Friday, August 15, 2014


Melting, I'm I type this, I hear the wicked witch of the west from The Wizard of Oz say this in my head as she becomes a clothing and nasty essence puddle of nothingness on the ground.  That's how I feel, as though all the nasty stuff is melting out of me, leaving me, just me, a ball of energy loving the world around me, gathering strength from the rustle of wind blown leaves, looking into the eyes of strangers when they dare to connect and see, just me, just them and all the possibilities that are and can be. I just returned from a retreat, the theme was/is, create from other. In order to do this, there must be wall removal work, a willingness to be intimate and a strong urge to speak truth in service of establishing trust. The trust building is gradual, experiential and very physical. How close can I get to another human being without scaring myself and them, with the soul purpose (not a misspelling here) the soul purpose of them knowing me, me knowing them, no barriers, an us feeling that is astounding and glorious all at once. Yes, I speak of other worldly things and why not?  There will always be bills to pay, money to make, illness and disaster...reality stays and keeps us anchored to the earth no matter how hard we try to fly.  The soul, it has it's own flight pattern, it cares not of earthly things, it longs to belong, be seen, felt, met, acknowledged and cuddled in close. Lonely does not have to exist when all we need to do is invite another in and and AND accept when we are the invited.  

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