Here are the definitions for demean:
Here are the definitions for demoralize
Here are the definitions for demean:
Here are the definitions for demoralize
I am anticipating, and have already noted, that the liars have begun to feign injury for the deception they willingly participated in for pay. When offered cash to trick the public, these limelight thieves put on their most serious business attire and matching facial expression, and bold face LIED.
Now I don't know these people that had their moment in the fake lights camera action sun, but I do know people that willingly, accusatorially, viciously, publicly, attacked my character, the character of my faithful friends, and the truth tellers that saw through the lie wall BEFORE the cracks caused crumbling. They liked the lies, they liked having strong opinions that gave them permission to condescendingly suggest that people like me, were kind of, well, dumb and dim witted. We, the dumb ones, just couldn't see, and eventually, we would be sorry.
I am sorry, I truly am. I am sorry that people I love will probably not be here this time next year. I am sorry that I hear stories of children dying of heart attacks and strokes, and parents leaving orphans behind because they took their own lives, or the poison injected into them did them in. I am sorry that parents put kids in masks, and that when I publish and share this, a nonsensical warning may appear, with a link to information about a fake illness that acted like a Trojan horse, letting in all the boogie men to scare the weak willed into saying yes to what God never intended to go into bodies He created in His image.
I am sorry that I can't stem the blood flow, and that innocent sweet babies with trusting eyes, are betrayed by the adults that ought to protect them from evil: they are being sacrificed to the pharma gods, one injection at a time.
I am also sorry for those of us that watch and wait, anticipating terrible news, and the funerals we will attend for those that we warned, those that would not heed.
I weep daily. I used to cry for the adults I knew, but that has all but stopped. Now I cry for those they have influenced, those that with vulnerability, trusted them, believed them to be god like wise, and had to go along, and sometimes smile agreement, when perhaps, they wanted to cry out, "No, please don't make me ... I can't breathe with the mask and I hate needles"
Needles, who in God's name has EVER liked to be poked with a sharp object? Masks ... I can't even begin to fathom these stringed things being acceptable on little faces: it is criminal, and my mind bends unnaturally when I try to justify it in any way shape or form.
So yes, to all those that went one way when I went another, I am sorry. I am sorry you chose wrongly, and you will pay the price in this life, and God have mercy, hopefully not in the next.
Lying & Dying
"Ahh, I see", said the blind man to the deaf man ...
Predictive Prophecy vs predictive programming ...
According to scripture:
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings (Jeremiah 17:9-10)
Finally, I felt gentle hands on mine, instructing me softly to let go of the whistle, telling me "It's ok Linda, just ask for help." The thought makes me weepy as I type. I didn't want help, I wanted out on my own. I wanted people to hear the whistle calling them, alarming them to the solution to our mutual problem of being trapped. The gentle hands pried the whistle from mine, and as I let go and spoke the words, "I need help", exhaustion and defeat washed over me. I was led "out", and told that I was the last participant to exit, at the twenty-eight minute mark.