Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Goodbye Dalai

I saw an appalling thing yesterday: while I wish I hadn't, perhaps I was meant to.

A young boy sitting on a man's lap ~ a man dressed in a flowing orange gown, puffed up with his own importance, held the child captive there, whilst masked men watched and chuckled at the commands of the culprit. One man could be heard laughing like a deranged maniac, perhaps he is the one that videotaped the child's ordeal?

The old man, the guru, the purported wise man, told the little one to suck his tongue, and after a moment of hesitation, the child did his bidding. At this point my revulsion and rage took over. How is it that a room full of men could watch this savage attack on a vulnerable innocent child, used publicly as a sex toy, demeaned and degraded to delight an orange grub of a pseudo-man. A real man would never harm a defenceless child: if there were any real men in that audience, they would have punched the living daylights out of the repulsive, grinning, smirking godless guru. 

What happened next, happened to me. I began cursing this revolting psychopath and asking God to rot his private parts and subject him to great pain and suffering... what else is one to do, dear reader?

Today I opened my Bible to a place where I wrote from, not long ago:

But the hand of the LORD was heavy upon them of Ashdod, and he destroyed them, and smote them with emerods, even Ashdod and the coasts thereof (1 Samuel 5:6)

🔥 Hand of God
🔥 Heavy upon them
🔥 Destroy them
🔥 Smote them
🔥 Emerods
🔥 Ashdod and;
🔥 The coasts thereof

This morning I realized something with surety yet again. While men participate in perversion, and next perpetrate of their own accord, they miscalculate that they are safe to do so openly and shamelessly: they are heinously mistaken. God is always watching. And while you and I would love to turn away, repulsed and enraged, we must not, we simply MUST NOT, for the sake of the children being misused now, and those that are currently being hunted. God permits without permission, meaning it is man's free will to choose this type of abhorrent vileness, and it is man's free will also, to take a stand against these abominable acts of vulgarity that wound sweet young souls. 

Everything, and I mean everything, is God's. What is sacred to Him, He jealously establishes for all to see, and by God, our days simply must be numbered, dear reader, because how can it be, that these things we witness, have become so obvious, so common day, so in our faces?

For perhaps the very first time in my life, I earnestly prayed that the end come quickly. I love my life, I am blessed beyond measure and grateful everyday, but my heart is rend for the little ones, and forgive me Lord, but I pray for tongues of fire to consume the abominable's, the demonically driven abusers that subject humans to their sick and reprobate violence. 

The child in the video - I took a screen shot from the ghastly thing - was stolen from a mother. As a mother, I have an urge to injure each and every pseudo-man that participated passively, watching the scene unfold before them. It is obvious to me that they were well acquainted with this type of behaviour, and more than likely, indulge themselves similarly with their own tiny victims. 

Since you and I can watch this type of crime committed publicly without apparent recourse for the victims or recrimination for the predators, then I simply must assume that we are living in the end days according to scripture (which you can study for yourself, dear reader). Praying for God's justice now is all that I know to pray... His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 

Only in heaven will there be peace for these little ones. They cry for vengeance:

And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? (Revelation 6:10)

Time is running out for Dali, and saying goodbye to this wicked man will be a pleasure. 


  1. Let us never forget that our children are a precious gift to us from God. My children and grandchildren are my greatest of blessings in life.

  2. Children are the best of humanity. No wonder the Bible says:
    And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:3).

    Unfortunately, the depraved indulge sick urges at the expense of little ones. This awareness must increase our diligence in being watchful and protective of the vulnerable amongst us... the elderly, the frail, the defenceless, and our sweet children.

    Hugs RB, I know how much you love family and invest in them 💖 LGB

  3. I love the innocence of young children. It is precious and refreshing. If only this could last throughout their entire lives. What beautiful world that would be.
