They don't know
- They don't know what they don't know
- How don't they know, though
- I don't know how they don't, but I do, and that would be good enough for me, if I were a selfish kind of person, but I'm not, I'm not selfish
Go with the flow
What they don't know, is that they are the oh wells, the what you gonna do's, the it-is-what-it-is ers. They are the go with the flow status quo, acquiescent masses, and it hurts my heart to be in their midst, longing for more for them, while not good enough is what they willingly comply to
They have said yes one too many times, to the demands of an invisible god, and it is costing them their life, as they live, and barely breathe, behind things that cling to their faces, like hands attached to strings... they don't see this, and it is an oddity to me. I try not to look at them, in fact, I betray myself, because I long to look in their eyes and connect, but I cannot: I pity them and want to beg them to please, please let me see your beautiful face? but it is not for me to ask of them, it is something they must come to of their own accord
Carrying on
And they are, they are carrying on, having normalized the acceptance of someone else's imposition IN their intimate spaces... inside the brain, which interacts with the heart, and gives instruction to the spirit... killing it softly, slowly, subtly but with violence, because it is self, killing self, one stale inhale and death shot at a time
Ostrich sized eye lashes
I remember the ridiculousness of ostrich sized eye lashes; plastic surgeries that included buttock, calf, breast, abdominal inserts; make-up so thick it was plastered on with trowels... humans turning themselves into caricatures of themselves, looking like freak shows and believing they were beautiful. I recall reading about a young woman who's goal was to have sex with 100 men, and her sharing her progress publicly, and shamelessly, on instagram
I have seen far too many, my body my choice advocates; young women who haven't a clue how precious they are, or that the baby they may be carrying, is not theirs to kill, that is is actually one of Gods sacred souls housed in a tiny, innocent, vulnerable, and sweet human frame. If babes were conceived in wedlock more often, then out of marriage, I am confident more of them would be born into this world. And the Satan worshippers, blatantly advertising to assist pregnant women wanting to engage in abortion rituals, and offering them legal aid... yup, is it any wonder our world has gone to hell and the count down is on, for many to actually end up there, permanently?
Now we have children being forced by their own parents to mask up
Now we have children being forced by their own parents to get injected
They hold their hands and walk them toward the murder weapon, and on their tongues the lies sit until they are spoken with sweetness, this is for your own good, aren't you excited?
What child, in the history of children, has ever been excited about a needle?
Premonitions and bad dreams
One morning, about two years ago, I heard the whisper martial law. It was a moment of discernment, a knowing of what was to be. I also had a horrid dream: my best girlfriend at the time, came to me with several men that she was in charge of. In the dream, they were ordered to take hold of me, and inject me: at the same time, I heard her say, it is for your own good... this was prior to the roll out and implementation of the shot agenda
My former girlfriend is one of the don't knows, she is one of the tormented that believes humans have her best interests at heart, can be trusted, and adhering to the mandates she was instructed to implement, is for everyones own good. She is guilty, as many are, of living in fear, despite her professions of faith in Jesus Christ as her Saviour. She is also guilty of maiming and killing, since she took it upon herself to be a part of the beasts system, accepting pay for playing her role
She, like many that pledged their allegiance to the enemy with the actions she has taken, and the money she has been paid, may or may not be cognizant of her crimes. I am not sad that we are living in a coven like community, where people are taking their orders from an invisible miserable king (this is not new, it is just far more obvious then ever before), I am saddened in the knowledge, that many have not the comprehension skills to recognize the controlled states their minds have been committed to... they don't know what they don't know, and there is nothing anyone can say or do, to bring them back to sound reasoning: only a visceral experience of extreme loss, will perhaps, snap them out of their fugue state
God repented
The Bible talks about a falling away, and I believe it has been happening for a very long time, with hedonism reigning and ruling in the minds and hearts of the many, for entire generations: think Sodom and Gomorrah, when God repented, meaning regretted, creating man... man en masse had become so reprobate, that God was repulsed, and could not stand their stench, and He rained down fire and brimstone, destroying the towns and the people in them. God is repulsed now, and He is doing His God thing, giving us lots of time to either hang ourselves, or look to be rescued from the slavery promised us by the ruler of this earthly kingdom, Satan himself:
He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still (Revelation 22:11)
For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (Matthew 16:26)
We can't have it both ways dear reader. We cannot profess faith in God and commit adultery by fornicating with the world. Yes, you read this correctly: when we say we believe in God, and then give ourselves over to worldly ways, including enslavement, we are prostituting ourselves on multiple levels:
- We are double minded
- We become disloyal
- We say one thing and live another
- We live for pleasure rather than honour
- We are rewarded by humans at the expense of Gods displeasure
Value of each chip
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The torment of fear, is not of God Trust in Him, and Him alone |
Ensure yours goes to the One that paid the ultimate price for you in blood. Ensure you are one of the ones, in the know
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