Tuesday, April 4, 2017


The oddity of sexual advancement at an early age

Daughters, do you know to whom you belong? At an early age, females experience the oddity of sexual advances from males. For many young women, it is a too much too soon jarring experience that causes confusion. I recall being at an older cousins house. We were listening to music. He must have been watching me, waiting for an opportunity. I still remember my shock when I felt his tongue in my ear. I shake my head at the recollection, wondering about him and his inclination to violate my innocence. He always had a "thing" for me, despite our age difference-I could see a gleam in his eyes and after the tongue in ear experience, I made sure I was never again, alone with him. I can share other stories here but alas, we all have our stories, don't we? Perhaps your own experiences are flooding your mind, spilling in from your stored and almost forgotten memory banks?

What we believe about ourselves is vital and impactful

The stories stem from life, encounters with others, welcome and unwelcome. What we believe about ourselves as characters in our own stories is vital and impactful. Who do you believe you are? You have done things that you wish you had not, what does that make you? You have also been subjected to the will of others and for many women, the unspoken secretive truth is that someone sometime somewhere, took sexual advantage, violating the most basic human need for safety and security. When this happens, females in their confusion, can formulate many beliefs about who they have become. Lives are often lived from this jumping off point and young girls can start to believe that they are used and damaged goods. That since they have already "done it" there is no point in saying no. This is one of the greatest lies ever told, that our worth is diminished based on someones misuse of us or our own misguided use of ourselves. The word perdition comes to mind and it is pulled straight from a page written in Satans' history books. The meaning is this: a state of eternal punishment and damnation into which a sinful and unrepentant person passes after death; complete and utter ruin.

You are a daughter of God Almighty

Oh, don't you see? You are a Daughter of God Almighty, not a Daughter of the devil. Women are precious and made in the image of GOD and the devil throws mud and filth upon us so that we cannot see our beauty, our glorious Godly nature. You, we, were created with Gods own hand and no human, no matter how hard they try, can erase who we are in Gods sight. No demon or devil can separate us from Gods love and faithfulness.

You belong to him

Daughter of God, who do you say you are? Isn't it time for you to play a different character in your own story, reclaiming your worth? You, dear heart, belong to him. 

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