Thursday, February 23, 2017


How available are you Dear Reader? There are people in your life. Do they float in and out of your consciousness? Are they real to you or just other strange beings infiltrating your space and thinking, interruptions to your day? What and who are you to them? Who are you, who are they? I have been attending yoga classes at a studio dedicated to this practice. Attendees are invited to enjoy the silent tranquility of sessions. I have to tell you, it is the only time in my day that is silent, despite the many people sharing the space. There are noises with the movement of participants and the gently delivered quiet instructions of the instructors and yet, there is the glorious experience of non talking that is allowing me to listen to my own quiet voice. And then, there is God. Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." You see Dear Reader, I have to get over myself first before I can be still and know our God. I get caught up in the fray of doing, accomplishing, being noticed, making a difference in the world and being my own biggest deal. Selfish? Yes, yes, call me this, accuse me of this character flaw. I will tell you now that the price I pay for being self absorbed is people become things that interfere with my space, my thinking. They become interruptions and road blocks to where I believe I want to go. My thinking becomes jagged, my reactions edgy and impatient. I want everyone to go away or perhaps, shut up but mostly, I want me to go away and shut up, be still. How about you Dear One? How, if at all, do you relate to what you are reading? If God commands us to be still in order to know Him, to exalt Him, are you doing this for yourself and for your relationships? This piece is entitled available. How available are you to you? How available are you to God and His quiet instructions? How available are you to others and the love that needs to be shared as you relate to one another? What if we are here to master the art of love Dear One? Master the art of love. This is my quest, won't you join me today?

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