Tuesday, April 4, 2017


Damp spot
Progress doesn’t always look like we want it to. We have a leaking roof, right over our doorway. The outside is soaked, and has a perpetual damp spot on the shingles, and the bricks abutting the roof top. 

When a roofer was asked about it years ago, he stated that there was nothing wrong. I have looked at that spot periodically, with suspicion. We had significant rain, with driving wind last week. Following the rain, evidence of a leaky roof showed up on the inside, with dark brown, rusty looking blotches appearing on our ceiling. The leakiness progressed, going from damp, to wet, to saturated, and finally to: we had better do something about this now!  

It was bound to happen
Our home has been leaky for some time. Emotions felt, spoken, and contained, have our house springing energy leaks. It was bound to happen. 

The evidence of the leaks are everywhere, and cannot be ignored any longer. This leakage isn't new, or unique to our family, it is common place for many. 

Muted thoughts
The progression for our familial leakage has gone from innuendo, to hurt feelings, to misunderstanding, to muted thoughts and feelings, to distrust and isolation: all effective ways to keep family members apart, despite the love that longs to bind us in unity. Perhaps the progression looks different in your family? 

More of the same
Here is another scenario. There is imposition of will that leads to resentment, and caustic responses, tied closely with guilt, regret, remorse, and withdrawal, followed by obligation, and a build up of distain. 

Soon enough there is grumbling and cursing, complaining outside of the family home, and the should-be-safe-walls. Next the foundation springs a leak. Sound familiar? 

Advanced state
Progression is: movement towards a destination; a number of things in a series and this; the process of developing gradually towards a more advanced state. What is the advanced state in the scenarios depicted above? 

In the case of our roof, it may fall in on us one day, due to its weakened state. In the case of energy leaks, love being leached from our home, it to, may collapse like a house of cards, progressing to the point of being levelled. 

Except for this, dear one. We can see the leaks, we can feel the temperature changes from the inside, and we can do something about all of it! 

His work is guaranteed
There is a Repair Kit available. All you need do, is call the Master Craftsman. He is on twenty-four hour call duty. He never leaves His post, and can be in a home the moment He is thought of and called upon. His work is guaranteed, with a life time warranty, and saints are always satisfied with the end results:

Building here was foolishness
Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: an great was the fall of it (Matthew 7:24-27)  

I hear the words dear reader. I have put in a call to the Master Craftsman, The One that provides perfect restorative repairs. 
  • What about you? 
  • What is leaking in your life? 
  • What needs attention now, to keep the wind and rain out of your home? 
  • Who will you call for repair and ultimate relief? 
God is on the line and He knows just what you need

January 1, 2022
Addendum: A trusted home improvements man came to my house, to investigate the dampness from the roof, just over my doorway. He looked toward the wet bricks, and there, found a crack, the culprit that allowed driving rain into my home. He filled the crevice line, and since then, rain has stayed where it belongs, outside

The energy love leakage I mentioned above, was resolved too, with my former husband leaving the family. While this sounds harsh and perhaps accusatory, it is not meant to... 

I live the scripture I quote above, and the Master Craftsman has provided perfect restorative repairs: my life, my family, my house, is built upon the Rock


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