Saturday, April 27, 2024

Blood For Blood

Let the God to whom vengeance belongs demand blood for blood. He will do it, for he is righteous, taken from Matthew Henry's Commentary On The Whole Bible, page 478

Perhaps you have heard the phrase, vengeance is the Lord's. Yes indeed this is true, and while we watch and wait for the wicked to receive their comeuppance, it does not escape our attention that it seems they have been granted year upon year, many a reprieve. Praise be to God, isn't this so for you and me too, dear reader? 

  • Are you currently living a reprieve as a deviant? 
  • Are you living as though your life is your own and you can do with it whatever you please? because that doesn't bode well for future you, dear one. 
You may not be a murdering prime minister or president, or head of a human hating Satan worshipping company, but you may very well be dodging the sword for now, as a cheat, a liar, a fornicator, adulterer. Read out loud the ten commandments and check to see what sins you are guilty of, and need to come clean on before the living God, then come back here so we can finish up together! 

Back to the wicked ones that shed innocent blood...

To be sick and poor, sick and solitary, but especially to be sick and under the curse of God, sick and destitute of grace to bear the affliction, and of comfort to counter balance it - is a most deplorable case, same page as the last quote.

In his commentary, Matthew Henry speaks of causality. Many a king in God's history disavowed the Sovereign, and oddly they have done this after first obeying and benefitting from heeding his godly counsellors and prophets. It would seem it near impossible for grand men in positions of power, to not become drunk with their own heady prosperity. Alas, these very same men have gone to the grave in shame after being plagued with disease and much loss of earthly esteem. Think now with me, about the sadists that take liberties with the life and death of their fellow human beings, that currently wield Luciferian power. What do you suppose is their fate, dear one? 

Those that despise God shall be lightly esteemedagain page 478

The devil tempts and he also torments. When men agree to his conditions, they also agree to the consequences that follow immediately, or just a little further on down the chewed up and sin strewn rough road they must navigate in order to temporarily survive. Imagine Satan as task master, and all the vile things he demands of those that serve him. My guess is you don't really have to use your imagination at all, dear reader, since we are seeing the vulgarity, the violence, the strife and heinous maiming and malling of our children: a sure sign that parents have fallen face down at the feet of Baal, and turned away from the one true God of the universe. 

The suffering of children is the truest sign of abandonment by guardians entrusted to ensure their safety and well-being. Children are being sacrificed. Innocent blood is being spilled in worship of the god of this world, with mothers and fathers sending their offspring into schools where teachers open doors wide for reprobates and predators to enter in. The excuse many a parent makes is they must work to pay their bills, sending their little ones early into daycare with strangers, followed by exposing them to secular education where they are made to sit still (and if they cannot sit still and pay undivided attention to teachers, they are drugged to accomplish this goal), and absorb state approved and established propaganda. What many have learned by way of obeying the Lord, they have yet to glean from experience, which is this:

Those only prosper whom God makes to prosper for prosperity is a gift. Religion and piety are very friendly to outward prosperity as a gift. Many have found and owned this, that as long as they sought the Lord and kept close to their duty they prospered; but since they forsook God every thing has gone cross, page 479

Dear reader, have you turned away from the world and toward the God that made you, or are you one of the pride stuffed humans that thinks he can make his own way and will eventually, die diseased of mind and body, alienated from all the goodness you could have had if you had abided in him? Consider this piece of writing as a reproof that if you heed, will give you the most freedom you have ever experienced! Trust in the Lord for your food, your shelter, your well-being, your livelihood. Do right by your children, your grandchildren, your neighbours children. Speak truth and read the Word of God as your manual for life! 

Those that are deaf to reproof are ripening apace for destruction, page 479

He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy (Proverbs 29:1)

A man's pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit (Proverbs 29:23)

It is to be expected, dear one, that whomever exalts himself will be abased. Those that are fond of contention will have more than they desired of it, soon enough. The wise in their own eyes often become public buffoons, mocked mercilessly because they have not the knowledge or understanding that only God can bestow, and worse yet, they have Satan as their counsellor and he hates them so much he wants them to be belittled, demeaned, and enslaved until they fall headlong into the dirty grave that will devour the body, while the soul is consumed with unquenchable fire for eternity.

NOTE: Satan does not send people to hell. He has not the power to do so. Humans turn away from God and when they do, he, with much reluctance and great persistent disobedience on the humans part, turns away from them. God determines who goes where in the afterlife, and we can deny this fact or accept it as truth, but either way, he is and always has been, in charge of life, death, and everything in-between.

You and I, dear reader, are in charge of loving like Jesus does. We are in charge of choosing wisely, prudently, and as the saints who went before us, to abide in God and in turn, he will abide in us. Prosperity and influence are fleeting opportunities to prove to whom we belong, and this means you and I have to decide... live selfishly for worldly praise, or glorify the One and Only true God, from now until eternity never  ending. 

Back to our title
Blood for blood. Jesus shed his innocent blood for the sins of the world. Yours may be required of you if you participate in satanic shedding of innocent blood, and alternatively, you may die martyred in obedience to God's commands as many a saint that went before you. If you are not a player in the game of life, you are a bench warmer, lukewarm and just one more spectator that takes up space without impact or influence. 

Do something, take a stand, make a difference. Don't just sit there, be counted as a living stone in the Kingdom of God.

Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ (1 Peter 2:5)

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Lacuna, It's An Epidemic

An unfilled space, a gap

Ever experience a memory gap, or lose a word or thought? Where O where did they go? 

Did you forgot, misplace, or purposefully dispose of the memory, word, or thought?

What about feelings... ever decide, I just don't want to suffer the anguish, the hurt, the despair, the lost aloneness, the grief, sorrow, unwieldy sentiments?

Is yours an ostrich policy, you know, bury your head in the sand long enough and the thing that bothers you will eventually go away?

I came across the word lacuna while reading a book entitled Vital Lies, Simple Truths, used in reference to a blind spot. A person may sense that what they are about to encounter will be uncomfortable for them and perhaps cause mild to severe stress or anxiety, and they manage to look away, or cover their eyes to prevent the unpleasant feelings just in time... kind of like covering your eyes while watching a movie when there is the promise of violence or sex scenes. NOTE: sex scenes on a screen is pornography, and a truly ugly form of voyeurism. If you are guilty of watching porn, you are guilty of watching fornication because the characters in the scene are not only not married, but are actors being paid for performing sex acts. That is not hot, it is whoredom publicized. I am hoping I just filled in one of your blind spots. 

I think lacuna has reached epidemic proportions... hey, if random pretend scientists, doctors, news men and women, presidents, prime sinister's, former friends, my next door neighbours, perfect strangers in the grocery stores, and all the crazy with fear social media maniacs can declare epidemics, I am going to have a go at it too! 

🔥 Fear gave many blind spot lovers the cover they needed to pretend that it was okay for them to give up responsibility for their own well-being, to ostrich killers.

🔥 Fear gave many a pretend Christian the cover they needed to heed wolves in shepherd's clothing when they said keeping your distance was a godly thing to choose. 

🔥 Fear of being accountable gives many an immoral lie lover the right to collude with the character flawed: immorality is currently the coolest trend. 

Fear... what would the droves and droves of humans be without it? Or perhaps, if we turn the tables, what would they be with it, as in fear of the Lord, fear of reprisal, fear of ultimate and permanent damnation for choosing wrongly?

The ostrich policy is for the weak willed and rubbery of spine. Lacuna is a threat to self-awareness, and man alive, when I have come out of deception, self-permitted, instigated or indulged, or other imposed, I have felt red face embarrassed, vulnerable, naive, childish... While the truth makes us free, the process of accepting it can be stingy. Lies are killers in disguise.

So, dear reader: when we believe a lie and absolutely refuse to let it die, or put it out of our misery purposefully (yes, I realize my writing today has lots of twists and turns, but isn't that the point? We convolute and confuse ourselves and others when we hide from truth), then we must accept the ruinous rewards that tag along with the tall tales. Wanting to believe what we are told is part of the big charade problem. Wanting something to be true, treating something as though it is true, does not equate necessarily, with truth. 

Lacuna is now an epidemic. Guys pretending they are gals and visa versa. Straight people pretending they are perfectly okay with fags and hags, even though it is a grotesque misrepresentation of masculinity and femininity. Satan worshippers flaunting their demonic inner workings while pretend Christ followers mix and match religions from animalistic poses on yoga mats, pretending they simply do not know there is only one way to God, through Christ our Lord... Lacuna is everywhere we look, and do not see. 

The law of God is broken and the people of God broke it. I cannot point fingers at the secular since they do not and have never, pledged eternal allegiance to the King of kings, Lord of lords. Just like the ancient Israelites, who honoured the God of their fathers when it struck their fancy, but became disobedient reprobates whoring themselves with their neighbours "gods" as soon as it looked like more fun, supposed Christians have blended in with the crowds as indistinguishable and rather wicked.

Is it more fun to be Christ less, rule ness, without responsibility to the God that made you? without reasonable responsibility to other humans that may depend upon you? Maybe... but the emptiness of belonging to no one means no one belongs to you either. What a sad existence. 

The unraveling of humanity always begins with childish selfishness. A child wants their own way, no matter the cost to others. If this condition persists, they turn into self-indulgent adults that haven't a clue what their impact is... my, my, my way, me me, me first, mine mine. 

Lacuna is denial, a blind spot, a lack of seeing and therefore a lack of knowing. I guess I am acting as observer in this piece of writing, saying what I see, the flaws in you and me when we just don't want to know. Is Lacuna a fatal flaw? Yes, it is, when what we are hiding from is what we need to take a close look at in order to transform, be made new, have our minds conform to Christ. 

I listened to the story of a man, Howard Pittman, that died and went before God, and saw the second heaven and all the forms of unspeakable demons there. He watched just outside the gates of the third heaven, as only fifty saints of two thousand souls entered in. This means lots were turned away that perhaps thought their entrance was guaranteed. Imagine that, thinking yourself good enough but finding that you tricked yourself, you suffered a severe bout of earthly Lacuna, and having God deny your entrance to eternity with him. 

Huh... what do you think about that, dear reader?   

Perhaps Lacuna runs in your family. Perhaps it is a learned character trait that must be unlearned before you become completely undone. Take a close look at you now, and figure out what or perhaps Who, you think you are hiding from. God sees everything, including that stuck in the sand head of yours. Pull it out, shake the grit off, wipe your eyes clean, and SEE.  

God stands waiting to receive and revive you because after all, his one and only Son, died for sinners just like you. All you have to do is speak and live the Truth. 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

The Enemy

The enemy is a mortal man, an unequal match for an immortal God

Reading a mind expanding concept like this, matches my understanding of God as Almighty, and men being mousy by comparison. This morning I delighted in understanding that God frowns on us when we go awry, AND smiles on us when we go aright. Calling on him, trusting in him, believing he is in charge not only ultimately, but continually, aging backward and beyond the dawn of man, is what he relishes most. 

  • Do you cry out to the Lord in times of trouble and tribulation?
  • Do you praise him in times of peace and prosperity?
  • Do you give credit where credit is due and accept consequences too, when they belong to you? 
We have been sucker punched, gaslighted, aerosol-ed, shot poisoned (all injections from the "medical" community are now held suspect), chemtrailed, corralled,  curtailed, corrupted, coerced, condemned... all by mortal men that willingly manifest demonic entities. The veil is thinning between the realms, and demons are foaming and frothing at the mouth, having taken over human hosts to do their damnedest destruction. 

DEMONS are running, driving, working, walking, shopping, eating, along side you and me. Perhaps me writing this - and you agreeing to what I am pointing out - five plus years ago, would seem insane, but I suspect that you know better at this point in time, because you have relatives, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances, that are acting fiendishly, aren't they?

Listen, you don't have to fear men, or the demons they have invited in and housed. This is ancient history! Angels turned bad and devilish were around long before you and I took our first baby breath. The demons have infiltrated willing human lives since the garden of Eden. YOU, dear reader, ought to KNOW about this, at this point in time. Ignorance is surely NOT bliss, and so, you must educate yourself so that fear of the unknown does not wrongly steer you toward the abyss. 

The Bible, God's Word, must be your first resource. Buy it, download it, read it, listen to it, watch commentaries... do what you must to learn how to live according to God's will. If you have done nothing thus far to purify, sanctify, and dedicate your life to God's will for you through Jesus Christ our Lord and King, then you are behind the eight ball, and need to catch up, FAST. 

The very good thing about being alive at this junction, is witnessing God in his might, work and weave in wondrous ways. I am eagerly anticipating what he is doing, will do, and looking back into our mutual history, admiring what he has done already. Don't you see, dear reader, it truly is darkest before the dawn. You and I have lived frivolously in the past but now we must get serious about what we believe and more importantly, Who we believe. 

Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. 

This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare; holding faith, and good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck: of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme (1 Timothy 1:17-20)

The ancient Israelites knew Who God is and who Satan is too. They didn't pretend either of them were make believe or pretend. Paul acknowledges a good warfare, holding faith and a good conscience as weapons wielded against being led astray and shipwrecked.

What could I possibly write to convince you, if you have not yet been convinced thus far, that we are in a life and death battle, of the spiritual variety, that is now manifesting in the physical realm, in every direction we look? When Christ walked in human flesh on earth, he rebuked the devil at every turn, with eye witnesses. Now it is our turn to rebuke devils and demons, in Jesus name, when we encounter them, so as not to collide or collude with their wicked intentions. If now is not the time, then when, dear one?

I always tell people I love that they must clean up their own heads and hearts so that they are in good working order, enabling them to serve others so that souls are saved by sharing the gospel. We are living stones, walking talking temples of the living God, and Jesus is the cornerstone... how will anyone know to whom you belong, if you haven't figured this out yet yourself?

There are two keepers, two masters, and you belong to one or the other. If you do not profess Christ, then his Father in heaven will not claim you as his son or daughter, keeping you from depravity, despair and ultimate destruction. If you do not profess the Saviour as your Saviour and live for him, then you belong to the other master, that wants to keep you in chains until you arrive at your final eternal destination, known as hell. 

Heaven or hell, dear one... two options, one you. Which will it be? 

Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels (Matthew 25:41) 

Hell was prepared for the devil and his angels... and those that reject God, will be ordered to Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire.

While the devil kills with cold blooded calculations, he knows what awaits him because he knows God means what he says and says what he means. Do you, dear read, have the same comprehension?

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Prostituted Conscience

Better live upon alms or die in a prison with a good conscience, than in wealth and pleasure with a prostituted one, Matthew Henry

This turn of phrase got me to thinking, about integrity. The Bible is an exciting living breathing tome. When I read Matthew Henry's Commentary On The Whole Bible, my mind starts zinging with enlightening flashes. 

The service of virtue is perfect liberty; the service of lust is perfect slavery, Matthew Henry

Conscience can enslave or set free, an internal bit of work that each human is marked by on the outside of their soul. In other words, our inner workings show up in the external world. 

Those are easily drawn by Satan to any evil who are wavering and inconsistent in that which is good and are never persuaded to make religion their business, Matthew Henry

In plain speak, we choose God or choose him not. 

Lately I have seen many a video with famous people publicly performing demeaning rituals commanded by their master in order to garner wealth, fame, prestige, and the lusty pleasure that money can buy, often at the expense of innocent and vulnerable people, including children. The emptiness they describe coupled with the profanity that ushers from their mouths unchecked, has me feeling sorry for them. I watched a frazzled short-haired-dyed-blond Katy Perry weep in her brokenness: she admitted in an interview many years ago, that she sold her soul to the devil for success. She was easily drawn by Satan to any evil, wavering and inconsistent in that which is good and; in wealth and pleasure, prostituted her conscience. 

God will not turn away from us, unless we first, turn away from him: this concept echoes throughout Matthew Henry's writing, and it gives me great hope. If we can turn away from God, and clearly, we can and often do, leaving us open to the consequences of our sinful choices, then we can also, turn back toward him, and praise be to God, his mercies are gloriously abundant. While Satan says, You owe me and I will get my bloody pound of flesh, God says, You owe me, and yet I gave my Son for your bloody sins... only a Father loves his children in this magnificent way. Only a true parent sacrifices self for the sake of his sons and daughters.

Think with me now, of the wretchedness of the wicked, how restless and unsettled, how each day they awake thinking of death and destruction, hurting, harming, self and other. To what end, I ask you, dear reader? I have sinned, and I know you have too, but I am ashamed and humbled before God when I consider that my personal guardian angel, assigned to me by the Almighty, sees everything, and worse than this, my Father, who art in heaven, not only sees all, but hears all too. Man alive, I am mortified!

Virtue is perfect liberty while lust is perfect slavery

People think it is hard to be a Christian. I think it is harder to not be one, and I pity those that choose him not, because clearly, they know not what they do. As the days get longer, I ask God every morning for the sun to shine. I saw video just yesterday of Ferrari's and Lamborghini's, airplanes, road and runways, and apartment buildings being pounded with torrential flooding rain in Dubai. 

What good is a car, plane, pathway, apartment, if rain ruins them from use? Cloud seeding, mere humans acting like little gods, has gotten many into deep trouble, and since religion and honouring the Sovereign is the last thing on their minds, God has ensured that their physical well-being will be their only ongoing concern.

In a carnal world turned carnival, we see carnage. 

Look at scripture. Scripture knows all, including your conscience dear reader:

For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. For there are no bands in their death: but their strength is firm. They are not in trouble as other men; neither are they plagued like other men. Therefore pride compasseth them about as a chain; violence covereth them as a garment. Their eyes stand out with fatness: they have more than heart could wish. They are corrupt, and speak wickedly concerning oppression: they speak loftily. They set their mouth against the heavens, and their tongue walketh through the earth (Psalm 73:3-9)

Dear reader, Satan and his demonic forces know what heaven and hell look like. Humans get a taste of both while we walk the earth, and we almost clueless regarding eternity in one place or the other: 

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known (1 Corinthians 13:12)

It is our job to refrain from envying the foolish that put their souls into the hands of their eternal enemy. It is wise and virtuous for us to understand that their vulgarity and violence leads them to destruction, and only God can save, and for this, we must pray, and pray some more. Souls hang in the balance, they dangle over a fiery pit, and God can and does, pluck from the fire when we call on him for our own salvation and for the salvation of the currently lost. 

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much (James 5:16)

Get to praying. Let us be one in the Spirit, one in the Lord.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

What Now

What now? What was that you said? How now brown cow?

Things have changed drastically and permanently. I see the world rushing all around me and I have this disconcerting still in my life that does not match my energy. I am starting to seriously wonder about Ecclesiastes, and the truism, that all pursuits are but chasing after the wind: 

I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit (Ecclesiastes 1:14)

I have noticed that when I am sick, I must wait, be still, cope with discomfort, but it is impossible to enjoy the incapacitation. What if I am well, and I am waiting, and must be still and it too, feels like incapacitation? 

I hear a pigeon cooing just outside my window. I used to think that sound came from an owl... the who who, being confused with a coo coo. Haha, maybe I am asking God, who, who, am I to be be, for this up and coming phase of life? I feel a little nuts in the wondering, dear reader. I don't want to be coo coo, I want to be sound and useful, and again, I wonder in type, what now?

I have all I need, and if I so choose, I can stop striving. I have been taught that striving is thriving, but I am beginning to seriously question this unchallenged philosophy. Vanity and vexation, they are miserable cousins... contentment and calm appeal far more to me, and learning to absorb the still is my current challenge. 

God has a plan, and I do believe that being alone with him is part of it... 

Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth (Psalm 46:10)

Oh my gosh, this is one of those revelation moments for me, dear reader...

Be still, and
Know that I am God
I will be exalted among the heathen
I will be exalted in the earth

In all my years of proving my worth, or trying to, I forgot over and over again, that I just need to know him, that he is God, that he is to be exalted. In my most humble moments, I realize that I am to watch and wait, be still, as his will is done on earth as it is in heaven. 

I am watching and I am waiting... it is a strange, very strange existence for me. I don't know what to do with my energy, while God is teaching me how to be, as he is exalted among the godless, and godly alike. 

Maybe I will make a big bowl of popcorn, after taking a long bike ride on pathways that weave in and out of beautiful parks made just for me (and hundreds of others of course!), have a cooler in my sunny backyard, and watch the show. 

God be glorified... this is happening, is inevitable, and delights my restless spirit. May it give you joy too, this very day. 

Here is a thought to savour and bring a soothing grin to your face:

Problems to God are like a monsoon to a mosquito... Matchless

Take all your cares to him, enjoy the still, and savour the flavour of salvation today, in Christ our Lord, Amen. 

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Self-Indulgence, An Intoxicating Mental Illness

Oh man, you were drunk, AGAIN⁉️

Seriously, why do you smoke that stuff⁉️

There is a very good reason being intoxicated isn't a good idea. I am not going in the usual direction that many take of feeling sorry for the pathetically drunk or high person. Oh no, I feel sorry for the people in their lives that suffer them in such an inebriated state, that they are either incapacitated, or wandering around for somewhere to urinate, vomit, dance, or find other people to commune with that are equally crazy out-of-their-minds on dumb-them-down substances. 

Why, oh why, would anyone want to be dumbed down? 

I will answer my own question. People who imbibe regularly to the point of being drunk, weren't taken care of early on in their lives. They had absentee parents that selfishly indulged when they ought to have been responsible for their dependants. Hell, it is learned behaviour when kids drink like little fish, after watching their parents have a whale of a time with booze. The same is true for inhalers: seeing parents suck on a cigarette, vape, bong, spliff, makes it a o k for baby too. Sucking it back is what drunks and druggies do... they are pros at proficiently getting the nasty job of intoxication done well, and often. 

If it sounds like I am taking shots (no pun intended) at those that imbibe shamelessly, then good, because that is exactly what I am doing. Someone has to tell them that they have done irreparable damage, choosing drink or drugs above and over, relationship. All real relating requires a responsive exchange, one person to the other: without responsibility in relationship, there ain't nothin' holdin' that sloppy joe together. 

Who, pray tell, even wants to deal with a sloppy joe? It is a poor persons state of being, a second best existence, when one person is the upholder while their partner is perpetually the falling down. I have heard so many excuses for alcoholism and getting high, but really, it is escaping relationship; a desire to not be accountable to other and perhaps, take seriously that other may be mortally wounded by the person that loves to dodge duty. 

The collateral damage is extreme for those that impair their own lives by carelessly imbibing. Their actions leave a mark in learned behaviour that is repeated generationally, and eradicating the pattern of continuance of debauched thoughts and behaviours requires godly love. Godly love puts others first, and would not think to injure anyone, especially ones offspring, by soaking or smoking the mind into oblivion. 

Snap out of it, drunko, if you happen to be reading this and think you aren't hurting anyone by over pouring booze down your throat more often than you care to admit. Stub out that smoke, throw out that vape, flush the weed, you drug addict, and stop pretending it is your life and yours alone that you are damaging. You are not a welfare case where everyone else has to chip in to ensure you make it to tomorrow. Oh no, you are an adult that has to face facts, and start taking care of your intoxicating mental illness, the one called SELF-INDULGENCE.

Ok, so I think I got the yuck out that has been sitting like a garbage heap on my soul. Here is what The Bible has to say about sobriety:

1 Peter 4:7
1 Thessalonians 5:6
1 Peter 1:13

Ephesians 5:18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit

Titus 2:2
1 Timothy 3:2
Romans 12:3

Proverbs 20:1 Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging, and whomsoever is deceived thereby is not wise

2 Timothy 4:5

Isaiah 5:11 Woe unto them who rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that continue until night, till wine inflame them!

Proverbs 23:29-35 Who has woe? who hath sorrow? who hath strife? who hath contentions? who hath babbling? who hath wounds without cause? who hath redness of eyes? They that tarry long at the wine; they that go to seek mixed wine. Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright. At the last it biteth like a serpent and stingeth like an adder. Thine eyes shall behold strange women, and thine heart shall utter perverse things. Yea, thou shalt be as he that lieth down in the midst of the sea, or as he that lieth upon the top of a mast. They have stricken me, shalt thou say, and I was not sick; they have beaten me, and I felt it not: when shall I awake? I will seek it yet again. 

I will end with a WARNING, not to the drunks, addicts, and morally reprehensible, but for those that are invited to spend time with the like:

1 Corinthians 5:11 But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolator, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat 

PS: There were many more verses from scripture that I could have added but alas, if you look up the ones I posted here, you will get a measure of what God thinks about losing the mind to substances, and the cost incurred by those who do. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

That's Hot

That's hot, and it's three connotations: 

Smokin' hot, as in guy or gal is sexy
Stolen hot, as in the item for purchase is being sold illegally
Oven hot, as in don't touch, will burn

What is hot and what is not, dear reader?

I am thinking about all the stealing, all the misrepresenting, all the pretending that we see and don't see. Bait and switch is a way of life for fraudsters, and common people, the wannabes and has beens, try to make their way to the top by cheating, colluding, and yuck, buying unearned reputation. 

In the past couple of years I have had some strange offers and requests made of me that I turned down without batting an eye:

1. To work as a coach with the morally injured. The morally injured were staff that worked in high end retirement residences. During their employment, they went against their integrity, had gotten injected to save their jobs, and regretted the choice, thus, they were the "morally injured". The person interviewing me was telling me what my pay would be, what hours I would be working... until of course, I asked her if we could cover the covid topic. She said sure: I told her I hadn't been injected, would not be injected, socially distance, use hand sanitizer, or wear a mask. That is when our interaction ended, with her telling me, It was nice meeting you. Hmmm, this is the height of hypocrisy, is it not? Apparently morally injuring employees is part of the job description. REQUIREMENT: only apply if you are willing to comprise your integrity, we like your spirit broken before we sign that pay day cheque. 

2. A pastor had been struggling during covid and requested - through a benefits provider - to work with a Christian coach rather than a councillor. She and other colleagues apparently needed to navigate through some issues that arose during the faked out plandemic. Well, you know, I am a Bible reading and believing Christian, so I had to decline this offer, and stated, I cannot coach a female pastor, since it goes against what is taught in the word of God. There is no such thing as female pastors: the Church of the Nazarene clearly is apostate, as are other churches that gender blend and bend to accommodate their own twisted belief system. NOTE: a person must work really hard to lie in such grand ways. It would have been a travesty for me to coach as a professing Christian, with someone that does not live the truth, does not honour God, but boldly proclaims a calling that does not belong to them. 

3. Just today, I got a request to connect with a fellow coach. Not minutes after I sent a hello message, this coach asked me if I would write a review for her and give her a five star rating; she and some other coaches were doing this for one another, and she would be happy to reciprocate if I agreed: she even provided me with a link, making the lying that much more convenient. Oh no, no no no. YUCK: this little misadventure will dog the coach in question. She will always have a sense that she is a failure, if she manages to trick people into trusting her. Honesty truly is the best policy, and working with a liar is hazardous for the health of the soul.  

How, dear reader, could I possibly, ethically, morally, do such a thing? AS A CHRISTIAN?!

My response made it clear that I thought this marketing scheme was unethical. I sure hope her conscience was pierced and that she is doing some blushing each time she thinks about her collusion request. Misrepresenting ourselves is a form of stealing that is quite ugly. What kind of professional would I be if I was willing to lie for others and ask them to do the same for me? 

I have several social media accounts and get many a request to boost my posts, or to buy subscribers. I just cannot do it, I can't by fans, followers, friends. I don't want to, it goes against my belief that whomever it is I am to work with, get to know, or have an affinity for, is sent by God. He is the orchestrator and organizer that I trust and count on to send me clients, and ensure repeat business, referrals, and a good life that is free and clear from manipulation of others to line my pockets.

I laughed when I thought of the title for this blog, thinking a five star rating and highly recommend review from a stranger is selling something illegally, fraudulently, like a scam artist would. Buyer or client beware, this item for sale is stolen, will burn you, and you will get soaked for cash by a person that is willing to cheat in order to get you into their hot seat. 

That, is not hot, in the least. That is cold blooded self-serving despicable falsehood, just like fake boobs and bums, oversized botoxed lips and busting at the seams steroid stimulated biceps, and crease free old people foreheads. The more people lie, the more it shows up on their faces and bodies, and in their character, or lack there of. 

🔥 Want to hire a coach that doesn't lie to you?
🔥 Want the truth and only the truth, to set you free?
🔥 Want to be in good company that will care for you, and never try to trick you into believing blatant misrepresentations? 

Hire me, I am your gal. 

Monday, April 1, 2024

2005 Dunder Mifflin

The year is 2005 and we are in The Office, watching a politically obtuse Michael Scott insult and humiliate his staff members, while delighting in his own awkward and misguided sense of humour. There are clever cool characters, out of synch and time characters, and blend into desks and walls characters, but the most important thing about the show, is the mocking, of the audience. That is correct: we the audience have been ominously mocked, or perhaps suspiciously influenced, and informed in ways that hinted nineteen years ago, at our current crisis of affairs. 

The script, dear reader, the lines delivered by three characters, can be considered predictive programming. There was some forecasting, some devilish intel written into the mockumentary, and demonic forces, I am sure, savoured the future speak, while viewers cluelessly laughed, entertained by the actors antics. 

Heath Care was the title of the third episode of the first season, and it was written by Paul Lieberstein, who also played the role of Toby Flenderson in the show. These are the lines spoken in succession by office workers Dwight, Jim, and Pam:

Government created killer nano-robot infection Dwight Schrute
Killer nano-robots? Jim Halpert
It's an epidemic Pam Beesly

The foreshadowing is shocking, and had me stop and go back ten seconds to see if I had heard correctly the first time I watched the scene unfold. Just like so many other "shows", The Office was used to plant seeds in the minds of viewers, preparing them for what was to come, and for what we are now living out in real time. Killer nano-robots are no joke, not at all funny; rather, they must be taken seriously as a grave threat... because the epidemic is happening and has already devastated many. 

I suspect Paul Lieberstein of either being in on the diabolical plan, or being prey to the demons that fed him the script that made its way into the episode, and into peoples homes via television. I have heard the word television broken down to read tell-a-vision, and indeed, The Office certainly matches this desired outcome: they told us what they envisioned for the future, nano-robot infection created by the government to kill so many people that it would be an epidemic

I lost a bunch of clients, friends, and readers during the manufactured plandemic. They didn't like me pointing out that they were fodder for fraudsters, kindling for crazy killers. I didn't like the prank, the trick played on humanity that the masses fell for. It wasn't funny then, and it is not in the least bit entertaining now. The fallout is horrendous, and while shows like The Office make people laugh, including me, they also give/gave us clues. Re-watching the show now makes me think, all that the demons do to destroy humans, is on sick-purpose, and we must not underestimate their vicious inclinations, cloaked in humour. 

Reading the realms has never been more important than it is now. Understanding that we have enemies that maraud looking to kill, is important. What used to be hinted at is now perversely pushed perpetually, as the vulgar ones try to rub in our faces, that they can say and do as they please, and we haven't any recourse: rather, they insinuate we must put up with their debauched disgusting suggestions and ways, and join in if we are to survive.  

What do you say to this, dear reader? The writers of The Office seemed to know some things that you and I found out about, well, very recently, isn't that right? Are you accepting of all that the predictive programmers are saying and doing? If you went along with their pre-designed plan initially, are you still willing to do so now, after knowing they had your destruction in mind long ago? 

More recently, many an unwitting soul was injected repeatedly with tracking technology and self-assembling nano-robots. I didn't make this up, I am not a sci-fi kinda gal. This information is so old it is stale and mouldy, so don't look at me sideways if you haven't heard about this yet! The giants in the killing industry brag about their achievements all the time: go to town googling if you don't trust what you are reading now to be true. NOTE: if you have a pet with a microchipped ear, is it strange to think that you too, have without consent, been injected similarly by people that see you as beneath consideration, a mere animal to be counted and corralled? 

I am writing because I want you to know, dear one, that we have all been tricked and while we were laughing, we just didn't know we were the butt of the jokes. Now, we know, and we get to sober up and be serious about living according to God's plans, and not the plans of those that have set snares for us to fall headlong into. 

It is time to take a closer look at tragic comedy. There is a lot we ought to be crying over, and maybe a whole bunch more to repent about. Since Satan took over network programming, and minds have been devil doused, it is up to us to practice subaudition, reading between the lines, the script that has been developed to deceive inert observers. We must take action, get gritty, and take out the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, and be ready to battle for lives eternal. 

The line of demarcation has been drawn in the sand of time, dear reader, on which side do you stand?

Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 

Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak (Ephesians 6:13-20)

Dear reader, the diabolically wicked contrive to control and condemn. They turn thoughts into killing things. What they refuse to acknowledge is how powerful the sword of the Spirit is! Humans that think they can strong arm God, can have their flickering life flame extinguished in the blink of a divine eye. Christians can equip themselves in extraordinary ways: Ephesians along with the entirety of The Bible, teaches us:

No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD (Isaiah 54:17)

Will you, with me, and the saints that boldly and fearlessly went before us, trust in God as your strength? Will you do the will of the Father for the redeeming of your soul, and for the sake of those you have influence over?

Let us wipe the smirks off the faces of those that deem us too stupid to understand the battle is in the spiritual realm. The killers have dedicated their lives to Satan, and they comprehend from hence their demonic strength comes... our strength must come from the Saviour, dear one, the Ruler of the universe. I need not write more than this...

Jesus is:

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty (Revelation 1:8)