Perhaps you have heard the phrase, vengeance is the Lord's. Yes indeed this is true, and while we watch and wait for the wicked to receive their comeuppance, it does not escape our attention that it seems they have been granted year upon year, many a reprieve. Praise be to God, isn't this so for you and me too, dear reader?
- Are you currently living a reprieve as a deviant?
- Are you living as though your life is your own and you can do with it whatever you please? because that doesn't bode well for future you, dear one.
Back to the wicked ones that shed innocent blood...
To be sick and poor, sick and solitary, but especially to be sick and under the curse of God, sick and destitute of grace to bear the affliction, and of comfort to counter balance it - is a most deplorable case, same page as the last quote.
In his commentary, Matthew Henry speaks of causality. Many a king in God's history disavowed the Sovereign, and oddly they have done this after first obeying and benefitting from heeding his godly counsellors and prophets. It would seem it near impossible for grand men in positions of power, to not become drunk with their own heady prosperity. Alas, these very same men have gone to the grave in shame after being plagued with disease and much loss of earthly esteem. Think now with me, about the sadists that take liberties with the life and death of their fellow human beings, that currently wield Luciferian power. What do you suppose is their fate, dear one?
Those that despise God shall be lightly esteemed, again page 478
The devil tempts and he also torments. When men agree to his conditions, they also agree to the consequences that follow immediately, or just a little further on down the chewed up and sin strewn rough road they must navigate in order to temporarily survive. Imagine Satan as task master, and all the vile things he demands of those that serve him. My guess is you don't really have to use your imagination at all, dear reader, since we are seeing the vulgarity, the violence, the strife and heinous maiming and malling of our children: a sure sign that parents have fallen face down at the feet of Baal, and turned away from the one true God of the universe.
The suffering of children is the truest sign of abandonment by guardians entrusted to ensure their safety and well-being. Children are being sacrificed. Innocent blood is being spilled in worship of the god of this world, with mothers and fathers sending their offspring into schools where teachers open doors wide for reprobates and predators to enter in. The excuse many a parent makes is they must work to pay their bills, sending their little ones early into daycare with strangers, followed by exposing them to secular education where they are made to sit still (and if they cannot sit still and pay undivided attention to teachers, they are drugged to accomplish this goal), and absorb state approved and established propaganda. What many have learned by way of obeying the Lord, they have yet to glean from experience, which is this:
Those only prosper whom God makes to prosper for prosperity is a gift. Religion and piety are very friendly to outward prosperity as a gift. Many have found and owned this, that as long as they sought the Lord and kept close to their duty they prospered; but since they forsook God every thing has gone cross, page 479
Dear reader, have you turned away from the world and toward the God that made you, or are you one of the pride stuffed humans that thinks he can make his own way and will eventually, die diseased of mind and body, alienated from all the goodness you could have had if you had abided in him? Consider this piece of writing as a reproof that if you heed, will give you the most freedom you have ever experienced! Trust in the Lord for your food, your shelter, your well-being, your livelihood. Do right by your children, your grandchildren, your neighbours children. Speak truth and read the Word of God as your manual for life!
Those that are deaf to reproof are ripening apace for destruction, page 479
He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy (Proverbs 29:1)
A man's pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit (Proverbs 29:23)
It is to be expected, dear one, that whomever exalts himself will be abased. Those that are fond of contention will have more than they desired of it, soon enough. The wise in their own eyes often become public buffoons, mocked mercilessly because they have not the knowledge or understanding that only God can bestow, and worse yet, they have Satan as their counsellor and he hates them so much he wants them to be belittled, demeaned, and enslaved until they fall headlong into the dirty grave that will devour the body, while the soul is consumed with unquenchable fire for eternity.
NOTE: Satan does not send people to hell. He has not the power to do so. Humans turn away from God and when they do, he, with much reluctance and great persistent disobedience on the humans part, turns away from them. God determines who goes where in the afterlife, and we can deny this fact or accept it as truth, but either way, he is and always has been, in charge of life, death, and everything in-between.
You and I, dear reader, are in charge of loving like Jesus does. We are in charge of choosing wisely, prudently, and as the saints who went before us, to abide in God and in turn, he will abide in us. Prosperity and influence are fleeting opportunities to prove to whom we belong, and this means you and I have to decide... live selfishly for worldly praise, or glorify the One and Only true God, from now until eternity never ending.
Do something, take a stand, make a difference. Don't just sit there, be counted as a living stone in the Kingdom of God.
Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ (1 Peter 2:5)