Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Separating the body from the soul, the great divide. I have a heavy hand today, with writing that wants to emerge as a warning to all who may read this. In a recent conversation I was asked what my relationship with my body was like. After answering this question, I was asked, what would your body say your relationship is like? That question holds me captive at this moment because I have been disregarding messages from my body for almost a life time. In the past decade, my sinuses and stopped up ears have been screaming at me HEY, PAY ATTENTION, YOU AREN'T LISTENING TO US...pardon is a part of my regular vocabulary, my ears work perfectly fine and yet, I cannot hear well because food sensitivities have caused congestion and have affected my hearing. Healing can be found in the food we eat and degenerative illness and dying can be found there too. Let's get super clear here, food is no different from our thoughts, what we think can heal or hurt us and what shows up as physical symptoms or illness are manifestations of our inner thought life. Consider anxiety, how is it that anxious fearful thoughts can cause a heart to race or hands to sweat? These are old observations, they did not originate here in this writing. Judge for yourself, how are YOU relating to this fabulous vehicle, this gorgeous you that transports your soul from here to there and back again? The missing element is Love and it always has been. We are carnal, animalistic by nature and it is by great feats of effort that we master this nature and walk toward the Divine, The Great Designer that created us for His purposes. Loving myself because I am loved, that is the only way I can be whole, healthy, of service. Jesus had nothing to prove, no ego to feed, He loved even when He was spat upon, He forgave what humans would consider unforgivable and He modelled Love that transcends all human understanding. If you are craving something, might I suggest that it is your soul making a request? Feed your soul and your body will treat you kindly, let your thoughts be fruitful and wholesome and your eyes will shine the Light of the Fire that burns within. May God be with you and bless you richly this day. 

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