Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The Deplorable's

Come rain or shine, the killing must continue... 

Grains of truth leave pockmarks on my soul. Leaning into the whipping wind, I am rewarded with shifting mounds of swirling sand, pelting viciously as though they are a tiny army recruited for cruelty sake. The sun shines this April day but the temperature is biting cold with the sky threatening rebellious snow. Contrary: we live to witness contrary diametrically opposed circumstances at every turn. 

When the sun shines, it is near impossible to be miserable, to feel depleted and sad, and yet the murderous have a job to do come rain or shine, and they are not uplifted by rays; the deplorable's want to blacken the Son. 

If it weren't for my faith, perhaps I would succumb to the sucking hole of blackness that engulfs countless numbers. Today I wax poetic, metaphorically attempting to paint a picture of dichotomy. In plainer language, we have God as love and light wanting none to be lost; in diabolical opposition, the demonic forces rush at us from all directions wanting to kill Him because of hatred, snarling and frothing their pitiful dispositions of enmity. The absurdity of believing one can kill God is mockable...

Just as the swirling sand requires wind to lift it high and drop it low, so too, man requires the breath of God to utter threats and ultimately, drag in the final inhale, and expel exhausted exhale, marking the end of a human life. 

Watching the vicious ones age rapidly and strangely believe that they will live forever via artificially crafted intelligence is a bit dumbfounding: graves mark the places their ancestors were placed when they expired, leaving this world for their final destination. What could possibly have the wicked believe they will not be meat for worms too, when God chooses to withdraw His life giving breath from their nostrils?

Declaring Christ as Saviour is not enough in a wicked world. There must be proof, I tell you, of a soul that belongs solely to Him. How are we to know one another, dear reader? What must we see in our professing brothers and sisters, to distinguish them from the deplorable's? The blurry line has been weather worn to the point of being indistinguishable. They will know we are Christians by our love, by our love... these are lyrics from a song that I used to savour... but I see them now as a lie. We must not be known by our love, but by the godly love that marks us as His. Human love is self-obsessed, godly love is other focused.

Love is not ignorant, excuse making, tolerant of stupidity or irreverence for Him and His ways. Love is not easy going, flighty, accepting of willy nilly anything goes progressive modernism and twisting of faith. Love is not many things, and it is definitely NOT anti-Biblical. And the world is precisely that, anti-Biblical, making it anti-Christ.

Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God (James 4:4)

We are living Revelation, and just in case you don't know what Revelation represents, it is all about the revealing of Jesus Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords, the universal God Almighty that is the Alpha and Omega, beginning and end. The entire Bible is about Jesus as Sovereign, the Son of God the Father, Saviour of the world, who will return to judge the living and the dead: this does not mean all peoples everywhere will be saved, dear one, that is the misguided belief system known as universalism. Jesus died for all, but not all humans want Him as their Master. Most humans prefer to be mastered by the God of this world: this includes countless professing Christians. 

So I ask you: 

🔥 How is one to know to whom you belong?
🔥 Do you live the Bible?
🔥 Are you willing to die for your faith in Jesus Christ, as your Saviour?
🔥 If someone were to describe you, would they call you a Christian, based on their sound knowledge of scripture?
🔥 What does being a Christian mean to you?

When I read scripture, the joy expressed there always comes from relationship with God, even when a believer is being scourged, beaten, pummelled with rocks, imprisoned... not one martyr would give up their faith for creature comforts. Can you be counted as one such as these? 

While prosperity pastors pretend the world is their oyster to be harvested, Christ followers humbly preach and teach God's Word, unabashed, unashamed, always with their eyes on the prize of souls won for the Lord, even when threatened with bodily harm and death: 

And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will (2 Timothy 2:24-26)

In Ecclesiastes 7:29, we read:

Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions (KJV)

In other words;

This only have I found: God created mankind upright, but they have gone in search of many schemes (NIV)


Behold, this only have I found: that God has made man upright, but they have sought out many perversions (JUB)

God creates, man devaluates... that, dear reader, is what humans do when they decide to reject Jesus as their God in favour of worldly ways:

🖤 Inventions
🖤 Schemes
🖤 Perversions

Sound familiar? 

Come rain or shine, will you honour the Lord? 

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