Monday, February 20, 2017


To accept something reluctantly but without protest, acquiesce. It means I disagree but I give in without fight. It is a throwing up of the hands, a throwing in of the towel minus the actual effort of doing is the easy way out. There are so many ways to do this, aren't there Dear One? How about each time we say yes to one more of something making it one too many? Acquiescence is a yes sans resistance. It is a quiet approval, despite the voice inside that says this isn't what I really want. Yes and no are powerful words and the fear of using no too often can have us saying yes, yes, yes to our own detriment and ultimately, to the detriment of our relationships. The overused yes can lopside us, make us feel as though we have no say and resentment can built to relationship breaking points. The over giving has bitterness overflow as a consequence and this, this acts as acid, eroding trust and intimacy. Eventually, we get what we want separately from one another giving in without resistance to the wooing of self gratification. How does this acquiescence take over? How does it happen to the best of you and me, to the relationships we hold as sacred? I see it as a subtle insidious sneaking in, one unspoken no at a time. We humans have to navigate this world, share it with one another. The give and take, come and go with each other can feel like life threatening rapids when I am paddling down stream and you are paddling up. The out of sync and time feeling can jar our raft and capsize us, tumbling us out of safety and into rough rock hewn waters. In the rapids, there are choices to be made. Getting back into the safety of the raft is paramount for survival. Using raw, pure strength and power of will gets you and I back into the floatation device and while we gasp for air and confidence that we are physically safe, it becomes clear that something must change in order for us to stay within the safe confines of the raft and make it to our predetermined destination. There cannot be a hap hazardous approach to our paddling. I cannot choose to go in the opposite direction and you cannot work against my efforts if we are to arrive together. We must, by necessity, work in unison. Meeting of the minds and hearts is cosmic glue. It is not a yes or a no, it is the gift of discernment and flow. I must, you must, keep our eyes on the island we hope to anchor ourselves to. Where do you want to go Dear Reader and with whom? What do you need to say here and now to keep acquiescence from stealing your trust in the ones you profess to love? Don't give in without a fight, love requires you to stay all in and never give up. You must never give up. 

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