Monday, April 1, 2024

2005 Dunder Mifflin

The year is 2005 and we are in The Office, watching a politically obtuse Michael Scott insult and humiliate his staff members, while delighting in his own awkward and misguided sense of humour. There are clever cool characters, out of synch and time characters, and blend into desks and walls characters, but the most important thing about the show, is the mocking, of the audience. That is correct: we the audience have been ominously mocked, or perhaps suspiciously influenced, and informed in ways that hinted nineteen years ago, at our current crisis of affairs. 

The script, dear reader, the lines delivered by three characters, can be considered predictive programming. There was some forecasting, some devilish intel written into the mockumentary, and demonic forces, I am sure, savoured the future speak, while viewers cluelessly laughed, entertained by the actors antics. 

Heath Care was the title of the third episode of the first season, and it was written by Paul Lieberstein, who also played the role of Toby Flenderson in the show. These are the lines spoken in succession by office workers Dwight, Jim, and Pam:

Government created killer nano-robot infection Dwight Schrute
Killer nano-robots? Jim Halpert
It's an epidemic Pam Beesly

The foreshadowing is shocking, and had me stop and go back ten seconds to see if I had heard correctly the first time I watched the scene unfold. Just like so many other "shows", The Office was used to plant seeds in the minds of viewers, preparing them for what was to come, and for what we are now living out in real time. Killer nano-robots are no joke, not at all funny; rather, they must be taken seriously as a grave threat... because the epidemic is happening and has already devastated many. 

I suspect Paul Lieberstein of either being in on the diabolical plan, or being prey to the demons that fed him the script that made its way into the episode, and into peoples homes via television. I have heard the word television broken down to read tell-a-vision, and indeed, The Office certainly matches this desired outcome: they told us what they envisioned for the future, nano-robot infection created by the government to kill so many people that it would be an epidemic

I lost a bunch of clients, friends, and readers during the manufactured plandemic. They didn't like me pointing out that they were fodder for fraudsters, kindling for crazy killers. I didn't like the prank, the trick played on humanity that the masses fell for. It wasn't funny then, and it is not in the least bit entertaining now. The fallout is horrendous, and while shows like The Office make people laugh, including me, they also give/gave us clues. Re-watching the show now makes me think, all that the demons do to destroy humans, is on sick-purpose, and we must not underestimate their vicious inclinations, cloaked in humour. 

Reading the realms has never been more important than it is now. Understanding that we have enemies that maraud looking to kill, is important. What used to be hinted at is now perversely pushed perpetually, as the vulgar ones try to rub in our faces, that they can say and do as they please, and we haven't any recourse: rather, they insinuate we must put up with their debauched disgusting suggestions and ways, and join in if we are to survive.  

What do you say to this, dear reader? The writers of The Office seemed to know some things that you and I found out about, well, very recently, isn't that right? Are you accepting of all that the predictive programmers are saying and doing? If you went along with their pre-designed plan initially, are you still willing to do so now, after knowing they had your destruction in mind long ago? 

More recently, many an unwitting soul was injected repeatedly with tracking technology and self-assembling nano-robots. I didn't make this up, I am not a sci-fi kinda gal. This information is so old it is stale and mouldy, so don't look at me sideways if you haven't heard about this yet! The giants in the killing industry brag about their achievements all the time: go to town googling if you don't trust what you are reading now to be true. NOTE: if you have a pet with a microchipped ear, is it strange to think that you too, have without consent, been injected similarly by people that see you as beneath consideration, a mere animal to be counted and corralled? 

I am writing because I want you to know, dear one, that we have all been tricked and while we were laughing, we just didn't know we were the butt of the jokes. Now, we know, and we get to sober up and be serious about living according to God's plans, and not the plans of those that have set snares for us to fall headlong into. 

It is time to take a closer look at tragic comedy. There is a lot we ought to be crying over, and maybe a whole bunch more to repent about. Since Satan took over network programming, and minds have been devil doused, it is up to us to practice subaudition, reading between the lines, the script that has been developed to deceive inert observers. We must take action, get gritty, and take out the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, and be ready to battle for lives eternal. 

The line of demarcation has been drawn in the sand of time, dear reader, on which side do you stand?

Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 

Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak (Ephesians 6:13-20)

Dear reader, the diabolically wicked contrive to control and condemn. They turn thoughts into killing things. What they refuse to acknowledge is how powerful the sword of the Spirit is! Humans that think they can strong arm God, can have their flickering life flame extinguished in the blink of a divine eye. Christians can equip themselves in extraordinary ways: Ephesians along with the entirety of The Bible, teaches us:

No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD (Isaiah 54:17)

Will you, with me, and the saints that boldly and fearlessly went before us, trust in God as your strength? Will you do the will of the Father for the redeeming of your soul, and for the sake of those you have influence over?

Let us wipe the smirks off the faces of those that deem us too stupid to understand the battle is in the spiritual realm. The killers have dedicated their lives to Satan, and they comprehend from hence their demonic strength comes... our strength must come from the Saviour, dear one, the Ruler of the universe. I need not write more than this...

Jesus is:

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty (Revelation 1:8)

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