What if I were to tell you that at the end of your street, a couple of houses to your left and right, or even in your own home, depravity has taken root and is festering, causing soul infectious disease and rotting?
It is true, and is happening all around you.
If someone were to look up the history of your internet interactions, what would they find there? Are you an open book, unfettered and unafraid, or would you experience some self-conscious discomfort, embarrassment or perhaps even shame, when eyes and ears peer and attune to what you have indulged?
As humans we have eyes to see and ears to hear... even the blind and deaf have access to knowing, to sensing and feeling what is happening all around us, unless of course, they, we, prefer to turn away and pretend all is well despite the empirical evidence.
In my profession as a Christian coach I have heard alarming stories, too grotesque to comprehend or repeat: sexual immorality with repugnant, unnatural interchanges shrouded in secrecy; but not really, dear reader. The secrecy is a facade, a farce, a bit of fakery feigned by the pervert and perhaps, hoped for by the ones that have been injured and have a sense of dignity. If you are reading this, it may be what you are experiencing, or have experienced. I have been coaching for nine years and some of the things I've heard would make your coffee cream curdle if you too, heard them.
Vulgar is a term I would like to see used more often to label what is happening:
1. Lacking sophistication or good taste
2. Making explicit and offensive reference to sex or bodily functions; course and rude
3. Characteristic of or belonging to ordinary people: 'common people'
Vulgar, according to yours truly
1. Sexual interactions between people that are not married (marriage explicitly defined as between one male and one female) turning them into animals using their private parts for gratification
2. Sexual deviations, including body parts or things forced to fit where they do not belong
3. Filthy, demeaning, degrading, suggestive and unseemly speech, that reduces a person or people to objects of lasciviousness
Having grown up in a world of ungodly people that rode the wave of "sexual revolution", with a free for all attitude that sex is love and love is love: and that procreation was optional and something we could choose when we felt the time was "right"; with birth control and other methods of pregnancy prevention available for anyone wanting these items, I realize in my late adulthood how prevalent freedom of physical expression, of intimacy, of "bumping uglies" has been. We have been immorally imposed upon, dear one, and we must be aware of this in order to consciously change the situation. Thank-You, by the way, for making your way through this run on paragraph!
In other words, just like the rainbow has been appropriated by the prideful, love too, has been misconstrued in a demonic attempt to make it vulgar and common.
The Bible is clear, God is love:
He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love (1 John 4:8)
🔥 Love is not sex
🔥 Love is not sexual gratification
🔥 Love is not you be you
🖤 Love is not whatever you feel like, want to be, want others to believe
🖤 Love is not sex with the same gender or marriage to someone that has the same body parts as yours
🥸 Love is not changing your genitalia, artificially manipulating your hormones, dressing as though you are the opposite sex, and insisting that everyone agree with your fake-believe
☠️ If you profess love, and it is not God's will, God's way, and on God's terms, you knoweth not God, because God is love
Murder is afoot, dear reader. Young people are killing themselves in droves because they have been told that they are just body parts, that anything goes, including their virginity, sense of right and wrong, sense of decency and self-respect, and their innocence too: all is expendable in the now, leaving them with no future. They have been lied to and stolen from and they knoweth not God because their parents give them up to sex gods that hate them and want them used, abused and disposed of.
We have become vulgar as a society, and it is repulsive to witness
Now, just to put a fine point on this conversation...
💔 Do you have some memories that when visited, cause you to blush?
💔 Are there things you have said, done, witnessed, that you wish you hadn't?
💔 If you could erase some of your history, would you?
💔 Do you have regret?
❤️🩹 Do you have remorse leading you to repentance?
If you said yes to all of the above, I am very happy for you! Regret, remorse, and repentance, are gifts from a conscience that desires to be cleared and cleaned, white as snow! We all have regret and perhaps remorse, but it is repentance, that wonderful desire to be pure before God, that lifts us from being common folk to citizens of the Kingdom of heaven as God's own children. I think of Romans 3: 21-26, and the encouragement we find there:
God's Righteousness Through Faith
But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe. For there is no difference; for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God set forth as a propitiation by his blood, through faith, to demonstrate his righteousness, because in his forbearance God has passed over the sins that were previously committed, to demonstrate at the present time his righteousness, that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.
Compare and contrast righteousness through faith in Christ, and vulgarity as presented by the demonically driven, dear reader. Only God through His Son, can eradicate, erase, and rewire a sinner unto righteousness. You and I have a chance to change ourselves, our neighbourhood, our communities, and the lives of those that knoweth not God, because they have been lied to about love.
We can make a DIFFERENCE, and we MUST!
Now, I have some instructions for you that will change your life:
1. Read the Bible
2. Live the Bible... Live God's commands
3. Watch and listen closely for a new song in your heart
Can you hear it?