Sunday, March 15, 2015


God, money in action. Generosity is a heart thing and it is the heart of the giver, not always the receiver, that is significantly impacted in the giving. Giving from the heart, this is the call, the request that God makes of us, His people. There is a reciprocity that happens in the giving when I know, when you know, that you are fortunate, blessed. It is out of appreciation that I too, want to give, that overwhelming feeling that somehow, someway, someone noticed me, noticed you, and wanted us to feel precious, seen, heard and the desire washes over me, over you, to share the thought, word, deed. God is the First Giver, and with eyes wide open, I receive so that I can be filled up to overflowing and than I too can give, having Generosity modelled so magnificently for me. To he who has been given much, much is expected. I want for nothing and for everything at the exact same time. I am a trusted steward with the confidence of faith and Gods whisper in my ear that the much I receive He knows will be used well, for His purposes as it passes through my hands. I give not to get, I give because I have been given much. Thank You Jon Korkidakis, for the powerful God and Money, Generosity message this morning at Village Green Community of the most generous houses of God in the city. Let us be Gods hands and feet, money in action as we Love God, Love Others and Change the World. 

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