Friday, October 14, 2022

Eery Vindication

Insulting name calling
I was called names, dear reader: one title labelled me as a cult leader. Other words to describe me were irresponsible, and unhelpful: there were more, but who cares really, at this point? I am confident that if you are reading this, and you took the same stand that I did almost three years ago, you too, were described in insulting and unbecoming ways that were not reflective of who you are. 

Mangled angry faces
I am not a grudge holder, but I do recall with clarity this morning, what felt like looming ugly faces imposing in my personal space, accompanied by hate directed my way when I salmon swam up stream, while so many I knew for what seemed a life time, played in the shallows of someone else's swampy stagnant pond. The mangled with anger faces flash before my eyes, people I knew, and yet, now they seem so alien to me, like we never even met. They turned on me viciously, without good reason, other than me speaking the truth. THAT, is demented. 

I was right though, dear reader. I called it like it was, and is, and this morning, I have that yucky feeling of unpleasant satisfaction, of eery vindication. 

Saved my health and life
Being right about horrible circumstances is nightmarish. It isn't a feel good occasion for me. Being right though, saved my health and my life. I was right to believe my discernment. I was right to resist the imposition of strange rules and regulations that I had never heard of or experienced before. I was right to call the liars bluff, and I am here to write, about being right. 

I have a curiosity about the people I used to know. How have they changed? What are they experiencing? How do they feel? Are they well; are their family members well? Has anyone died?

Has anyone died...

Elevated levels of cortisol
My son made a most excellent point today, about the perpetrators ensuring our continual elevated levels of cortisol due to the anxiety of not knowing. We don't know if, when, where, how people that have been injected with poison will go from this world into the next. It is a waiting game that I did not sign up to play, and yet here I am, wondering, waiting, and curious.

Curiosity is usually very healthy. When we use our curiosity, we get to ask questions and those yield answers that help us understand people places and things much better. The curiosity of wondering if someone is sick and or dying, isn't helpful or healthy. It is an unfortunate by product of KNOWING, in the circumstances we now live, that it is only a matter of time before we hear or read the news, that someone we used to know, is no more. 

Truth digs
Day after day behind the scenes sickly information is revealed. This is a Biblical principle, that what has been hidden will see the light of day. The truth works like that, it isn't meant to be buried. Lies surface because the truth digs them up, exposing them for what they are, for the sake of those that need vindication; need to know that they were on the right path and are still. John the Baptist, that faithful Holy Spirit filled messenger from God, asked from his prison cell, the question:

And John calling unto him two of his disciples sent them to Jesus, saying, Art thou he that should come? or look we for another? 

When the men were come unto him, they said, John Baptist hath sent us unto thee, saying, Art thou he that should come? or look we for another?

And in that same hour he cured many of their infirmities and plagues, and of evil spirits; and unto many that were blind he gave sight. 

Then Jesus answering said unto them, Go your way, and tell John what things ye have seen and heard; how that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the gospel is preached.

And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me (Luke 7:19-23)

People were offended, dear reader. They didn't like Jesus as the solution to a man made problem. As a result, they took into themselves a Satanic potion, and lo:
  • their infirmities increased to the point of plague
  • evil spirits speak without constraint to, and through them
  • those that could see clearly, now have vision trouble, and some are completely blind
  • people hobble, and walk in the most distorted and unnatural of ways; so many cannot walk at all
  • the previously healthy live with lesions, while others watch as their skin turns to black death, leprous and devouring
  • they cannot hear the voice of God; their ears ring continually
  • the grave yawns its hideous mouth widely, waiting to consume them
  • Lord help them, the gospel was shared but they refused to believe that the Kingdom of God was not only near, but here
Instead of receiving God's blessing, 
they brought upon themselves a curse. 

But John the Baptist, dear one, before his beheading, was affirmed. He recognized Jesus when the two of them were in their mothers wombs. John recognized Jesus as the Lord when He appeared, and instructed John to baptize Him. 

He needed to know that he was right. And he was, as confirmed by the miracles Jesus performed, and the message Jesus gave to John's disciples, to assure John that he fulfilled his mission on earth, by declaring to all that would listen, the coming of the Saviour. 

And saying, Repent ye: 
for the kingdom of heaven is at hand (Matthew 3:2)

John the Baptist was a voice crying out in the wilderness. And perhaps your voice has been the same. I know mine has, and I sometimes just plain old wish that people trusted Jesus with their lives, the way I have, the way God's faithful ones have throughout history. He has instructed us to place our faith in Him, and to do so fearlessly. The greatest sin most recently committed, has been mass, hysterical, unwarranted fear... a true indication that God and man are miles, and for many, an eternity, apart. 

When I looked up the word vindicated just now, I felt a sense of relief: here are some synonyms:

acquit, clear, absolve, free from blame, declare innocent, exonerate, 
exculpate, discharge, liberate, free, deliver, redeem

This is how I feel. I was wrongly accused, and false witness was bourn against me. I have been exonerated, and found innocent of wrong doing, because I not only spoke the truth, I remained steadfast in my declarations of what I knew to be lies these past several years. 

Am I bragging, dear reader? 
Do you think me arrogant? 

Not at all. Those of us that refused to take the fake bait, live to tell the tale, and the falsehoods that are perpetually presenting themselves publicly, acquit us of all wrongdoing. We remain blameless, while those that pointed accusatory fingers in our direction, now must live with the reality, that they were deadly wrong. 

Alas, this is the saddest case of rightness I have ever experienced.


  1. Well said Linda! I also find being ‘awake’ a very trying experience - when you see clearly what’s going on around you, but are continually being gas-lighted at every turn. Then, watching people literally choosing harms rather than to find out the truth because they rather be comfortable and secure (and probable ‘accepted’ in society).

    There was a post circulating of FB months ago where the writer describes how it feels to be awake in a zombie world, and while being awake is definitely an exhilarating and empowering experience, it’s also a dark and lonely place to be. I totally agree!

    But then, I’m reminded that I’m a child of God and that I’m hidden in the shadow of His wings. He will bring me, and any other who choose to follow Him, safely home.

    So, as CS Lewis would say, I ‘live for today with a focus on eternity’. This world is not my home.

    2 Cor 4: 16-18: Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
    For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

    1. Thanks SO MUCH for your edifying comments here Colette. I always appreciate your Biblical approach to this life… you ooze wisdom

      Yours in Christ, LGByers

  2. From your friend Colette 🤗

  3. OUTSTANDING piece LGB!!!

    1. Thank You RoBEAR... grrrrrr! Yours in Christ, LGB

    2. Thanks RoBEAR! Grrrrrr, yours in Christ, LGB

  4. One more thing LGB…
    “You are not afraid.
    You were made for this.”
