Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Ocean Tears

Ocean Tears

One year mark approaches
One year ago dear reader. Can you remember what was happening in your life one year ago? Perhaps you have an astounding memory and you can remember what was happening in your life ten to twelve months ago; maybe you are on Facebook and they have reminded you, a year ago today, what you were up to back then; or maybe you are like me, and cannot recall much about the details of the events of your life, except for perhaps, some life altering occurrences that changed the trajectory of your existence, forever?

Panama, the Ocean
I feel the pull of the ocean. The waves whoosh toward me and then recede as I step closer to the wet, to the entry point of watery expanse. The water is warm and inviting, so that I do not have to play the game of should I or shouldn't I fully immerse. The sun kisses my skin and as I step down, the water rises up and I am in. I am in and my salty tears add to the ocean, mixing and mingling. I have a request, many requests, and I cry out to God for someone I love, someone I long for, someone I must place in His hands. It is my fiftieth year and it marks the end of many things, the beginning of others. I did not know this at the time: what I knew was everything was different, nothing seemed recognizable, and I was changing too.

Every beginning has an ending, every ending has newness in the beginning

My prayers, they have been answered dear reader. God heard me above the waves, He caught my tears in the expanse. I prayed for His will, His way, His words 

God sees you in your sorrow
For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it (Isaiah 55:10-11). 

I prayed, He answered, watering the seed of my request, giving me the gift of budding and now flourishing. I am not done yet, with my praying, my requesting and this: I am never done being thankful, for a God that hears our cries for help, catches our tears and counts them all, and answers our earnest prayers.

Now it is your turn dear reader. Cry out to the Lord and in a year from now...

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