

My response made it clear that I thought this marketing scheme was unethical. I sure hope her conscience was pierced and that she is doing some blushing each time she thinks about her collusion request. Misrepresenting ourselves is a form of stealing that is quite ugly. What kind of professional would I be if I was willing to lie for others and ask them to do the same for me? 

I have several social media accounts and get many a request to boost my posts, or to buy subscribers. I just cannot do it, I can't by fans, followers, friends. I don't want to, it goes against my belief that whomever it is I am to work with, get to know, or have an affinity for, is sent by God. He is the orchestrator and organizer that I trust and count on to send me clients, and ensure repeat business, referrals, and a good life that is free and clear from manipulation of others to line my pockets.

I laughed when I thought of the title for this blog, thinking a five star rating and highly recommend review from a stranger is selling something illegally, fraudulently, like a scam artist would. Buyer or client beware, this item for sale is stolen, will burn you, and you will get soaked for cash by a person that is willing to cheat in order to get you into their hot seat. 

That, is not hot, in the least. That is cold blooded self-serving despicable falsehood, just like fake boobs and bums, oversized botoxed lips and busting at the seams steroid stimulated biceps, and crease free old people foreheads. The more people lie, the more it shows up on their faces and bodies, and in their character, or lack there of. 

🔥 Want to hire a coach that doesn't lie to you?
🔥 Want the truth and only the truth, to set you free?
🔥 Want to be in good company that will care for you, and never try to trick you into believing blatant misrepresentations? 

Hire me, I am your gal. 


  1. Thanks for this one Linda. You speak so much needed truth. What you so eloquently discuss is the reason I have very little trust in the medical system anymore. I hate that there are those who caved because they wanted to keep their jobs or just fit in not being to comprehend the damage they were inflicting on themselves. This is especially critical for those who call themselves born again Christians. What is so born again that would cause someone to act identically to those who do not know Jesus when it comes to fearing satan and the governments of the day by taking a gene altering bioinjection? I would venture to say the false pastor, aka female pastor, did the same thing and coerced her sheeple to do the same. The social media likes in your third example is just plain old idolatry so I won't even bother to touch that one.

    Anyway, thanks for being that voice of truth and not cowardice Linda. I so love that about you.

    2 Timothy 1:7 says it all: "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."

    The fear and sound mind are so indicative of the church and Christians today. Filled with fear but completely devoid of a sound mind. And thus they fall for everything just as the world does. Even if they know it's author is satan himself.

  2. Thanks so much Bob... this felt like a rough and tumble piece of writing. Money is a motivator for many, and regrets can and often do, last a life time. In my coaching, I hear people say, I just want to be me... I think that many that fell into the prefabricated predators net, just wanted to fit in, blend, continue as normal, and the shots seemed a small price to pay to coast back into everyday life.

    Isn't that how it is, we coast along until BAM, injury, illness or death rudely awaken us?

    Oddly, I am very grateful for all the pain, suffering, and heartache I have lived through, because it is teaching me compassion in ways I would never have comprehended in the past, especially for breadwinners that thought the only way to feed their families was to take orders. As you know, most people don't have self-sufficiency, living close to nature or on farms... I think the shots men took that didn't want them, was an aim right at their masculine hearts, to make them feel weakened and complacent... I pray they are agitated and fighting mad that they were tricked out of health, and that they heal, recover their footing, and start to really make a big bad noise, and frighten the enemy back to hell: Oh, and ALL of this with the strength of CHRIST, after they repent for being disobedient of course!

    Just my musings of course, and GOD's will be done, here on earth as it is in heaven 💖 Yours in Christ, LBG
