Monday, December 18, 2017

Wisdom from Heaven

But the wisdom that is from above is first pure; then peaceable, gentle, and easy to entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace (James 3:17-18)

Oh my oh my, where do we start with this one dear reader? My first impression, is that we would want nothing less than this, coming from heaven! The wisdom from above is, purity, peaceable, gentle, easy in the asking, full of mercy, good fruits, without partiality, without hypocrisy: and the fruit of righteousness: a harvest (reaping after the sowing) in peace, of those that make peace!
  • Can you absorb all the goodness in these short, powerful sentences? 
  • Can you imagine your life, if this becomes the life you live, and lead others to? 
I want this so very much, that I can hardly stay in my seat, let alone my skin

You are mad and this is justifiable
Let us start with what you want the most, from others. You read this correctly. What is the most appealing in the list above? To answer this question, you must look to the thorn in your heart, the piercing that you have felt there. So many body parts are being pierced these days, strange places that foreign objects should never be implanted: including your heart 

Look at your heart now. What have you allowed to puncture it, leaving a hole for hardware? Has someone 
  • played dirty
  • been inconsiderate
  • overpowered and imposed upon you
  • been ruthless
  • stolen what you have made or earned
  • played favourites
  • lied to you
  • been disruptive
  • given you less than what you deserve
  • wrongfully treated you
What really eats away at you, that other people do, or have done to you, that gets that ire of yours up?

Getting really clear
Heavens wisdom juxtaposed to mans wisdom 
His way verses our way:

Good fruit/Rotten fruit
Sower of peace/Spreader of poison
Harvest of Righteousness/Destroyed with Depravity

Points of pain
Welcome to the human race dear one. If you can point your finger at someone, and say you have treated me badly, you have wronged me, and this or that has hurt me: then you are me, you are your neighbour, you are your friends and relatives. 

You are one with everyone you have ever met in this regard. Our common experience of mistreatment by one another makes us relatable, with similar points of pain. But who, who I ask you, wants to live like this? Why would we want to stay here, with our own limited knowledge, with our limited understanding of how this world works, when we can tap into the wisdom, of heaven?

What we are capable of
We are capable. Wisdom says be slow to anger, be pure in thought and deed. Be peaceful and loving. Consider one another, and submit to goodness. Show mercy with compassion, and let what you produce be useful, wholesome for you and others. 

Be kind, to everyone, no matter their station in life, and be sincere, and honest. When you can, be peaceful and this will spread, it will grow to become a harvest where right wins and the many benefit. 

The opposites
If this could be yours, would you take it? It is an offering from heaven with built in promises. You already know, you have already experienced all of the opposites dear reader, haven't you?

We are capable of choosing Gods wisdom over our own, sowing His seeds rather than the devils destruction. This is black and white reality 

Wisdom that is from above... that sure does sound heavenly: let us choose it today, together

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