Monday, July 3, 2023

Living With A Killer

Last Wednesday my little dog was viciously attacked by a much larger dog. She didn't stand a chance, it happened quickly, and she died in my arms in short order. 

Flash back images have played in my mind of those brutal moments, but also all the ones that are playful and fun too. That is the hard part, isn't it dear reader, recalling the beloved alive, while reconciling with them being no more, inaccessible, somewhere out there in the ether of memory but untouchable in the flesh. Dead, is dead.

I wrote about the killing of my dog last week, and in my sorrow I was greatly comforted by many. They wrote notes, checked in, called, checked in some more ... emails and consolation messages keep coming, and I am ever so grateful for the kindness. I have also had some say, in their love, that they want the dog that killed mine, put down, the owner held responsible for what happened ... I see their point, I really do, but there is this, dear one: The owner of that beautiful dog, lives with a killer.

The confused and displaced woman that could not control her half blind dog, also could not control her tongue. She was a swearing and accusatory person: she didn't like my son holding her dog down to release ours from its jaws, nor did she like him picking her dog up and throwing it away from me and Dot (our little Yorkie). The words coming from her were vile, and she kept saying, You hurt my dog (it was fine by the way, sitting patiently near by, unaware that her doggie ways caused human suffering). Alas, ours was dead, she could not cope with the situation or what she had just experienced, nor could she see the permanent damage that was done, because she loved her dog more than she cared for our loss, our pain, our suffering.

I paint a picture, of our last moments with Dot ... we tried to tell the woman it wasn't her fault, we didn't blame her, and I watched while my son offered his hand to her, telling her he was sorry, because while she verbally attacked and screamed at him, he had knocked her hat off her head. Nothing stopped her though, her vicious attack continued, just like nothing stopped her dog from going after ours. (Matthew told me later that he restrained himself; he said he had wanted to kill her dog, but in those moments decided he didn't want to hurt the canine). The woman did, at one point, when he and I stated our dog was dead, say she was crying for both of them, and then she resumed with the accusations, including that her dog was, Already half blind, and, I can't control her. She loves dogs, and we too, love dogs. Now imagine each set of us, me and my son, going home to bury our little bit of limp fluff, her going home with a killer. 

She lives with a killer, and no matter how she tells the story, no matter what lies she tells herself, her dog killed another dog before her eyes, and she can never again, walk the woods, or the pathways, without a sense of fear, of trepidation, that it may very well happen again, but perhaps, to a small child? 

Many have said the dog ought to be put down. I can see their point ... a killer in our midst is untrustworthy, dangerous, thirsty for blood and eager to destroy. Perhaps we can extrapolate together from here, dear reader: 

🔥 People who say things like, We are coming after your children, may be the type of dogs that need to be put down 
🔥 People that want to control the human population via increased access to contraception, family planning (abortions), wealth redistribution, and one-child policies ... may also be the type of dogs that need to be put down 
🔥 People that want to eliminate, say, seven billion humans from the earth via the various and obvious, spoken and repeated out loud nefarious plans they plot, may be the type of dogs that need to be put down

Don't let me play this game all alone, dear reader. What other dogs in human form, may be the type that need to be put down? Can you list at least three with me?

Let's play life, not pretend, together. Imagine being married to a mass murderer. Imagine your father being a public figure that speaks vile hatred to a populace he has been selected to mislead. Imagine knowing that at any given moment, the one you live with, can turn on you, lips drawn back and fangs bared, ready to sink into your neck, drawing blood, while shaking you senseless. Killers are indiscriminate. They do what they do because they like it, and while they may kill someone else's family members as a general rule, they aren't exactly reticent about killing their own if they happen to get in their way while on the hunt. 

Killers, like the dog that took my little dogs life, don't feel remorse, don't feel any pain or compassion for their victims. They live to kill another day, unless, of course, they are capitally punished, and put down. 

Cain, killer ... Abel, pleasing to God
Devil, killer ... Jesus, Saviour of the world

We are descendants. We each have a father, or Father. We belong to a family, and we act like our brethren, our others, our kin. If, dear reader, you cannot see that the veil between the fleshly realm and the spiritual, is thin and currently dissolving, then you may want to pick up your Bible and start praying and reading to educate yourself. 

One last thing. Just as the Bible is predicative or prophetic, meaning it tells us what is to come and in times gone by, was a way of foreshadowing the future (which we now live), for the ancient believers, so too, there is demonic predicative programming, that is being actuated. The Simpsons has for many years done fortune telling in cartoon fashion, which is witchcraft. There are many movies that capture in one and a half hour stints, exactly what is happening in parts of the world, attesting to the fact that satanic power is potent, as humans that do the devil's bidding fulfil their murderous purposes, sometimes completely unaware of the role they play.

This is why we say many are sleeping, while others are so, AWAKE

Type this into your search bar, Satan Roams The Earth Seeking To Destroy, and find there the Scripture listed below (there was more, but I had to stop somewhere in my itemizing!)

1 Peter 5:8
James 4:7
Job 1:7
John 8:44
Ephesians 6:12
1 Peter 5:8-9
Revelation 12:9
John 10:10
Hebrews 2:14
2 Corinthians 11:14
Job 1:6
1 John 5:19
1 John 3:8
2 Corinthians 2:11
John 14:30
2 Corinthians 4:4
John 12:31
Ephesians 6:11
Matthew 4:1
Revelation 12:10
Genesis 3:1-24
Revelation 12:1-17
Isaiah 14:12
Revelation 20:10
1 John 4:1
Ephesians 2:2
John 16:11
Jude 1:6
Ephesians 4:27
2 Peter 2:4
Romans 12:2
Genesis 3:15
Genesis 3:1

But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ (2 Corinthians 11:3)

I can lead a man to the Bible, but I cannot make him read, I cannot make him abide, I cannot convert him from fleshly to soulful, just as fat cannot be converted to muscle ... one must shrink while the other grows.

I can make all the suggestions in the world and each one, must make up his own mind. But do so at your own peril, if you choose to dismiss the Christ, because, dear one, that puts you in the world with the fallen angels, and makes you a human follower of the anti christ, the one that hates you, hates me, hates children and little dogs, and loves death. 

We are beings unto death. You can make some fantastical summer plans, and then learn that a loved one has been removed suddenly, unexpectedly, from your life, destroying the joy you had during merry making. While I have grieved the loss of my dog, and rightly so, I have been reminded to never be cavalier about death ... evil people, are indeed, callously cavalier about the death of innocence, the death of their victims, and the suffering in the aftermath for those left behind. 

Let us not be so casually comfortable with our current state of being. Let us be prayerfully mindful, that souls hang in the balance always, until they leave this earth and go in one of only two directions: to God, or far far removed from Him. Once a spirit leaves the body, it is game over. 

Dead, is dead.

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