Monday, March 30, 2015

Gino Zinga

Disposition determines direction, and direction determines destination, in other words, attitude is everything. Don't get mad at a fish for swimming...this is a line I have repeated frequently, a little phrase I picked up from a sparky brilliant man of observation. There is a face value meaning to the fish and his unavoidable inclination to swim, he does what comes naturally and choosing to not swim would never cross a fishes mind. Deductive reason would have us all conclude that it is ridiculous to blame a fish or get mad at it, for what it does best. This sweet little metaphor is somewhat transferable to humans, is it not? How many times have you become upset with someone else's behaviour, over and over and dare I say, over again? Maybe there is one person in particular and no matter what you say or do, the response from them remains the same? Observe for yourself, who can change YOU? Who would have enough insight, power, influence and trust in YOUR life to change who YOU are? How willing are you to be course corrected, taught a thing or two, set straight or "right"? Resentment starts with disposition, one must be predisposed to being resentful in order to engage in this sentiment. I shake my head as I contemplate this thought, that no matter what I do, I cannot change you, nor do I want to. Me, on the other hand, I'm in charge of this cat, and I'm predisposed to learning, growing, seeking wisdom and knowledge wherever and whenever it presents itself. We are not fish, we are human beings, designed for greatness and with greatness as the destination, I/you, must be aware of direction and the disposition that will serve well to reach this attainable goal. I quote from my philosophical and emotionally intelligent friend "It is not my mission to change her mind". The clarity in this statement made me laugh and super excited to write, because at the heart of the matter, my friend knows what his mission is and his direction is not determined by someone else, increasing his likelihood of arriving at his predetermined destination, with few if any bunny trail travels along the way. With a grin, I tip my head with a wink and nod in your direction Gino Zinga, it is always a pleasure learning and laughing with you and from you. 

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