Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Pendulum Swing

I am reading the most fascinating book entitled Pendulum. I will give you one of the brilliant take-aways that I have gleaned from this research based study of humanity. 

Let us start with a statement that we can all agree upon: too much of a good thing becomes a bad thing 
  • A little bit of sun brightens cheeks, too much sun scorches and blisters the skin 
  • A little bit of food satisfies the appetite, too much food causes indigestion 
  • Lastly, a little bit of beer or wine delights the taste buds, too much beer or get the picture
In the book Pendulum, the phenomena of me to we is investigated, and explained extensively. We travel from one end of a swing to its opposite extreme in a forty year period. Currently, the Western world is in a we swing, moving away from the me. For details and to satisfy your curiosity, you simply must get this book! 

Now, here is the take-away I promised you 
In a me society, too much freedom becomes depravity. In a we society, too much responsibility becomes slavery. Somewhere in the middle of two much, is a healthy just enough of everything. The beauty of this book is the explanation of how we become unbalanced as individuals and as societies. 

We have a tendency, don't we Dear Reader, to go from one extreme to another?
  • Have you ever felt like you are an all or nothing kinda gal or guy? 
  • When you do something, are you all in, no holding back, go to town in your mentality? 
  • What is the price you pay in the form of mental, physical, psychological and spiritual well being? 
  • What about your relationships, how are they holding up? 
The Bible is very clear about our time, and how it is to be spent. A day of rest is mandated, and me writing this seems almost ridiculously archaic, laughable in a society that never hits the stop button on their timer. 

24/7 and 150% have become the norm, and to suggest giving 'it" a rest is almost an insult to those whose personal pendulums have swung to the top end, in one direction or the other, on the me to we continuum. 

Sleepy to the swing
Being subject to societal pressure is a force that can take us unawares to places that we never wanted to go. Along the way, that heavy pendulum becomes a wreaking ball, taking out individuals, families, communities, whole societies that are sleepy to the swing. 

If you are reading this, might I suggest you get out of the way of the pendulous
ball heading in your direction? It takes a bit of time to realize what is happening, and figure out what to do next, when we are awaken to the truth of imbalance. 

You can do it, figure yourself out: don't be subjected to society, live your own reality based on Biblical truth. 

Your identity is valuable: go discover who you are before someone tries to wipe your slate clean. 

Addendum: Clearly, God has been warning us for some time, of what was to come. I can hardly believe that I wrote this, considering the circumstances we find ourselves in:

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust (Psalm 91:1-2)

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