Friday, August 19, 2016

Listen, Come Here

While talking on the phone with a friend who lives in Ireland, he got my attention by saying in a commanding and endearing way, come here. He wanted to share something with me and he wanted me to listen, to hear what he was excited for me to know. I am relaxing into sharing this with you, Dear Reader. I have a pleasant sense of calm mixed with excitement in the knowing that friendship is one of the greatest gifts of shared intimacy available to each of us, especially when it is treasured. I may or may not know you and yet, there is the feeling of intimacy and sharing each time I write, each time we somehow inexplicably and wonderfully connect. Connection can be magic(al), defined as: a quality of being beautiful and delightful in a way that seems remote from daily life. I am a practical kinda gal, earthy with action as elementary features to my personality and yet, it is the divine, the mysterious that breathes life into my existence, my being. Listen, come here, can be a whisper, a request to follow another and trust that we are going somewhere together. This soft beckoning is irresistible in its pull and all we need do is cup our ear, hear the call and resolutely go. Where are you called Dear One? Can you hear, "listen, come here", spoken from The One to His lovie, to you? You are His, His love for you is a beacon that beckons and nothing and no one can stand between you and Him, unless of course, you choose to ignore the call. In the acknowledging and acceptance of come here, we arrive at a moment, create a memory and quickly on its heels, a reminder. The mysterious, the magical, they are our reminders, our God letting us know that there is more to life than what we can simply touch. Listening for His call to "come here", to be in His presence, is the sweetest most endearing intimacy that we can experience while living our earthy existence. Life is grand, as my friend would say, and we get to feel and know all parts of it when we listen, then hear and ultimately heed the voice when commanded "come here". Can you hear Him Dear Reader, asking you to "come here"? For every step you take toward Him, He will take ten thousand steps toward you. Cup your ear, hear and go.

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