Wednesday, July 5, 2023

After Shot Hangover

I recall the headaches accompanied by that sick feeling of my stomach revolting. How could you do this to us? said my brain and body in unison. My head throbbed, my guts rebelled, and my thoughts swirled repetitiously:

ðŸ”Ĩ What did I say last night?
ðŸ”Ĩ Oh nooooooo, I can't believe I did THAT! (throw up)
⁉️ Never again, I will NEVER do that again
❤️‍ðŸĐđ Sorry God, I am so sorry
ðŸ”Ĩ Serves me right (barf)
ðŸ–Ī When will I learn?
ðŸĪĒ Please make it stop
😕 How old do I need to be before I grow up? (dry heave) 
💔 Please forgive me God (barf, retch, barf)

When I had a hangover, I slept without rest, awoke early, started throwing up at around 7 a.m, and continued to do so every twenty-minutes until about 5 p.m. I couldn't be an alcoholic if I tried, because too much of the "spirit" had me losing an entire day of my life in the post drunken state, when my brain sent signals to my body that I had mistreated it, and my body did all it could to let me know that it was not pleased with the abuse I had administered. Self-abuse, dear reader ... I don't actually believe in alcohol, drug, or any other type of "addiction". I believe we have to want addiction to make it work, because our bodies are designed to reject the bad and embrace the good, but alas, this is learned behaviour, and so is drinking, doing drugs, or having sex in access. Each action requires effort to make it habitual, and this truth points to choice and self-indulgence, with a massively large invisible price tag attached. 

One of the things that rescued me from stupidity is shame. A good dose of regret, remorse and abashment, help a person be more reticent and resistant to repeating certain behaviours. I always knew when I was going to "let loose" and drink a little too much too fast but I had an, I don't care attitude, on those occasions: funny how the attitude was radically different the very next green gilled day.

I recall the word conscientious used to describe students in yesteryear. Consciousness, awareness, eagerness to do a job well, is what we want to observe in others, or at least, it used to be? My day after the fun night before had me feeling loathsome of self, embarrassed for my lack of temperance and elegance. Drunk people are idiots, dear reader. I thought I was more clever when intoxicated, more philosophical and ever so slightly more sophisticated than the people that were imbibing along side me. Alas, it is a fools game of pretend, because "spirits" invade the mind, soaking it to the point of nonsensicality. Simply put, drunk and high people act like big dummies, no matter how smart and sharp they think they are when inebriated. 

Still with me? If so, know that the above was a prelude, an introduction to my main topic: After Shot Hangover.

Millions of people, and from the looks of it, perhaps billions of people? have taken multiple shots. They are experiencing hangover type after effects from poisoning their bodies. I cannot change the last sentence, as much as I want to do so. The shots are poison, people willingly (not children, some elderly, or the incapacitated from making sound choices) made the decision and the effort, to get injected. Did they know they were poisoning themselves? I suspect most didn't; some rolled the dice believing they might get sick, might not, and took the chance; and some believed that whatever was in those vile's was going to cure their ills mentally, physically, and perhaps even spiritually. 

Spirt ... spiritually ... spirt ... spirits

And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18)

It is the spirit, or Spirit, that moves us dear reader. We make choices that align with one world leader, or the One that created all. I make no apologies for being this cut and dried. Liquor stores sell spirits: in Canada the word spirits used to describe alcohol, and has been sanitized to dull the senses of the potentially soulfully attuned. When consuming alcohol, we agree to have our mind altered in some fashion each time we take in more than our bodies can process: shots are meant to get a person drunk, and no one with good sense, would argue with me on this point. 

Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise (Proverbs 20:1)

As I continue the comparison between strong drink and injections taken by the masses, I hope you are tracking with me: we are being sober minded together about the days, the weeks, the months and years, that are impacted in the aftermath of choosing shots that cause toxicity. 

I have admitted repeated stupidity to you dear reader. I was a terrible drinker, in the sense that the stuff didn't agree with me, especially when I willfully overrode the Holy Spirit in favour of spirits of the demonic variety via imbibing, and allowing them to think and speak on my behalf. Those days are long gone, and so is the company I kept that saw nothing wrong with regular intoxication:

But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat (1 Corinthians 5:11) 

I had to choose to accept the hangover reality as truth, that doing what God tells me not to do, brings self-induced harm physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. I could lie to myself and pretend I had a good excuse for getting drunk, but I didn't have one, and never will! I didn't pretend either, that I had some kind of flu bug making me barf (loudly). Not the image of a pretty woman, that is for sure! 

Shots taken are meant to cause a type of drunkenness, with mental fog, malfunctioning of the brain, immune and neuromuscular systems, and injury to all tissues and structures within the body. The administrators of the injections knew the hang over after effects that many would suffer long term following the acceptance of internalizing the poison concoction designed to maim and murder. 

Some, dear souls, see the connection and recognize the after effects. They have regret, remorse and repentance, and repeat these refrains:

💔 Please forgive me God (barf, retch, barf)
ðŸĪĒ Please make it stop

Conversely, others simply refuse to see the error of their ways, the deviant path they have taken, and the self-destructive choices they are responsible for. Consequences don't have feelings, sympathy, compassion. The refrains of those that lie perpetually to themselves, sound more like this:

😕 Why am I always sick?
✅ I did everything right
ðŸĪŽðŸĶ  Stupid anti vaxxers gave me this
😇 I am glad I got vaxxxinated, it could be a lot worse
😍 I am still alive

Consequences can be short lived or agonizingly suffered for a life time. BUT, dear one, there is always and forever this: CHOICE!

Choosing to live according to God's will and God's way, can give us freedom from habits that harm. Freedom from the spirits that suggest we indulge what is unholy, unsavoury, unspeakable to God. Freedom to live as though we are going to die, but without fear, because we know God has a plan that is beyond our imaginings. 

One of my favourite things to repeat is about Jesus: The truth shall make you free ... 

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32)

You know the truth, dear reader, but do you know the Truth? Do you know Jesus?
He never lied, never sinned, never disobeyed the Father. He taught morals and values and principles for good and wholesome living that save the soul, and is the King of kings, Lord of lords. The voice of Truth is trustworthy and deserving of our attention and affiliation. The voices that suggested shots intentionally mislead, lie, and want you and I to do what we ought never do. 

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8)

Devour ... people are being devoured, swallowed up by the grave with lies on their lips. I pray this is not you, dear one. I pray you know today, that you can choose differently, with different outcomes, now and forever. 

I pray you know Jesus as your Saviour, this very day. 


  1. Agree with you again Linda. However, this time not 100%. This kill shot was basically mandated by demonic governments. Some would say it wasn't forced yet when these satanists wouldn't allow
    cross border travel , freedom to associate with family and friends, go to church to worship as we pleased, go to restaurants or shop at small stores that didn't support the globalist agenda, and worst of all prevented you from going to work and earning a living then most who live in fear normally anyway, even so called Christians, caved in and took the shot. That never happened with the normal vices. The globalists at the top did not curtail regular activities if you didn't partake in alcohol or drugs. That to me proved this had nothing to do with a so called virus and was actually a plandemic devised years earlier. I can't believe that people still can't, or most likely won't, see that they've been had and are actually part of the problem. Some of the elites have a come out and admitted they couldn't believe how easy it was to dupe the masses, they thought there would be more resistance. Had most stood up to this evil it may have been stopped before it became a movement. But thanks to all of those who never learned to think for themselves, here we are!!!

    1. Hey Bob! What part do we disagree on? With what you wrote, I believe we see eye to eye? What did I miss? LGB

  2. Sorry Linda, I sent it before I added my initials but I think you know where this came from. BG

  3. Just wanted to stress that the alcohol we used to consume was completely voluntary and only hurt us directly unlike the forced kill shots. And they were technically forced since there were serious consequences for those of us that didn't cave in to the satanists.

  4. Yes, we consumed alcohol by choice and seemingly only hurt ourselves and yet, I am confident that ever act of evil, sin, or rebellion, impacts others ... even when we think it does not. For instance, professing Christ and talking about Him, "witnessing" while drunk ðŸĪŠ!

    The shots truly are a different animal that was let loose from the cage on an unsuspecting public ... Thanks for the engagement BG! Yours in Christ, LGB (my initials, not those belonging to weirdos)
