Neither coming nor going
On the
fence, the in-between, somewhere in the middle, neither coming nor going…
I am
in the midst of the midst, the no-turning-back zone that says tally ho, off you
go!. Go on, take a step forward. Just one tiny step now, you can do it! Here
here, let me count you in, one, two, three, GO. No?
Ok how about this, three, two, one, BLASTOFF! Hey, you haven't moved an inch, what is going on?
Okay okay,
let's try this one, On your marks, get set… You get the picture: I am
stuck, but why?
I have a dream
I have a dream... these words came from Martin Luther King Jr. They resound and reverberate in the heart after entering the ears, don't they dear reader?
I too have a dream, and on the clearest of days, I can see for miles into the dream, uninterrupted views of what will be. As I step into the dream, I pace myself, confidently putting one foot in front of the other, unimpeded. As I walk, I remember to look around me, appreciate the view, unobstructed.
Uninterrupted, unimpeded, unobstructed... do you see them dear reader, the obstacles, the ones that I hint will get in the way, of the dream? Isn't life just like that? We want something but alas, as we move in the right direction, it is as though someone is grabbing the back of our traveling clothes, slowing our progress and keeping us on the spot. I am glancing backward, looking for the gripper, the one that has my shirt bunched in his hands, the one that says stay where you are, I will not let you go.
Comic Relief
Today I was late for a meeting. Upon entering, I muttered an apology, and as I attempted to finish my grand entrance, my coat button hole closed itself over the door handle, stopping me in my tracks! I thought this was entertaining, and I laughed silently to myself. While still on the hook, so to speak, I looked up. One other person in the room had noticed. We exchanged a grin and now freed from the door handle, I took my seat.
The Meeting
The meeting, it started without me. The meeting, it carried on while I was stuck. The meeting, it completed and while I was a part of it, it wasn't about me, it was about something far bigger than me...
I was and am, one of many participants in many meetings, happening all over the world, all of the time. These meetings go on no matter who is in attendance, reminding me, and you, that we matter as members of a whole, that nothing matters at all when it is strictly about one person, one individual.
What is my point, you ask? It is this: uninterrupted, unimpeded, unobstructed is a solo life choice. This choice will keep you on track and your goal(s) will likely be met, your dreams coming true. But what will you miss? What is going on without you? If you are invited to a meeting and you do not show up, will others wonder about your absence and ask, where you are, or will they carry on, without you?
Which way do I go
The road less travelled is one I have taken. Along the way, I have met a few weary wanders, people like me that take the straight and narrow path, sometimes lonely for souls of similar ilk. We start out fresh, ready to face the world, its obstacles, obstructions, forks in the road. Somewhere in the traveling, there is a tired that sets in, the pace slows, and this is when which way do I go begins, as a quiet whisper in the mind.
- Which way do you go dear one, when you are stuck?
- Where do you turn, sweet friend, when in every direction you spin, it seems you encounter a never ending circle, without entrance or exit?
- How do you find your way out, when your feet refuse to co-operate, and it feels as though someone has a hold of your shirt and will not let you go?
- How do you unhook yourself, free yourself from the doorknob that has you caught up?
I have to laugh at myself right here, right now. This metaphor can go in so many wonderfully ridiculous directions, that it has the effect of breaking a stunned spell.
Not Stuck
I am not stuck, I have only briefly, been slowed down
I am not on the hook, I just got caught up for a short moment in time
I am not alone on the narrow path, I see many loved ones there with me, all of the time.
The meeting started without me, but I was invited in, even when I arrived late... the dream, it didn't go away, I took my eyes off of it while I got all tripped up in myself.
I end now, with you. Do you, have a dream?
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