Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The Battle of the Spirit

The battle of the spirit is this: wanting to feel love but often feeling rejected. How much of our lives are spent longing, searching, trying to grasp the evasive soul satisfying feeling of being 100% loved, Dear Reader? It starts with a babes first cry of hold me, feed me, love me. I read recently that babies fed the same amount of food gained weight at different speeds, depending on how much physical contact and exercise they were engaged in. The babies that were exercised and held gained more weight than the babies who were just fed, which seems counterintuitive since they were metabolically more active. We are more than just bodies with physical needs. We are more than just cells requiring food for consumption to keep us growing...

"Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said, "If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread." Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." Matthew 4:1-4

Our souls crave things of the Spirit. We want to see love in the eyes of others when their gaze is turned our way. We long for eyes of compassion, of sweet sentiment, of understanding and acceptance. We long to be seen the way God Almighty sees each of us, reflected in the human eyes of those we share time, space and life with. What does love see and how does love look at each of us? The fact that Jesus is man and god is a wonder and a gift. His love is not syrupy sweet or lukewarm like reheated soup, it is truth in the moment and a vision of the future you and me all wrapped up in one glance, one brief look into our eyes. He sees past our daily bread into our beyond and it is there He takes each of us when we live from Gods words, Gods longings for us. If you feel Gods love, see Him looking your way with His tender and penetrating gaze, won't you do the same for each person you lay eyes on today? It is in the giving of love that we feel closest to becoming more like the God part of us. In each of our human frames is built some kind of transport system to the outer reaches of the universe, the spiritual realms of Saints, Angels and our God. Your look of love can be the food someone needs today. It may save their life. Love is ultimate power.

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