Tuesday, August 16, 2016


What is your motivation? Consider this: "Motivated by love of the Saviour, Christians want to obey Christ", Dr. J. Vernon McGee. What are we to obey, you ask? Jesus is very clear when he tells us what our work is: John 6:29 Jesus answered, "The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent." I must say that this poignantly level statement flattens me out. There are no ifs, ands, buts in the statement, the command for believers. God's work for us is to believe in the one He sent, to believe in the Son. John 14:7 "If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him." I am flattened again, almost dumbstruck with these bold statements. Putting these two sentences and their meanings together, Gods work for us, is to believe in Jesus as God because to know one is to know them both. God the Father, God the Son. I am sitting satisfied at this moment, savouring the striking simplicity and advantage offered when we believe what Jesus says about Gods accessibility and His clarity about our purpose. Lets get personal. I'm not always motivated, in fact, at times I'm a lump of uninspired lays about flesh. This is embarrassing to admit but I must because in the truth telling, I am confessing and in the confessing, I am recognizing that my work is waiting, that it will not get done if I don't do it and that my time, it was bought and paid for long ago with my first profession of faith in Jesus Christ as my Saviour. Consider this: "He that falls into sin is a man; He that grieves at sin is a saint; He that boasts of sin is the devil." As a saint, I grieve my sin because I am accountable to God for the work His has assigned to me. This work, it is to believe and to live the rest of the story, the one that Christ followers know and hold near and dear to their hearts. To live like Christ did, our perfect example. That's the hard part, isn't it, Dear One? Our daily challenge? I have borrowed many a quote today in this piece of writing, here is one more: "Believing leads to behaving." Each day, do you give yourself over to your Master, your Teacher, your God? Do you believe that to know Jesus is to know His Father and ultimately, your Father? How motivated are you to live your life as though it is in the most Powerful Awesome Hands in the world? Look at the life of Jesus, how He lived. How motivated are YOU to be just ...  like ... Him?

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