Magical thinking, you say? perhaps, or maybe, just maybe, there is something marvellous to discover in what I am suggesting:
Friday, July 28, 2023
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
Paddling & Rescue
It didn't take me long to decide. I got the skimmer and planned on scooping him out. While retrieving the screen on a pole, I considered my options:
Thursday, July 20, 2023
Breeding Zucchini
The female plant has what looks like a tight bud in the middle of a blooming flower. The male plant has what looks like a small penis, coated in pollen, in the middle of its bloom. If you want to, dear reader, you can get all planty and technical, and either use the proper words for these parts if you know them, or look them up if you don't: I am just giving you the basics of zucchini anatomy as someone that eats them after others have grown them.
I am pretty sure you can imagine what happens to a female zucchini after she has been pollenated by a male zucchini ... she PRODUCE(s) babies that grow into delicious nutritious vegetables (they are actually considered a fruit). When a female plant is not fertilized by a male, her babes are tiny, and she doesn't propagate like her hopped up on pollen sisters. In other words, she doesn't have a whole garden full of offspring to count and corral.
Here is the most important thing you will read in this piece of writing ... are you ready for it?
MALE ZUCCHINI DON'T MAKE BABY ZUCCHINI ... that is correct, they don't produce "fruit" so to speak.
So you can't get fruit from a fruit, if the fruit is a male. And you can't get fully grown fruit if a female hasn't be sprinkled with the sperm, I mean the pollen, of a male.
Dumb da dumb dumb DAAAAAAA
Here are two definitions of propagation:
1. The breeding of specimens of a plant or animal by natural processes from the parent stock
2. The action of widely spreading and promoting an idea, theory, etc.
Dear reader, I simply cannot be the only one having fun with this concept.
Let me tell you 'bout the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees and the sky up above ... let me tell you 'bout a thing called love.
I never want to be accused of being boringly obvious in my comparisons, but I risk just that here with you now. I mean, you know I'm talking about, deflowering, penetration, propagation of a species via pollination or sperm meeting egg and making a plant or say a person, from copulation. These are all just old fashioned ways of nature to continue a species, predetermined by God, but who am I to argue the point as a non-scientifical person (don't worry dear reader, I know I make up words, and why not, everyone is doing it!).
Bottom line. Lies lies lies ya, they're going to get you ... or least, that is the hope of the wicked. The convoluting of truth, the deconstructing and distorting to accommodated the debauched, is a game played at the expense of sound intellect, soundness of soul, and a resolute belief that God designed all perfectly, and we get to marvel at His handiwork. For shame on all those that propagate lies, collude with liars, misrepresent the truth, and willfully destroy what is good, pure, wonderful and holy.
Zucchini perfectly mate, male and female, with a little help from insects with wings, or perhaps even a human that understands the nature of things, like my friend Maggie. Her garden is full of gorgeous produce propagated the old fashioned way ... male pollen tipped stamens meet swollen female ovary pistils and voila, baby zucchini are in the making!
It behooves each truth teller to carry on telling the truth, and nothing but the truth, or so help us God. When we lie to ourselves, to others, we damage our own reputation and integrity, and it degrades the integrity of our co-existence too. We simply must commit to the truth, or be condemned as propagators of ideologies that are spun, and spawn, of the devil, the most sinister propagator of destructive murderous falsehoods, unmatched in his abilities to twist and mangle humans from the inside out, starting with what and how they think.
He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8)
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity, whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents. Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them (Romans 1:28-32)
Saturday, July 8, 2023
Advantages of Suffering
NOTE: I added my thoughts in brackets
1. Suffering, the great equalizer, brings us to a point where we may realize our urgent need for redemption. (Everyone suffers and feels urgency about their existence at one point or another)
2. Those who suffer know not only their dependence on God and on healthy people but also their dependence on one another. (We are all dependent)
3. Those who suffer rest their security not on things, which often cannot be enjoyed and may soon be taken away, but rather on people. (People matter, not things)
4. Those who suffer have no exaggerated sense of their own importance, and no exaggerated need of privacy. Suffering humbles the proud. (Suffering humbles)
5. Those who suffer expect little from competition and much from cooperation. (Winning no longer matters, working together does)
7. Suffering teaches patience, often a kind of dogged patience born of acknowledged dependence. (Patience and endurance develop)
8. Suffering teaches the difference between valid fears and exaggerated fears. (Life or death becomes real)
9. To suffering people, the gospel sounds like good news and not like a threat or a scolding. It offers hope and comfort. (Knowing we die has us thinking about eternity)
10. Those who suffer can respond to the call of the gospel with a certain abandonment and uncomplicated totality because they have so little to lose and are ready for anything. (Nothing to lose, everything to gain)
In my middle years when life took a turn and I didn't have control of the steering, I learned vulnerability and humility in ways I didn't appreciate at the time, but would not give up for anything now. In my sorrow and suffering, I am not brave, I am honest. In my hurt and anguish, I weep without withholding ...
I leave you now to consider your own suffering, with this little hint of a direction you might want to take ...
From what I am learning, the people that perpetually ask, Why God, Why Me, don't get the piece/peace that transforms ... they endlessly chase their tails with regret, and wishing that does not change a thing. It is the "to what end" question that helps us become the kind of people God wants us to be, the kind of people others call on for support, comfort, encouragement, a shoulder to cry on, and a person to celebrate with too!
I leave you to your pain, and pray for your healing in the hands of the Comforter and Great Physician
But the God of all grace, who hath called us into his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you (1 Peter 5:10)
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
After Shot Hangover
Monday, July 3, 2023
Living With A Killer
Flash back images have played in my mind of those brutal moments, but also all the ones that are playful and fun too. That is the hard part, isn't it dear reader, recalling the beloved alive, while reconciling with them being no more, inaccessible, somewhere out there in the ether of memory but untouchable in the flesh. Dead, is dead.
I wrote about the killing of my dog last week, and in my sorrow I was greatly comforted by many. They wrote notes, checked in, called, checked in some more ... emails and consolation messages keep coming, and I am ever so grateful for the kindness. I have also had some say, in their love, that they want the dog that killed mine, put down, the owner held responsible for what happened ... I see their point, I really do, but there is this, dear one: The owner of that beautiful dog, lives with a killer.
The confused and displaced woman that could not control her half blind dog, also could not control her tongue. She was a swearing and accusatory person: she didn't like my son holding her dog down to release ours from its jaws, nor did she like him picking her dog up and throwing it away from me and Dot (our little Yorkie). The words coming from her were vile, and she kept saying, You hurt my dog (it was fine by the way, sitting patiently near by, unaware that her doggie ways caused human suffering). Alas, ours was dead, she could not cope with the situation or what she had just experienced, nor could she see the permanent damage that was done, because she loved her dog more than she cared for our loss, our pain, our suffering.
I paint a picture, of our last moments with Dot ... we tried to tell the woman it wasn't her fault, we didn't blame her, and I watched while my son offered his hand to her, telling her he was sorry, because while she verbally attacked and screamed at him, he had knocked her hat off her head. Nothing stopped her though, her vicious attack continued, just like nothing stopped her dog from going after ours. (Matthew told me later that he restrained himself; he said he had wanted to kill her dog, but in those moments decided he didn't want to hurt the canine). The woman did, at one point, when he and I stated our dog was dead, say she was crying for both of them, and then she resumed with the accusations, including that her dog was, Already half blind, and, I can't control her. She loves dogs, and we too, love dogs. Now imagine each set of us, me and my son, going home to bury our little bit of limp fluff, her going home with a killer.
She lives with a killer, and no matter how she tells the story, no matter what lies she tells herself, her dog killed another dog before her eyes, and she can never again, walk the woods, or the pathways, without a sense of fear, of trepidation, that it may very well happen again, but perhaps, to a small child?
Many have said the dog ought to be put down. I can see their point ... a killer in our midst is untrustworthy, dangerous, thirsty for blood and eager to destroy. Perhaps we can extrapolate together from here, dear reader: