Thursday, April 27, 2017

Parenting in the Wilderness

Every new babe deserves this protective start in life

I received email this morning from a sweet man who enjoys sharing pictures from nature. Today I viewed a series of parent and offspring shots. The young in the wild being taken care of by their parents. What struck me in the photos was the sweet, innocent miniatures that were completely vulnerable in their brand new world. Adoring, attentive and available parents carried offspring, licked them, covered them under their wings or bodies and even huddled in packs around babies nestled safely in the centre of the circle of love they had created as a community. Every new babe deserves this protective start in life, wouldn't you agree dear reader? Safety first is the mandate while the young grow into understanding what they are capable of, what dangers and pleasures will be discovered and how to interact with the world in not only survival mode, but in such a way as to succeed and pass on to the next generation what works to make for a great life.

You may be like many who...

Look at you and your life now dear reader, were you raised in the wilderness by a parent that adored you? Were they attentive and available as you took your first steps tentatively in the world? What happened when you fell and scrapped your knee? How about the first time your heart was broken from betrayal or unrequited love? Who was there to tend to you? You may be perfectly sound with wonderful parent and child memories. Or you may be like many who have had to sort out the impact of a life where parents could not, did not, would not give to their offspring what they needed to strive.

Bonded affection

What I noticed in all of the nature pictures I viewed this morning was a form of bonded affection. Bonded is defined as: a force or feeling that unites people; a shared emotion or interest. Affection is defined as: a gentle feeling of fondness or liking. The young bonded to parents as a result of the affection given, displayed, poured out from adult to child.

Gods love for you is great
Ok dear reader, we have arrived here together. You may or may not have received what it is you were entitled to as a child, what you needed to learn and grow and face the big bad world or learn how to navigate pain and even joy. You can feel sorry for yourself and for a time, this might be just what you need. Go ahead, have a good cry as you weep for what wasn't. Now, wipe your tears away and look up. If you are in the wilderness and you feel alone, ill equipped to face the world and what awaits you, do look up. Your Good Father in heaven has a gentle fondness and liking for you. You already have his affection and he is available to you at any given moment in time. You can get what you need from your Big Daddy. Let him carry, caress and cover you. Let him tuck you under his wings and allow him to put you in the centre of his community of care.

You are not alone. 

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Out Standing

Recognizing out standing is a gift. Out standing is everywhere and nowhere, depending on your vision and what it is you are looking for. Perhaps you are not looking for anything at all? If this is the case, this may not be the place for you right now. Your time might be better spent elsewhere? If you are, however, seeking what stands out, then I invite you to stay and keep me company while I investigate this idea further.

I have a magnolia tree in my front yard that is in full bloom. The subtle shades of pink petals decorate branches. Some have let go of their hold of each other, dropping gently to the grass blanket that covers the earth. The magnolia stands out as the only tree in my vision that is in bloom. For now, this tree is singularly beautiful in its stunning floral display. I think of the pedals dropping one by one, fading from tender pink to brown and wonder about the changes from bud to leaves. To what end, with what purpose? Can we forgo the flowers and their slow and delicate death? What about the emergence of the lush shades of green tips that peak out when the tree has shed its blooms? Each leaf takes its own place, held there by an invisible grip, hands unseen. There is a life force within the tree and a wisdom that holds it to a schedule, a truth, a path of continuance. The tree does what it does without question or doubt. The tree carries on in its tree ways, designed to change as predicted as commanded...Nature as teacher. The tree blooms without shame or hiding. It receives light, the love of rain and nutrient rich earth. The tree flourishes and reaches for the heavens and in so doing, displays glory, honouring the One who first planted its seed. The blooms have their say, they speak of praise and beauty and they let go of this allowing for new growth, the green of maturity and expansiveness, shade under which you and I might go for peace and pleasure. I heard that magnolias grow slowly and I can attest to this fact. Slowly but surely, this too is a gentle generous gift, a promise of blooming and growth, reaching up and letting go and repeating this time and time again. The tree has no fear and stands out, not as brave but as confident. Isaiah 55:12 "For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands." Singing and clapping Dear Reader? THIS is what nature is doing? This truth is out standing, simply OUT STANDING! Teach me, train me Lord, this should be our request of God. Let me live in accord with Your rhythm, Your bold and beautiful display of glory! Who wouldn't want this Dear Reader, who I ask you? Today, I learn from my magnolia, planted there for me to remind me of who I am in Christ. Who are you?

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Enmities Opposite

Newton's Third Law, forces come in pairs

Enmity is defined as: a feeling or condition of hostility, hatred, ill will, animosity, antagonism. Enmity is the antonym of love. I made a pledge not long ago to become a Master of Love. Here are the questions I am learning to ask myself when faced with circumstances that might draw me down the opposite path toward enmity: What would love say and what would love do? Since establishing my quest, my mission, I have come up against such bizarre and unexpected circumstances that I have alternated between being shell shocked and nodding my head in understanding with a yes, yes, of course I am being thwarted and challenged. Newton's Third Law and I are getting well acquainted "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." Apparently, forces come in pairs and we need to remember this whenever change is afoot dear reader! Back to opposites now...

The devils duty is to destroy

Enmity wants to damn me and love wants the opposite. This is not surprising since Gods command is to love and the devils duty is to destroy. God says love me and love one another and the devil says, can you believe what just happened? You must be so mad right now, mad enough to strike back and do some damage to them because after all, they hurt you first didn't they? While hate is the opposite of love, the devil is not the opposite of God. One enjoys ill will amongst men and the other loves so much that He instructs us in Matthew 5:44 "But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." God acknowledges that there is and will be strife amongst us and He has unique and wonderful recommendations for how to handle circumstances and situations Romans 12:18 "If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all." There is this wonderful promise for those who heed Gods guiding advice Matthew 5:9 "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."

Digging deep into loves requires much

It is so easy, too easy dear reader, to take much and many things personally. It is simple to become hostile and indignant, giving ourselves permission to retaliate. It requires far more from us to dig deep into love, even when it isn't fair, even when it seems undeserved, even when we would rather... you finish the sentence.

Love is a choice and so is enmity, both have power in them

Love is a choice and so is enmity. Love has within it the supernatural power of God Almighty. Enmity has power too, to destroy relationship and ruin lives. We all get lots of choices to Power Up everyday. Choose Love dear reader:
let it win this day. 

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Free Falling

Saying you are going to do something and actually doing it are two different things. I can say I want a cup of coffee and look at my mug waiting for it to fill up or I can get up and make myself some brew. Saying is empty, doing holds promise. A lot of people live a miserable life and complain about it, wanting something different. This can go on for a very long time, perhaps even a lifetime. The trap is believing that what you know is somehow better than what you don't. This is a fear based unreality. The truth is that without exploring, no discovery is possible. A friend advised me recently to "embrace the unknown". I liked the idea but had no clue that his words were prophetic-the unknown was waiting at my doorstep. I liked the possibility of life unfolding, being an adventurer with untold twists and turns that would grow me, challenge me and ultimately strengthen the me I am becoming. In theory, this esoteric approach seems exciting but lets face it Dear Reader, there is a part of us that has a hard time letting go of the security of knowing what is next so that we can plan ahead and protect ourselves. Embracing the unknown feels like a free fall without a bungie cord. A free fall is exhilarating. A free fall can also feel like death is imminent.

I am free, free falling...this is my current state of being. I just don't know what will come next. What was is no more and while I could be terrified, choose to worry and fret, these are not of me. They do not belong to me and I do not accept them as my own. Fear is not in my DNA and I don't think it ever has been. In fact, I believe that I am now being set free from the facade of fear and all the lies it tells. Security does not come from things, it comes from faith, believing that there is more to life than what meets the eye. The adventurer in me wants to see what is going to happen next and where I might find more free falling opportunities. As the saying goes, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained". How exciting Dear Reader-imagine the possibilities? What about you? How is your life shaping up? Is your yesterday a repeat of every day of the last year? Are you in a rut of rote routine, devoid of elemental excitement and emotional engagement? In other words, is your life risk AND reward free? What would a free fall look and feel like for you? What will it take for you to want and go get more for yourself, today? The free fall is scary and exciting all at once. All of life's great heroes bravely faced and embraced the unknown. Is it time for you to too Dear Reader? You get to decide, it is your life. 

Friday, April 21, 2017


During a phone chat with a close friend, I had to chuckle, because while she was relating a recent experience, she suddenly blurted, Blah blah blah. 

She caught herself rambling and decided to stop. This entertained me immensely. Later in the conversation, I asked her something along the lines of: If you cut out the crap, then what? We both liked this one. 

Are you guilty dear reader, of wasting your own time, or someone else's, on details? I will admit, I have killed a bit of time on nonsense...

Grizzle filler
I like hamburgers, especially the homemade kind. Every once in a while, when I bite into a meat patty, my teeth chomp down on bone, or a tiny ball of chewy fat. This bone and grizzle filler, detracts from the enjoyment of the hamburger eating experience. When I think about it, I start to wonder what else might be in there, that I wouldn't like to swallow?

I will tell you here and now, I always finish the hamburger, despite a slight feeling of disappointment from the unpalatable filler: a little distraction won't keep me from staying with the eating plan. 

The same goes
The same goes for when I am in a conversation, and my companion has the floor. I don't mind a little filler, I can stomach it, but man alive, I have had some one sided conversations that seemed to last an eternity, and no matter how I tried to redirect the other person, they were oblivious to my despair, at finding myself trapped, and looking for a way out. Getting to the meat of the matter was near impossible, and all I got was cauliflower ears!

For both of us
At this point in our conversation dear reader, I am the talker, and it is my responsibility to make it worth your time in the listening, or the reading, as it were. If while with me, you are nodding off, or you start wondering what you can scrounge up for lunch, chances are good that there is a whole lot of filler coming at you from yours truly. That, would be terrible, for both of us, and so...

As the listener, or reader, it is just as much your responsibility, as it is mine, to limit the amount of filler permitted in our sharing; if this exchange is not mutually beneficial, then what, exactly, is the point?

Small talk is cheap
While we stay in the conversation, the opportunity for a truly meaty exchange with a satisfied feeling, may be lost for both parties, if we are not conscientious toward one another, as talker and listener: a partnership is possible, and learning how to engage is valuable. 

Above, I said I liked home cooked hamburgers... choosing the right ingredients makes or breaks it for our taste buds: choosing how to interact in relationship is very much the same. 

What do you say, filler or no filler? Small talk is cheap, nasty, and hard to digest. 

Let's get to the good stuff faster, shall we? 

Thursday, April 20, 2017


We are warned. "This will be a challenge. You will feel uncomfortable. You might want to come out of the posture but I encourage you to stay in it. It may be emotionally, physically or mentally difficult to remain in the posture, stay anyways." The instructor had it right. I was uncomfortable during each of the timed postures. The discomfort grew the longer the position was held and my mind, it asked, how much longer? Why, why is this so taxing? Next I would move on to rationalizing telling myself this won't last forever and the class is only 75 minutes. In my distraction tactics I finally landed on this, that maybe I could figure out why I am here and what is so important about staying, despite the urge to unwind the body, stretch it and perhaps, bolt for the door.

Why stay when it is uncomfortable? What is the reason to hold when mentally the challenge appears to be fruitless and an exercise in futility in the moment? Emotionally it is more difficult to stay when it hurts and when it hurts it feels like utter aloneness, doesn't it Dear Reader? Suffering is such an individual experience. I can long for you, tell you I see your pain but I cannot take it from you or bare it for you, it is all your own. No one wants to feel pain. Pain is the bodies way of saying I am in jeopardy, there is a threat, get me out of here to safety. Emotional pain is such a strange experience, wouldn't you agree? When my heart is aching from sadness, it is a surreal way of being. This is where holding the position counts the most, staying in the pain to understand it. The postures that we find ourselves in are ours by design. We are there for a reason, a time, and perhaps it feels like an eternity without end. It hurts, feels uncomfortable and pulling out of the position appeals and yet, it is in the moment of torturous waiting that we get to ask ourselves why am I here and what is so important about staying? Pain is temporary, thoughts come and go, emotions don't always make sense but holding, staying courageously, bravely when running away would be so much easier, that is essence. That is mastery of circumstance and situation. That, my Dear Reader, is Love. 

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Pendulum Swing

I am reading the most fascinating book entitled Pendulum. I will give you one of the brilliant take-aways that I have gleaned from this research based study of humanity. 

Let us start with a statement that we can all agree upon: too much of a good thing becomes a bad thing 
  • A little bit of sun brightens cheeks, too much sun scorches and blisters the skin 
  • A little bit of food satisfies the appetite, too much food causes indigestion 
  • Lastly, a little bit of beer or wine delights the taste buds, too much beer or get the picture
In the book Pendulum, the phenomena of me to we is investigated, and explained extensively. We travel from one end of a swing to its opposite extreme in a forty year period. Currently, the Western world is in a we swing, moving away from the me. For details and to satisfy your curiosity, you simply must get this book! 

Now, here is the take-away I promised you 
In a me society, too much freedom becomes depravity. In a we society, too much responsibility becomes slavery. Somewhere in the middle of two much, is a healthy just enough of everything. The beauty of this book is the explanation of how we become unbalanced as individuals and as societies. 

We have a tendency, don't we Dear Reader, to go from one extreme to another?
  • Have you ever felt like you are an all or nothing kinda gal or guy? 
  • When you do something, are you all in, no holding back, go to town in your mentality? 
  • What is the price you pay in the form of mental, physical, psychological and spiritual well being? 
  • What about your relationships, how are they holding up? 
The Bible is very clear about our time, and how it is to be spent. A day of rest is mandated, and me writing this seems almost ridiculously archaic, laughable in a society that never hits the stop button on their timer. 

24/7 and 150% have become the norm, and to suggest giving 'it" a rest is almost an insult to those whose personal pendulums have swung to the top end, in one direction or the other, on the me to we continuum. 

Sleepy to the swing
Being subject to societal pressure is a force that can take us unawares to places that we never wanted to go. Along the way, that heavy pendulum becomes a wreaking ball, taking out individuals, families, communities, whole societies that are sleepy to the swing. 

If you are reading this, might I suggest you get out of the way of the pendulous
ball heading in your direction? It takes a bit of time to realize what is happening, and figure out what to do next, when we are awaken to the truth of imbalance. 

You can do it, figure yourself out: don't be subjected to society, live your own reality based on Biblical truth. 

Your identity is valuable: go discover who you are before someone tries to wipe your slate clean. 

Addendum: Clearly, God has been warning us for some time, of what was to come. I can hardly believe that I wrote this, considering the circumstances we find ourselves in:

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust (Psalm 91:1-2)

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Shooting Blanks

Believing in evil

On the heels of the events that are taking place in the world, it is nearly impossible to focus on the good and lovely in life. Senseless killing and violence for the sake of feeling powerful, being able to decide whether or not someone lives or dies, is horrifying. You may or may not believe in evil. I believe.

His work day is long

I believe in the marauding of the evil one and his minions. I believe that he shoots to kill, aiming at hearts, minds, families. He is the destroyer and he means business. His work day is long and while he is short on creativity, he is long on time and energy in, willing to stay awake all night and keep you and I up with him. The thing is, he knows what to do to get at us. He has a divisive plan of divide and conquer. Pretend as you might that this is not so but than, dear reader, I will ask you to explain it, tell me the why of what is happening in the world and I will listen. I look around me and I have to ask the question, when did humans become monsters? When did killing become common place and easy, recordable as though it is something to be proud of? Godlessness is everywhere and as God becomes less in society, the devil is taking centre stage. Will it, can it, get worse? What do you think dear reader, how do you read the situation?

The devil cannot work alone

The devil cannot work alone-he is spirit and requires you and me to do his bidding. He cannot pick up a gun and shoot to kill, he needs someone willing to do this for him. He cannot make families fight, couples divorce-he asks for our willing participation. He keeps us self occupied, silent, distracted from each other and the truth until somehow, suddenly, everything is going to "hell in a hand basket" as the saying goes. We don't take him seriously, or deny his existence and influence and find ourselves in strange situations that we had not anticipated or counted on. Put on the breastplate of righteousness to extinguish the fiery darts from the evil one. The modern day version of this would be put on your bullet proof vest, protect your precious heart from his death wish bullets.

Here is what I know dear reader: the devil shoots blanks, people kill, maim, hurt, molest, malign, manipulate, other people. He just whispers the ideas in our ears. The Bible is clear. We are to put on Gods Armour. You can find it for yourself if you have not yet been equipped. It is locatable for all who are willing to seek and find. G
o find. 

Thursday, April 13, 2017

God Designed, Humanly Executed

Luke 22:45-48 "When he rose from prayer and went back to the disciples, he found them asleep, exhausted from sorrow. 'Why are you sleeping?' he asked them. 'Get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.' While he was still speaking a crowd came up, and the man who was called Judas, one of the Twelve, was leading them. He approached Jesus to kiss him, but Jesus asked him, "Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?" There are some striking moments recorded in this snippet from the Bible. The image of Jesus rising after prayer is dumbfounding. I have been contemplating my prayer life, or lack there of. Here and there I salt and pepper my day with Dear God this and Dear God that. I send Him brief in the mind or under the breath messages, just like I would anyone else I want to keep in touch with via email or text messaging. God is convenient. Jesus rose from of the long was He praying for Dear Reader and what kept Him there for so long? The Bible makes some suggestions but you and I know that we can't know all that He prayed for, it is impossible. Next we have Jesus chastising sleepy disciples. They followed Him but then fell exhausted into slumber. He warned them to "get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation." This alone strikes at the heart of a believer. Prayer keeps us from temptation-it is a protective mechanism. Was Jesus tempted to walk away from His mission? Did He pray to stay, to complete His Fathers will on earth? You bet He did Dear Reader. Why would anyone willingly submit to what Jesus knew was going to happen to Him? How much prayer was required for Him to stay the course? The temptation to ditch the mission must have been immense. He modelled for His disciplines what it takes as a human to live fully into Gods plan. Next we have the infamous kiss of betrayal by one of the twelve. Jesus asked the question "Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?" This image is heartbreaking. A kiss is intimate, sweet, shared affection. The heart rending fact is that we humans can be and often times are, duplicitous. Can one of our temptations be to say we love and to act in hate? To offer a kiss and than stab and wound the heart? While on earth Jesus was man with heavenly understanding. He knew Power. He modelled Strength and He taught the how to part of accessing the rich blessings we inherited by knowing and loving Him. He had to be man, subject to Gods laws and trusting in His Father in everyday life so that we too, could follow in His ways. The same Power that rose Jesus from the grave lives in us. Our walk on earth can resemble His in power, strength and might. I want to be just like Jesus. What about you Dear Reader? Who do you want to be like? Good Friday is less than a day away...let us pray so that we do not fall into temptation. 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Making Cents

Entitled to deferential treatment
How much is a human and their dignity worth? Maybe it depends on the human? Some people are clearly worth far more than others, wouldn't you say? If I have lots of money, and it is obvious, then deferential treatment is an entitlement for me; meaning I get the automatic respect that I have earned in society. 

If only everyone could see each others bank accounts. This is a great idea, because we could order people accordingly. Hierarchy is a wonderful system that can become an official way for society to function more efficiently.

For goodness sakes
The cost of betrayal
Hierarchy: is defined as a system in which members of an organization or society are ranked according to relative status or authority. 

With this system in place, everyone will know their place, and confusion will disappear. The lessors would give the mores, their rightful financially earned due, without argument about silly human rights. Rights are for the privileged for goodness sakes! When did this get discombobulated in our thinking? 

Let's face it people, the more you have the more you get! Let's not confuse ourselves with equality. Some people are just more important than others. It all makes cents.

Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went unto the chief priests, and said unto them, What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you?And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver (Matthew 26:14-16)

Judas is an infamous mercenary, an archetype. Mercenary is defined as: primarily concerned with making money at the expense of ethics; a person primarily motivated by personal gain. 

Judas went into the dark with his pitiful desires for gain. He willingly sold his soul to the devil, along with other human accomplices. This is the only way it can work dear reader. We must willingly sell one another out in order to give the devil free range and influence.

Money means nothing to God
Money means nothing to God. What we do with it matters though, it speaks to our hearts. We betray ourselves when we put money before humans;

Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief and elders, saying, I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood. And they said, What is that to us? see thou to that. And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself (Matthew 27:3-5)

Extravagant love of God
Jesus was crucified, not because of the money. He was crucified to pay the price for mercenaries, sinners, people like you and me. Money means nothing to God. Jesus rose from the grave and conquered death-no amount of money can pay for the extravagant love of God:

And God hath both raised up the Lord, and will also raise up us by his power (1 Corinthians 6:14)

Believe in Him dear reader. Believe in Gods power and might, and let the devil have what belongs to him.

January 3rd, 2022
Addendum: Mercenaries about and what is happening globally is reminiscent of the selling out of Jesus, through His saints. As I type, a faith filled pastor, is pending trial, after yet another arrest and short jail stint. His crime? Preaching the Word of God, when illegally ordered not to:

And they called them, and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus (Acts 4:18)

But Peter and John answered and said unto them, Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard (Acts 4:19-20)

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Save Me

While settling into my seat and fastening the belt, I hear the familiar instructions spoken by the flight attendant. In case of emergency, an oxygen mask will drop from the ceiling. Place your mask over your mouth first, before helping anyone else with theirs. The message is clear. I can't help another person if I am sucking wind and about to die. I can not help you if I am flopping about on the airplane floor like a soon to be dead fish out of water, or oxygen in this case. Flipping this around, you cannot help me either, if you don't take care of your immediate needs first. Luke 6:42 How can you say to your brother, "Brother let me take the speck out of your eye," when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye." I am laughing a little sarcastically at the thought of what you see is what you get. The humbling moments that come when criticism exposes the very nature of character flaws in the speaker. Projection is defined as: the presentation of an image on a surface, especially a cinema screen; a mental image viewed a certain way. Emotion and sentiments unexpressed will not only surface, they will search and find similarities, ways for outlet. When I don't allow my feelings, they have no other choice than to find a host, somewhere to point and say, there, over yonder, THAT is what I am NOT talking about. Ok, you want a for instance? Here is a physical for instance. An overweight person watches what others put on their plates at a party and whispers to the person next to them, "no wonder Sally struggles with her weight, look at the size of that piece of cake. I'm pretty sure I saw her eat a brownie too!". Want another? Oh my, must I go there? To the deep dark spaces that we all travel when you, when I, would rather look outside of ourselves for flaws than work on what is ever present in ourselves? I will refrain from another example-I am confident you can think of one all on your own.

If projection is your operating system, your safety first defence mechanism, how is this working for you? Do you feel better after the finger pointing, accusations and blame distribution? You, Dear Reader, must comes first. You must do the work of the at first dark deep soulful swimming. The allowing of all the emotions that bubble and surge beneath. It is in this self discovery and permission to feel, even if it gets ugly and messy, that you can be free to breath clean untainted oxygen. Fix your eyes on you. Fix you first. Love you to the point of being so wholesome and free that when you look at others, you want this for them too. Remove the log from your own eye and allow others to remove the specks from theirs.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

One More Day

To give or not to give? This is the question asked that generates much opinion and debate regarding people who live on the streets and ask for money. A popular opinion is that if given money, the person receiving will spend it on drugs or alcohol. Many have wanted to feed this population and have offered them food instead of giving cash. I heard the most unique perspective recently that made me stop and think, taking my eyes off of the "problem" and placing them back on the human. What I heard was "give them the money so they can go and buy the alcohol, it's what they want. They don't want a sandwich. If it gets them through the day, at least they are still alive and who knows what can happen for them?" "I was a drunk and I had another day." The person I quote serves God and people and the perspective is an eye opener. It is the one more day, getting through one more day with the hope that something life altering will take a person from difficult and heart breaking circumstances to life filled wonderful ones. Jesus did this and still does. While Jesus acknowledges enmeshment, the situations that cause life messiness, He always keeps His eyes on each person before Him. He sees people, not just circumstance. Am I condoning or suggesting that you give money to beggars? No, I am not-what you do with money is up to you. It is the one more day theme that has me mesmerized and I hope it has captured your imagination too. If yesterday felt like the worst day of your life, did you go to bed hoping that today would prove to be much better? When you see someone you love suffering, do you hope for resolution and healing? Are these the words of encouragement you share, "This too shall pass; give it time; tomorrow is another day"? Does the pain of your loved one cause your heart to ache too? Conversely, are they just a write off to you, hopelessly helplessly lost? Those that stand on the traffic medians with little cardboard and black marker signs that ask for compassionate giving...they belong to someone, they have family and friends that miss and long for them. Hearts ache for one more day that may bring about change, another chance, freedom from the ugly fight for dominance over the soul. Who knows what the catalyst might be? A word, a gesture, the eyes of love with a message that they are valued...could this come from you Dear Reader? Could you be Jesus to them for a brief moment in time, long enough to for them to know that they matter? This day is the only one that exists. We are called to make a difference in Christ, in His love. You get to decide what this looks like. 

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


The oddity of sexual advancement at an early age

Daughters, do you know to whom you belong? At an early age, females experience the oddity of sexual advances from males. For many young women, it is a too much too soon jarring experience that causes confusion. I recall being at an older cousins house. We were listening to music. He must have been watching me, waiting for an opportunity. I still remember my shock when I felt his tongue in my ear. I shake my head at the recollection, wondering about him and his inclination to violate my innocence. He always had a "thing" for me, despite our age difference-I could see a gleam in his eyes and after the tongue in ear experience, I made sure I was never again, alone with him. I can share other stories here but alas, we all have our stories, don't we? Perhaps your own experiences are flooding your mind, spilling in from your stored and almost forgotten memory banks?

What we believe about ourselves is vital and impactful

The stories stem from life, encounters with others, welcome and unwelcome. What we believe about ourselves as characters in our own stories is vital and impactful. Who do you believe you are? You have done things that you wish you had not, what does that make you? You have also been subjected to the will of others and for many women, the unspoken secretive truth is that someone sometime somewhere, took sexual advantage, violating the most basic human need for safety and security. When this happens, females in their confusion, can formulate many beliefs about who they have become. Lives are often lived from this jumping off point and young girls can start to believe that they are used and damaged goods. That since they have already "done it" there is no point in saying no. This is one of the greatest lies ever told, that our worth is diminished based on someones misuse of us or our own misguided use of ourselves. The word perdition comes to mind and it is pulled straight from a page written in Satans' history books. The meaning is this: a state of eternal punishment and damnation into which a sinful and unrepentant person passes after death; complete and utter ruin.

You are a daughter of God Almighty

Oh, don't you see? You are a Daughter of God Almighty, not a Daughter of the devil. Women are precious and made in the image of GOD and the devil throws mud and filth upon us so that we cannot see our beauty, our glorious Godly nature. You, we, were created with Gods own hand and no human, no matter how hard they try, can erase who we are in Gods sight. No demon or devil can separate us from Gods love and faithfulness.

You belong to him

Daughter of God, who do you say you are? Isn't it time for you to play a different character in your own story, reclaiming your worth? You, dear heart, belong to him. 


Damp spot
Progress doesn’t always look like we want it to. We have a leaking roof, right over our doorway. The outside is soaked, and has a perpetual damp spot on the shingles, and the bricks abutting the roof top. 

When a roofer was asked about it years ago, he stated that there was nothing wrong. I have looked at that spot periodically, with suspicion. We had significant rain, with driving wind last week. Following the rain, evidence of a leaky roof showed up on the inside, with dark brown, rusty looking blotches appearing on our ceiling. The leakiness progressed, going from damp, to wet, to saturated, and finally to: we had better do something about this now!  

It was bound to happen
Our home has been leaky for some time. Emotions felt, spoken, and contained, have our house springing energy leaks. It was bound to happen. 

The evidence of the leaks are everywhere, and cannot be ignored any longer. This leakage isn't new, or unique to our family, it is common place for many. 

Muted thoughts
The progression for our familial leakage has gone from innuendo, to hurt feelings, to misunderstanding, to muted thoughts and feelings, to distrust and isolation: all effective ways to keep family members apart, despite the love that longs to bind us in unity. Perhaps the progression looks different in your family? 

More of the same
Here is another scenario. There is imposition of will that leads to resentment, and caustic responses, tied closely with guilt, regret, remorse, and withdrawal, followed by obligation, and a build up of distain. 

Soon enough there is grumbling and cursing, complaining outside of the family home, and the should-be-safe-walls. Next the foundation springs a leak. Sound familiar? 

Advanced state
Progression is: movement towards a destination; a number of things in a series and this; the process of developing gradually towards a more advanced state. What is the advanced state in the scenarios depicted above? 

In the case of our roof, it may fall in on us one day, due to its weakened state. In the case of energy leaks, love being leached from our home, it to, may collapse like a house of cards, progressing to the point of being levelled. 

Except for this, dear one. We can see the leaks, we can feel the temperature changes from the inside, and we can do something about all of it! 

His work is guaranteed
There is a Repair Kit available. All you need do, is call the Master Craftsman. He is on twenty-four hour call duty. He never leaves His post, and can be in a home the moment He is thought of and called upon. His work is guaranteed, with a life time warranty, and saints are always satisfied with the end results:

Building here was foolishness
Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: an great was the fall of it (Matthew 7:24-27)  

I hear the words dear reader. I have put in a call to the Master Craftsman, The One that provides perfect restorative repairs. 
  • What about you? 
  • What is leaking in your life? 
  • What needs attention now, to keep the wind and rain out of your home? 
  • Who will you call for repair and ultimate relief? 
God is on the line and He knows just what you need

January 1, 2022
Addendum: A trusted home improvements man came to my house, to investigate the dampness from the roof, just over my doorway. He looked toward the wet bricks, and there, found a crack, the culprit that allowed driving rain into my home. He filled the crevice line, and since then, rain has stayed where it belongs, outside

The energy love leakage I mentioned above, was resolved too, with my former husband leaving the family. While this sounds harsh and perhaps accusatory, it is not meant to... 

I live the scripture I quote above, and the Master Craftsman has provided perfect restorative repairs: my life, my family, my house, is built upon the Rock


Monday, April 3, 2017

Giving up...

Giving up...

Some people feel as though they never have control
What do you have to give up dear reader? The first things that may come to mind are those that are "bad" for us. Give up fries, alcohol, cake, whining? Those are the superficial items in life that add or subtract from who we are, depending on our mindset. You be the judge, give up or keep? I am thinking along different lines here. I am considering giving up a familiar way of being that has kept me safe and warm, a bit of an emotional security blanket. I am giving up... control. I understand some people feel as though they never have control but I am not one of those people, I am quite the opposite! I have some kind of crazy belief that I can control just about anything and everything, or at least, I used to believe this. It is a fading fancy. We all live in some state of delusion at one point or another and whether you feel confident that you have no say or whether you believe you have a supernatural kind of all powerfulness, your perception is quite possibly skewed, and on the messy side of reality.

Till sunset
Conferring of power
As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. When Moses' hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up-one on one side, one on the other-so that his hands remained steady till sunset (Exodus 17:11-12).

Gods power
What do you think? We have Moses standing on top of a hill, hands raised up. He gets so tired that he must sit. He gets so tired that support is required on either side to help him remain steady. What kind of fighting is this? Three men, unarmed and doing battle? What would you be doing in their stead? This is an astounding story of pure faith. There is the symbolism of surrender with hands raised and at the same time, the glorious conferring of power. Moses had not control of the winning and losing in battle. What he did have is God and so long as he reached up to him, the Israelites were promised victory. Gods power was displayed, through Moses' and the faithful among him. For a full account, you can go to Exodus and read this exciting piece of history for yourself.

I give up...
Back to me and giving up. My hands reach to the heavens and I surrender to Gods power, trusting him with my life, my people, my everything. I give him control and claim the victory he has promised me in his word. What about you? Will you raise your hands heavenward, trusting in him?

What will it take for you to give him control in your life? While your hands remain at your sides, know this: you are missing out on one of life's greatest wonders. The power of the Almighty surging through you... how can you possibly resist God? How? Why, would you want to?